Official GIGABYTE Forum

Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: garethlean on October 26, 2010, 09:44:59 pm

Title: X58A-UD3R booting problem?
Post by: garethlean on October 26, 2010, 09:44:59 pm
Hello guys don't know if i have a problem with my new PC or not yet!!  :-\

Basicaly when i press the power button to switch on all the case fans fire up for a second, all switch off for a second and then boots up to windows.

Does this every time i swich on.(sometimes does it twice)  If i restart from windows it restarts fine.

If i let it go to sleep moving the mouse does not wake it, i have to hold power button to power down and restart (reset does not work and it does it's on off thing) then resumes windows.

Reset the cmos and battery removed, all power conections checked

little strange  ???  just wanted to know what you all thought before i arrange return to Aria to get it looked at.

Thanks for any input you may have for me  8)

Gareth Lean

I7 950
6gb1600mhz OCZ gold ram
solid state boot drive and 1tb data drive
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R booting problem?
Post by: Dark Mantis on October 26, 2010, 09:52:59 pm
Hi Gareth and welcome to the Gigabyte Forum.
Firstly can you list all your hardware please?
Next try booting with one stick of memory in the primary slot. Does the same thing happen?
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R booting problem?
Post by: Gary123 on October 26, 2010, 10:04:12 pm
Hi Gareth. It's normal for all the fans to run (and a lot of LEDs to light) for a couple of seconds when you do a cold boot.

What are your BIOS and Windows settings for the on/off behavior of the mouse and the power button?
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R booting problem?
Post by: garethlean on October 26, 2010, 10:05:52 pm
Thanks for the speed reply, below is the list of components

i shall just resart now and see what happens!

Coolermaster CM 690 II Pure
OCZ 700W ModXStream Pro Power
4  x 140mm Yate Loon D14SL-12 1000R
Intel Core i7 950 3.06Ghz
Gigabyte GA-X58A-UD3R Intel X5
Zalman CNPS10X-Quiet CPU Cooler
OCZ 6GB PC3-12800 Gold Low-Vol
Crucial RealSSD C300 64GB 2.5"
Western Digital Caviar Black 1tb
EVGA GeForce GTX 460 1024MB
Sony AD-5260S-0B 24x Internal
Win Home Premium E 7 English R
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R booting problem?
Post by: garethlean on October 26, 2010, 10:10:14 pm
Hi Gareth. It's normal for all the fans to run (and a lot of LEDs to light) for a couple of seconds when you do a cold boot.

What are your BIOS and Windows settings for the on/off behavior of the mouse and the power button?

Thanks Gary,

I think everything is set to standard although i have set it to never sleep now

was just the random on-off cycle which had me concerned
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R booting problem?
Post by: Dark Mantis on October 26, 2010, 10:11:47 pm
Right well I expect you have the C300 SSD installed on the Marvell 9128 SATA3 controller port. If so you need to move it to the first Intel ICH10R Southbridge controlled port. This will in fact probably give you more speed as the Marvell ports are a bit of a let down. The only thing is this might necessitate re-installing Windows.
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R booting problem?
Post by: garethlean on October 26, 2010, 10:16:56 pm
Right well I expect you have the C300 SSD installed on the Marvell 9128 SATA3 controller port. If so you need to move it to the first Intel ICH10R Southbridge controlled port. This will in fact probably give you more speed as the Marvell ports are a bit of a let down. The only thing is this might necessitate re-installing Windows.

I would expect both drives to be connected to the SATA 6 ports as they are both sata 6??

Aria made it up for me so i'm still learning what they have done!
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R booting problem?
Post by: Dark Mantis on October 26, 2010, 10:21:23 pm
It is not recommended to run a SSD offf the Mavell ports for several reasons one of which is that it doesn't pass on  the TRIM commands essential to the health of your SSD. These ports will run your magnetic disk ok but don't expect anything like the supposed 6GBs from them. They are in actuallity slower than the Intel Southbridge SATA2 ports.

NB Gigabyte uses it's own notation for SATA speeds and the Industry Standard of SATA 6 is the same as SATA3 6GBs on Gigabyte boards.
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R booting problem?
Post by: garethlean on October 26, 2010, 10:52:11 pm
Well i swapped the SATA conectors over and powering on appears fine for now.....

Both sleep and hibernate wake ups work intermittently.

Perhaps it will settle itself down!

thank you so much for you input
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R booting problem?
Post by: Dark Mantis on October 26, 2010, 10:55:38 pm
You are more than welcome Gareth and come back anytime  ;)
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R booting problem?
Post by: garethlean on October 27, 2010, 08:54:20 am
Well looks like my problems aren't over just yet,......

On switch on this morning it did it's wee on-off thing and booted up.
It went to sleep and wouldn't wake up, so had to hold power button to reset, then it wouldn't allow me to use keyboard to choose to restore windows or start afresh. Tried a reset of the bios, wouldn't go. Went into bios to enable the USB keyboard and got it to boot.

I'm thinking that I should just return it to aria for them to fix.

In your guys view does it sound like a main board fault or some sort of incompatibility?

Title: Re: X58A-UD3R booting problem?
Post by: Dark Mantis on October 27, 2010, 09:16:54 am
In all honesty it is very hard to say at this point but I would go for incompatiblity or settings problem as being the most likely. The thing is it could take quite a while of trying different configurations etc to pin it down so if you can take it back and let them have the headache I think that would be favourite from your point of view. After all you paid them for a working machine not one with problems. ::)
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R booting problem?
Post by: jdvoracek on October 28, 2010, 11:53:38 pm
In your guys view does it sound like a main board fault or some sort of incompatibility?

I built an i7-930 box with this mobo not realizing it was pushing the edge of technology.  What I have learned is that leading edge is touchy.  This may not apply to you, but I noticed you cleared CMOS, so if you are running your memory at 1600, are you doing it yourself or with the XMP memory feature?  What I found (among a lot of other things) was a sleep/resume problem with Mushkin Redline memory if I manually set BIOS to run the memory at 1600.  However, when setting it at 1600 using XMP, all was well.  The issue, so far as I can tell, is that when you overclock memory, the qpi/vtt voltage is just as important, maybe more so, than the DRAM voltage.  I was not increasing qpi/vtt when I manually clocked the memory to 1600, but the XMP profile did.  That was the only setting difference between my system resuming successfully from sleep and not resuming.  Just an observation.
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R booting problem?
Post by: Dark Mantis on October 29, 2010, 08:08:37 am
And a very interesting one jdvoracek. I must say I hadn't noticed that detail.
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R booting problem?
Post by: lowercase on November 04, 2010, 06:23:59 am

I have exactly the same problem with the FB BIOS.
It doesn't return from sleep and sometimes has these booting loops.

GA-X58A-UD3R rev 2.0
Intel Core i7 950
3x4GB Mushkin Silverline 1333 CL9 (but the bios set it automatically to 1067 CL7)
240GB OCZ Vertex 2 SSD (ICH10R SATA2_0)
4x2TB Seagate HDD (ICH10R SATA2_1 to SATA2_5)
Sapphire HD 5970 Graphics Card
Coolermaster HX1000W Power Supply
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R booting problem?
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 04, 2010, 09:36:05 am
Hi and welcome to the Gigabyte Forum.

There are obviously certain things to check like all the power connections etc.
Assuming that they check out ok then I would say make sure that the RAM is seated well in the correct slots and that the BIOS and OS are reporting the correct amount.
After that try entering the timings manually for the memory.
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R booting problem?
Post by: Lsdmeasap on November 04, 2010, 01:04:35 pm
To resume from sleep with via mouse click, it must be a PS/2 mouse, and you must enable this option in the BIOS power page.

For resume to actually work, you need to be using the latest BIOS, and be 100% Tested stable (Using stability programs such as Memtest86+, Prime95, LinX, IBT, OCCT, ect)

Latest BIOS for the X58A-UD3R is as follows:

Rev. 1.0 F7d

Rev. 2.0 FC3

Auto is not going to work for S3 resume, you are going to need to set many things in your BIOS to be 100% Stable, Memory voltage, memory multiplier and uncore multi (2 x ram multi), and your QPI/Vtt, and possible Vcore depending on your CPU speeds.
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R booting problem?
Post by: lowercase on November 04, 2010, 09:34:53 pm
I didn't update to the beta BIOS, because QFlash doesn't like the only USB stick that I have accessible right now.

But I did set the settings you mentioned manually and ran memtest86+ for 2 passes... and behold, S3 resume is working perfectly now!

I'll post back in case I still notice any problems, but the issue seems fixed right now.
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R booting problem?
Post by: lowercase on November 05, 2010, 01:16:26 pm
Hmm, it looks like the problem isn't quite fixed.

My settings are:
Memory multiplier: 10x
Memory voltage: 1.5v
Uncore: 20x
QPI/Vtt: 1.175v

When I try to wake the computer from sleep, all fans start turning for a second. Then it restarts with all memory LEDs on, and stays that way (no display).

All memory tests and stability tests I ran passed, so why is S3 sleep not working?
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R booting problem?
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 05, 2010, 05:06:33 pm
What is your tRFC timing set to(it will be under advanced memory timings.)?
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R booting problem?
Post by: lowercase on November 05, 2010, 05:20:33 pm
What is your tRFC timing set to(it will be under advanced memory timings.)?

It shows these as the current timings:
tCL 9
tRCD 9
tRP 9
tRAS 24
tRRD 4
tWTP 21
tRFC 108
tCMD 1
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R booting problem?
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 05, 2010, 05:37:29 pm
try setting your tRAS to 27 the rest look alright to me but I must admit not to being an expert on these settings. Try upping your uncore to 22 also. If still no joy try increasing the QPI/Vtt voltage to 1.2V
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R booting problem?
Post by: lowercase on November 05, 2010, 06:04:02 pm
try setting your tRAS to 27 the rest look alright to me but I must admit not to being an expert on these settings. Try upping your uncore to 22 also. If still no joy try increasing the QPI/Vtt voltage to 1.2V

With all of those settings I managed to resume from sleep 6 times in a row, but then it failed again.  :'(
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R booting problem?
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 05, 2010, 06:28:46 pm
Try playing around with your QPI/Vtt voltage  a bit. Maybe a little tweak more will be enough. Seems like we are on the right track though.

Your tRFC seems very high so maybe it would be worth trying to drop it to 80 or thereabaouts.
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R booting problem?
Post by: lowercase on November 05, 2010, 09:31:01 pm
Try playing around with your QPI/Vtt voltage  a bit. Maybe a little tweak more will be enough. Seems like we are on the right track though.

Your tRFC seems very high so maybe it would be worth trying to drop it to 80 or thereabaouts.

I upped the QPI/Vtt a bit more and tried lowering the tRFC but it didn't change anything, and it still fails to resume if I let it sleep for anything longer than a couple of seconds.
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R booting problem?
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 05, 2010, 09:35:10 pm
As I said I am no expert on memory settings but you need to speak to Lsdmeasap as he is a wizard with them. I would advise you to PM him to have a look at your thread.
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R booting problem?
Post by: Lsdmeasap on November 07, 2010, 07:19:43 pm
Can you please copy this into notepad, then fill in with your exact BIOS settings and other info, then I'll reply back with changes to try

This is Just a template I use to ask people their settings, pay no attention to the numbers in it, replace with yours

BSOD Error codes and what they mean:
0X00000050 << Incorrect Memory Timing/Freq or Uncore Multi
0X00000124 << Incorrect QPI/Vtt Voltage (To Much/Not Enough)
0X00000101 << Not enough Vcore Voltage
0X00000109 << Not enough or too Much memory voltage

CPU = Model #
Motherboard = Model, Revision #
BIOS Version =
Ram = Brand, Model#, Part#, And or Link

Code: [Select]
[B]Advanced CPU Features:[/B]
CPU Clock Ratio ................................ [20x]
Intel(R) Turbo Boost Tech .................. [Enabled]
CPU Cores Enabled ............................ [All]
CPU Multi Threading .......................... [Enabled]
CPU Enhanced Halt (C1E) ................... [Disabled]
C3/C6/C7 State Support .................... [Disabled]
CPU Thermal Monitor ......................... [Enabled]
CPU EIST Function ............................ [Disabled]
Virtualization Technology ................... [Enabled] << Disabled if you do not use Vmware or Virtual PC Programs
Bi-Directional PROCHOT ..................... [Enabled]

[B]Uncore & QPI Features:[/B]
QPI Link Speed .............................. x36
Uncore Frequency ..........................  (Always 2x memory Multi or 2x +1, 2x +2, ect - Higher means more Vdimm or QPI/Vtt often but can help stability)
Isonchronous Frequency ..................[Enabled]

[B]Standard Clock Control:[/B]
Base Clock (BCLK) Control ................ [Enabled]
BCLK Frequency (MHz) .....................
PCI Express Frequency (MHz) ........... [100]

C.I.A.2 [Disabled]

[B]Advanced Clock Control:[/B]
CPU Clock Drive ..............................[800mV]
PCI Express Clock Drive ................... [900mV]
CPU Clock Skew ............................. [0ps]
IOH Clock Skew ............................. [0ps]

[B]Advanced DRAM Features:[/B]
Performance Enhance ...................... [Standard]
Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P) ......... [Disabled]
System Memory Multiplier (SPD) ........ [AUTO]
DRAM Timing Selectable (SPD) .......... [Manual]

[B]Channel A + B + C

Channel A Timing Settings:[/B]
##Channel A Standard Timing Control##
CAS Latency Time ......................
tRCD .......................................
tRP .........................................
tRAS .......................................

Below values may be left in Auto if you like, generally this is fine.  For those users who DO Set advanced timings manually, please see some of my thoughts and findings about these settings and rules here
[url=]XtremeSystems Forums - View Single Post - Gigabyte EX58-UD5/Extreme Discussion Thread[/url]

##Channel A Advanced Timing Control##
tRC ........................................  (Should be = tRAS + tRP or above for stability)
tRRD .......................................
tWTR ...................................... (Must be Write to Read Delay/Same Rank - (tWL + 4)
tWR ........................................ 5-12 (Odd # values likely will fail)
tWTP .......................................    (tWTP Must = tWR + tWL + 4)
tWL ........................................   (tWL Must be CAS Latency -1)
tRFC .......................................
tRTP .......................................
tFAW ......................................
Command Rate (CMD) ................

##Channel A Misc Timing Control##
Round Trip Latency ...................

B2B CAS Delay ..........................

[B]Advanced Voltage Control:

Load Line Calibration ................. [Disabled]
CPU Vcore ...............................
QPI/VTT Voltage 1.150v ............
CPU PLL 1.800v .......................

PCIE 1.500v ...........................
QPI PLL 1.100v .......................
IOH Core 1.100v .....................
ICH I/O 1.500v .......................
ICH Core 1.1v ........................

DRAM Voltage 1.500v ..............
DRAM Termination 0.750v [AUTO]
Ch-A Data VRef. 0.750v [AUTO]
Ch-B Data VRef. 0.750v [AUTO]
Ch-C Data VRef. 0.750v [AUTO]
Ch-A Address VRef. 0.750v [AUTO]
Ch-B Address VRef. 0.750v [AUTO]
Ch-C Address VRef. 0.750v [AUTO]
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R booting problem?
Post by: lowercase on November 07, 2010, 07:51:13 pm
CPU = i7 950
Motherboard = GA-X58A-UD3R
BIOS Version = FB
Ram =

Code: [Select]
[B]Advanced CPU Features:[/B]
CPU Clock Ratio ................................ [23x]
Intel(R) Turbo Boost Tech .................. [Enabled]
CPU Cores Enabled ............................ [All]
CPU Multi Threading .......................... [Enabled]
CPU Enhanced Halt (C1E) ................... [Enabled]
C3/C6/C7 State Support .................... [Disabled]
CPU Thermal Monitor ......................... [Enabled]
CPU EIST Function ............................ [Enabled]
Virtualization Technology ................... [Enabled]
Bi-Directional PROCHOT ..................... [Enabled]

[B]Uncore & QPI Features:[/B]
QPI Link Speed .............................. x36
Uncore Frequency .......................... x21
Isonchronous Frequency ..................[Enabled]

[B]Standard Clock Control:[/B]
Base Clock (BCLK) Control ................ [Enabled]
BCLK Frequency (MHz) ..................... 133
PCI Express Frequency (MHz) ........... [Auto]

C.I.A.2 [Disabled]

[B]Advanced Clock Control:[/B]
CPU Clock Drive ..............................[700mV]
PCI Express Clock Drive ................... [700mV]
CPU Clock Skew ............................. [0ps]
IOH Clock Skew ............................. [0ps]

[B]Advanced DRAM Features:[/B]
Performance Enhance ...................... [Turbo]
Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P) ......... [Disabled]
System Memory Multiplier (SPD) ........ x10
DRAM Timing Selectable (SPD) .......... [Quick]

[B]Channel A + B + C

Channel A Timing Settings:[/B]
##Channel A Standard Timing Control##
CAS Latency Time ...................... 9
tRCD ...................................... 9
tRP ......................................... 9
tRAS ....................................... 27

##Channel A Advanced Timing Control##
tRC ........................................
tRRD .......................................
tWTR .......................................
tWR ........................................
tWTP .......................................
tWL ........................................
tRFC .......................................
tRTP .......................................
tFAW ......................................
Command Rate (CMD) ................

##Channel A Misc Timing Control##
Round Trip Latency ...................

B2B CAS Delay ..........................

[B]Advanced Voltage Control:

Load Line Calibration ................. [Auto]
CPU Vcore ............................... [Auto]
QPI/VTT Voltage 1.150v ............ 1.200v
CPU PLL 1.800v ....................... [Auto]

PCIE 1.500v ...........................
QPI PLL 1.100v .......................
IOH Core 1.100v .....................
ICH I/O 1.500v .......................
ICH Core 1.1v ........................

DRAM Voltage 1.500v .............. 1.500v
DRAM Termination 0.750v [AUTO]
Ch-A Data VRef. 0.750v [AUTO]
Ch-B Data VRef. 0.750v [AUTO]
Ch-C Data VRef. 0.750v [AUTO]
Ch-A Address VRef. 0.750v [AUTO]
Ch-B Address VRef. 0.750v [AUTO]
Ch-C Address VRef. 0.750v [AUTO]

When the problem happens, the fans will start spinning for a second, then it seems to reset, and just hangs there with the memory LEDs on from bottom to top: green, orange, green, orange.
Title: Re: X58A-UD3R booting problem?
Post by: Lsdmeasap on November 08, 2010, 12:33:06 pm
You are using Fail Safe BIOS defaults, that may be part of the issue.   You need to start with Optimized Defaults, then make changes after that.

Let me know once you have done that, and then if no luck let me know your new full settings and I will advise back.   I'd advise back now, but I want you to start with Optimized Defaults, and sometimes when I advise people will just use my advised settings instead of starting out properly and that just prolongs issues.    No offense meant at all, but please start with Optimized and let me know how that works out, then I'll advise back if needed.

Also, I would be using the latest BIOS previously linked, older BIOSes may or may not work for S3 sleep resume, so it's best to use the latest to be sure.

I will give you full settings for sure if needed, I just want to be sure you start out right is all.