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Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: boffo on October 20, 2010, 04:54:09 pm

Title: GA-X58A-UD3R rev2: stuck waking from hibernation; KB not recognized
Post by: boffo on October 20, 2010, 04:54:09 pm
Hi --

Mine seems to be a two-part problem, a hardware problem (not diagnosed) leading to a Windows problem.  My difficulty is that the second part of this has me stuck at the moment and I'd like some advice on how to get out of it in order to diagnose the hardware problem (and in the meantime, get some use out of my PC even if it's a little crippled).  I posted to two different Microsoft forums (the moderator at the first suggested a second forum), but no one has responded.  Even if some of this is an OS issue, I wonder if I might have more luck here...

Basics pertinent to my situation (let me know if you need more specs):
GA-X58A-UD3R rev2, BIOS FA
OCZ Gold 1600 6GB
Logitech G15 keyboard (rev1)
Win7 x64 Home Premium

It looks like a problem with my RAM has stuck me in a problem I can't get out of.  I have Windows wake from hibernation every night to run scheduled tasks overnight, after which it shuts down.  Last time, apparently on attempting to wake, there was a problem with my RAM such that only 2 of 6GB were recognized by the system.  As a result, Windows was stuck while trying to resume from hibernation (it couldn't fit 6GB of information into a 2GB space, not surprisingly) and when I found my PC the next morning Windows asked whether I wanted to restart the system and lose the unsaved data from hibernation.  (I also can tell that this is likely when it happened because the first scheduled task is to run a backup on my Windows Home Server, and that never happened.)

Fine so far.  I would have been happy to restart fresh and lose the data in memory, but here's where the next problem arose.  Windows does not recognize my keyboard, and so does not allow me to press Enter in order to restart.  I have tried multiple USB ports, including one I could verify had juice (it was recharging my Droid at the time), but none worked.  Oddly, when I rebooted I could get into BIOS and used the keyboard just fine there.  It was only when POST was finished and Windows tried to restart that the keyboard no longer worked.  So, the problem does not appear to be with the keyboard or the MB's USB ports.  Just to make sure, I tested another USB keyboard, basic Dell model, with the same result -- fine in BIOS, no good when Windows is starting.  (I couldn't locate a PS2 keyboard to see if that would make a difference.)

One more bit of information about the RAM issue.  After my most recent attempts to restart while testing keyboards, POST indicated that the remaining 2GB of memory it recognized was running at the "wrong" speed, and downgraded it to 1066.  I have not gone back into BIOS to change the memory settings yet.

So, I'm stuck.  I'd like to abandon the wake from hibernation and start Windows fresh, but it won't let me until I press Enter confirming that's what I want to do.  And even though my motherboard recognizes my keyboard, Windows doesn't.  If necessary I can just do a full restore of my system using the image from my Windows Home Server, but I'd rather not go through all those steps just yet.  And I assume I'll still have to do additional tests regarding the RAM issue after I get Windows to start properly.

And that leads me here.  First, does it make sense simply to try to do a restore from WHS under these circumstances?  Do you have a way around Windows' stubbornness?  Second, what do these symptoms sound like to you regarding the RAM?  What should my next steps be on the hardware side?  By the way, I only have enough technical knowledge to be dangerous, so answers that walk me through steps to take would be much appreciated.

Thanks very much!
Title: Re: GA-X58A-UD3R rev2: stuck waking from hibernation; KB not recognized
Post by: Dark Mantis on October 20, 2010, 06:00:32 pm
Well OS wise it sounds like something has got corrupted, possibly even through faulty memory. Can you download and run Memtest86+ for the X58 chipset test all the mmeory together first and leave it for at least ten loops. If it fails at any point you will have torun the modules singularly the same way.
Title: Re: GA-X58A-UD3R rev2: stuck waking from hibernation; KB not recognized
Post by: boffo on October 20, 2010, 06:08:53 pm
Thanks for the reply.  I knew I could count on you guys more than the folks over in the Microsoft forums.  I take it you recommend running Memtest before trying to restore my disk image from WHS?
Title: Re: GA-X58A-UD3R rev2: stuck waking from hibernation; KB not recognized
Post by: Dark Mantis on October 20, 2010, 06:12:57 pm
Yes definitely. Otherwise if you do have a memory problem it could just happen again after you have fixed it. Hopefully we will find the cause of the problem. ;)
Title: Re: GA-X58A-UD3R rev2: stuck waking from hibernation; KB not recognized
Post by: boffo on October 21, 2010, 02:24:22 am
Here is what has happened.  I ran Memtest and found no errors.  The problem, however, is that it only sees one of the three sticks of memory, apparently, and as far as I can tell only the 2GB from the first memory slot were tested.  Same with POST -- only 2GB of the 6GB installed are identified.  (I neglected to say above that my RAM is 3x2GB, but you probably figured that out.)

I saw on the OCZ forums first that 1600 is not officially supported memory for this MB (doh!), but they have recommended settings to make it work.  My BIOS was already turned to those settings, and in fact my PC had been completely stable without a hint of trouble for about 3mos with this memory and those settings.  Their forums also recommended installing the latest BIOS (FB).  I do not have a floppy drive available and so tried to install off the USB stick, but QFlash does not see the USB stick.  The drive is FAT32, the files are in the root directory (in fact, the only files on the drive), and the drive works just fine on another PC.  I don't know if this is related to Windows not recognizing my USB keyboard once it tries to wake from hibernation.

So my remaining questions:
- Is there anything in BIOS or Windows (when I get there) to "find" all 6GB of my RAM?
- Does this sound like RMA time for the RAM?
- Do you think an update BIOS would make a difference in my case?
- How do I update the BIOS, given that QFlash doesn't see my USB stick?

Thanks again for your help!
Title: Re: GA-X58A-UD3R rev2: stuck waking from hibernation; KB not recognized
Post by: boffo on October 21, 2010, 02:51:55 am
And another brief update: I changed the BIOS setting for USB Keyboard to enable legacy, which apparently was enough for Windows to recognize my KB and I could reboot.  Everything is completely stable, as it was before this incident, except that still only 2 of 6GB installed are recognized.  So, now we really are down to the RAM problem (and the question of updating the BIOS).
Title: Re: GA-X58A-UD3R rev2: stuck waking from hibernation; KB not recognized
Post by: Dark Mantis on October 21, 2010, 07:32:56 am
And another brief update: I changed the BIOS setting for USB Keyboard to enable legacy, which apparently was enough for Windows to recognize my KB and I could reboot.  Everything is completely stable, as it was before this incident, except that still only 2 of 6GB installed are recognized.  So, now we really are down to the RAM problem (and the question of updating the BIOS).

I considered the enable legacy USB option but discounted it because it should work the other way round. It is supposed to give you USB support in the DOS environment for before Windows loads. ???
Anyway as long as it is working that is one problem less to worry about.

It might just be a case of settings that your USB pendrive isn't being seen also. You must insert the drive into the USB port(direct motherboard port) and then enter the BIOS and make sure that you have USB Legacy Storage devices enabled also(maybe similar to this). Also there should be an option to choose your boot device so choose USB HDD as that. Make sure you have disabled the floppy drive already.

One more thing , when you enter the QFlash home screen there is the option to keep DMI data disable it. If you still have any problem post back.
Title: Re: GA-X58A-UD3R rev2: Only 2 of 6GB RAM recognized
Post by: boffo on October 21, 2010, 05:23:29 pm
Clearly the original title of this thread is obsolete...

Still no joy trying to update the BIOS.  I tried a second thumb drive, which has always been reliable and is also FAT32, but still Qflash doesn't see the drive at all.  It lists only a floppy (non-existent) and HDD as options, and does not see the files in either place.  I did check the settings you mentioned, including disabling "Keep DMI data".  In case there might be something amiss with the USB port I was trying (doubtful), I switched ports for it with the KB and started Qflash again, but still it could not be found.

Another wrinkle to the RAM problem.  Still only 2GB seen in BIOS, Memtest and Windows.  However, I saw something different when I used CPU-Z (v1.55)  to do a quick system diagnostic.  This time it saw 4GB, and correctly read the timings and voltages for both sticks; the third is invisible even to CPU-Z.  Does this information help us diagnose the RAM side?

Anything else you recommend I try in order to update the BIOS, which OCZ recommends I do (short of installing a floppy drive, if I can help it)?  I take it from other posts that you actively discourage using @BIOS.

Thanks once again for all your help.
Title: Re: GA-X58A-UD3R rev2: stuck waking from hibernation; KB not recognized
Post by: Dark Mantis on October 21, 2010, 05:45:38 pm
You say in QFlash that it gives you the option of floppy drive or HDD. Well it shouldn't even find a floppy if you have disabled it as I suggested in the BIOS. It is in the Standard CMOS Features of the BIOS and should show Drive: A and it should say none The SB drive might welll show up as a HDD, that is quite normal.

Have you got three files on the USB drive?

Another thing is that the USB drive must be inserted before booting to be seen.
Title: Re: GA-X58A-UD3R rev2: stuck waking from hibernation; KB not recognized
Post by: boffo on October 21, 2010, 06:38:01 pm
Ah, right you are, I did skip that step.  The good news: making this change, I was able to update the BIOS to FB and then re-set the memory timings and voltages per OCZ's instructions for this MB.

The bad news: BIOS and Windows still see only 2 of 6GB of RAM.  So I'm still back to the root problem that started all this.  One thing I noticed in setting the timings was that the BIOS had values for module "B", but the entries for "A" and "C" were empty ("--").  As before, when I run CPU-Z it correctly sees modules in slots 1 and 2 but does not see the one in slot 3.  I have not re-run Memtest yet, but based on what I've seen I doubt it will tell me anything different (see on only RAM stick, and find no errors on it).

So, what would you recommend as next steps to deal with the RAM problem?  Thanks.
Title: Re: GA-X58A-UD3R rev2: stuck waking from hibernation; KB not recognized
Post by: Dark Mantis on October 21, 2010, 07:47:51 pm
Well based on past experience I think we should check for bent pins on the CPU socket.

Very carefully remove the heatsink and fan. Probably a slight twisting motion is best to release the two as the thermal paste can act like a glue.

Once off remove the CPU taking extreme care both pysically and electrically(static) and place somewhere safe.

Make sure that the lighting is very good and even. Now scrutinise the socket for any pins that are out of alignment, even slightly. If in any doubt whatsoever take a couple of macro (close up) photos of the socket and post them on here for us to check.

Also look at the bottom of the CPU at the lands (little copper circles) and make sure that there is a mark in each somewhere near the centre.

If there are any missing marks or any of the pins are obviously bent then that is your problem.
Title: Re: GA-X58A-UD3R rev2: stuck waking from hibernation; KB not recognized
Post by: boffo on October 21, 2010, 08:13:19 pm
Ah, I was afraid of that. I've seen you give this answer to other posters.   I won't be able to get to a task of this kind for a little while.  One question for you, though: Would something like that manifest itself only after 3mos, with no hint of trouble before?  The others I've noticed in the forum talking about this kind of problem where bent pins are the cause were mostly talking about fresh builds.
Title: Re: GA-X58A-UD3R rev2: stuck waking from hibernation; KB not recognized
Post by: Dark Mantis on October 21, 2010, 08:33:11 pm
Possibly. Obviously it is more likely to be noticed more or less straight away but I suppose it depends on which pins are bent. There 1366 after all. I have only really come across two main causes for this type of problem and one is bent pins the other is a bad BIOS usually after an update.