Official GIGABYTE Forum

Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: Tom on November 04, 2010, 11:29:22 pm

Title: ga-ex58-ud5 rev 1, short circuit in CPU fan, CPU_fan connector no longer works
Post by: Tom on November 04, 2010, 11:29:22 pm
Hi there.

Ive had my board for a little over a year.

Suddenly the CPU fan stopped working and there was a large POP noise from inside the case.

CPU_fan no longer works at all, everything else is just fine. Attached a new fan to Sys_fan2 and PC is functional.

Still on warranty for 6 months. Is this sortof thing covered?

Will this be a problem for the rest of my PC, so far it seems perfect, stress tested and checked everything. No visible damage to anything, have not checked under the Vreg heatsink, maybe there?

I do not know how the Vreg and controller circuits for the CPU_fan relate to the rest of the system. Has a weakness been created?

I hope I didnt blow a power phase  :'(

Any info is welcome.

Many thanks - Tom

Is there an easy solution like replacing a fuse or similar?
Title: Re: ga-ex58-ud5 rev 1, short circuit in CPU fan, CPU_fan connector no longer works
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 04, 2010, 11:54:20 pm
Hi Tom and welcome to the Gigabyte Forum.

You didn't say what cooler you had attached to the motherboard CPU header but I expect it was one of the larger ones. If that is the case it is not unusual for them to blow the track or components involved with the power supply to the fans. It is always better with these units to connect them directly to the PSU. To be honest I am unsure as to how you stand on RMA with this sort of damage as it is probably over the specs for the header.
Title: Re: ga-ex58-ud5 rev 1, short circuit in CPU fan, CPU_fan connector no longer works
Post by: Tom on November 05, 2010, 03:30:18 am
Thank you Dark Mantis for the assitance and warm welcome.

Not that it said anything in the users guide about max load on the fan header, does it?

The fault was with the fan seizing up and shorting causing a massive power draw, has been running nice and stable for quite a while before that.
Fan makers fault  ;)    Could be I shouldnt have used that old fan I had laying around, saving gets expensive sometimes.

Used the CPU_fan to drive a cooling fan for my WC rad.

Btw, moved the load to Sys_fan2 and using speedfan to get PWM by software. Fan power draw is max 0.4 amps at 12v (approx 5 W max) same as before incident.  Unsafe?

Strange how sysfan2 header actually gets more RPM even tho it says in manual that its 5v, humm. Wonder what speedfan does to it?

6h of gaming later, everything  is stable.

Loving the board tho.

Any idea where I could get a peek at the service manual for this particular board, the damage seems to be very limited.
If I had some directions where to look I that would help immensly.

If I find the circuit and component(s) I can repair it. Too bad there isnt anything visible  :-\  
 I hope its just a track that gave out like you said, thats reasonably easy, will take the board out and inspect in a day or 2 when I have time.

Must be visible damage to have made that loud POP.  Cant tell you what a relief and suprise it was to see the system still running and perfectly fine seconds later, just and only that gave up.  

 Kudos to Gigabyte for the build, nothing else is effected.

Thanks Dark Mantis.
Title: Re: ga-ex58-ud5 rev 1, short circuit in CPU fan, CPU_fan connector no longer works
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 05, 2010, 08:47:09 am
HI again

Not that it said anything in the users guide about max load on the fan header, does it?

No, quite right not that I've been able to find out. I have asked for access to more detailed specifications and service manuals but I am afraid they haven't been forthcoming from Gigabyte. I can't understand why as this is exactly the kind of question we need them for.

The fault was with the fan seizing up and shorting causing a massive power draw, has been running nice and stable for quite a while before that.
Fan makers fault      Could be I shouldnt have used that old fan I had laying around, saving gets expensive sometimes.

True! On both counts.

Btw, moved the load to Sys_fan2 and using speedfan to get PWM by software. Fan power draw is max 0.4 amps at 12v (approx 5 W max) same as before incident.  Unsafe?

I would still recommend using either a dedicated fan controller or connection directly to the PSU.

Any idea where I could get a peek at the service manual for this particular board, the damage seems to be very limited.
If I had some directions where to look I that would help immensly.

Please see my first answer with regards to technical information. I am afraid access won't be granted.

Kudos to Gigabyte for the build, nothing else is effected.

Agreed! Gigabyte do build nice sturdy boards that will take a lot of abuse compared to other makes. A lot of this is due to the 2oz copper used for the manufacture of the PCBs.  ;)
Title: Re: ga-ex58-ud5 rev 1, short circuit in CPU fan, CPU_fan connector no longer works
Post by: Tom on November 05, 2010, 02:25:03 pm
I wonder what level of expertise or status you need for Gigabyte tech support to give you the goodies?

You especially should get full acsess being the Gigabyte crusader you are.

I find myself curious as to why acsess is denied for you.
Are you a vendor or Software guy in your alter ego state when you arent being Dark Mantis? Or perhaps an old school pioneer who enjoys delving into the depths of the machine. I just love the tinkering and tweaking, seeing what this machine can really do,  i7 920 D0 with the UD5 did not dissapoint, does wonderful thing on WC as I am sure you know.

If you are an employee of Gigabyte this lack of information is just mindboggling.

I understand the need to not confuse the ordinary man who barely knows how to press the power button or plug the cord into the wall socket. But proponents and supporters of the products?

I was in electronics repair and remember the diggin it can take to get a circuit diagram, a month, 4-5 calls, 30ish GBP/€  is usually what it took.

I am guessing their repair and tech department is totally centralized?  Who is holding the keys?

Can understand in this day and age of disposable electronics the interest for "repair" is minimal. Seeing as the expected lifetime of a product is 3-5 years before being utterly outdated.

So any fixing would be viewed as unimportant.  

But not telling people what the max power draw is on the fan headers, that just crazy, we are the people who use the boards and you especially advising others, a leader of sorts.

Shame Gigabyte shame.
Title: Re: ga-ex58-ud5 rev 1, short circuit in CPU fan, CPU_fan connector no longer works
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 05, 2010, 03:14:24 pm
Would you mind sending that to somebody who might listen!  ;D

I find myself curious as to why acsess is denied for you.
Are you a vendor or Software guy in your alter ego state when you arent being Dark Mantis? Or perhaps an old school pioneer who enjoys delving into the depths of the machine. I just love the tinkering and tweaking, seeing what this machine can really do,  i7 920 D0 with the UD5 did not dissapoint, does wonderful thing on WC as I am sure you know.

No such luck just an out of work joe with a long term interest in computers and electronics.

I am guessing their repair and tech department is totally centralized?  Who is holding the keys?

I can't even get that information ;D I think that really it's just a front for MI5
I have asked and am hoping to make some headway in the near future but it does make life difficult sometimes and I am forced to make an educated guess in some circumstances. I cannot see what the problem is when it is all available on a computer somewhere and I have offered to sign a non disclosure agreement to cover them. That is the norm in these circumstances (I used to be on the Asus forum). Fingers crossed that it will change shortly.
Title: Re: ga-ex58-ud5 rev 1, short circuit in CPU fan, CPU_fan connector no longer works
Post by: Tom on November 05, 2010, 03:44:25 pm

Same here, out of work homely guy who just spent 2 weeks tweaking and  OC-ing the 920 :-)

So MI5 tactics are the only answer, can imagine. Stalk the employees at the tech department and slowly buddy up to them in a bar or something hehe. Shame I aint a super sexy woman, works in all the movies,  lady reporter and the cop kinda stuff  ;D

"Sooo tell me about your work, anything exciting lately? like Fan header voltages"

Well I will keep an eye out and post any updates here If Ican find anything.

Perhaps there is a blown track soewhere that points to a component, then I can look the chip or mosfet up by its component number, that will tell specs.

Keepa trucking its been lovely chatting with you.
Title: Re: ga-ex58-ud5 rev 1, short circuit in CPU fan, CPU_fan connector no longer works
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 05, 2010, 04:43:24 pm
Trouble is the motherboards are multi layer and so you can have a situation where the blown track is inside the layers of the board.
Anyway all the best.
Title: Re: ga-ex58-ud5 rev 1, short circuit in CPU fan, CPU_fan connector no longer works
Post by: Tom on November 05, 2010, 06:03:18 pm
Ouch , wasnt aware of that, no wonder the repair department is lacking. Its so compacted and layered that it will be near impossible if thats the case.

Again Many thanks Dark Mantis.
Title: Re: ga-ex58-ud5 rev 1, short circuit in CPU fan, CPU_fan connector no longer works
Post by: jdvoracek on November 05, 2010, 11:25:13 pm
I would still recommend using either a dedicated fan controller or connection directly to the PSU.

Uh-Oh!  I never thought of this.  I replaced my stock i7 cooler with a big one running a 120 mm fan, and I (thoughtlessly) plugged it into the fan header.  Well, that will be modded before the power switch goes on again!  Thanks for the tip.
Title: Re: ga-ex58-ud5 rev 1, short circuit in CPU fan, CPU_fan connector no longer works
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 05, 2010, 11:31:27 pm
No problem, we all do stupid things without thinking at times but I'm going to keep mine secret! ;)