Official GIGABYTE Forum
Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: Glasgow on November 07, 2010, 01:51:56 am
I have the aforementioned board, CPU Intel 820d 3.2ghz Dual core, 2x 2ghz Ballistic ram, 1000w PSU.
I purchased a Intel Quad core 2.66ghz and installed as per normal installation, with the new CPU in place it will no post, no video and no bios when I put old dual core back in it runs fine.
Any ideas why this new CPU wont work as it is compatible with the board.
Hi and welcome to the Gigabyte Forum.
You haven't said which Quad Core CPU it is that you are trying to swap for but my first thought would be that the processor isn't supported by your motherboards present BIOS. If you would like to post some more details I can check for certain.
The CPU is an Intel Core2 2.66ghz quad core Q8400
Mobo is Rev 1.1 and bios F4
Thanks for the help
Well that doesn't seem to be tha problem as your processor is supported form BIOS F3 so as you are running F4 it should be fine. As a matter of interest there is F5 available.
Is this a new processor that you have bought? If so check the lands(pads) on the base and see if every one has a mark in the centre from the pin connection in the socket.
there seems to be 1 or 2 that have no centre mark.
In that case that could be the problem, as they are supposed to make a conection to every pin. What you need to do next then is remove the old processor and check the socket closely for any bent pins. They are tiny and not easy to spot even when bent so you will need some good lighting and a magnifying glass probably. If you are in any doubt whatsoever take a few macro(close up) photographs and post them here for us to scrutinise.
Brilliant mate, that was the prob. re-seated and ran straight away
Thanks again
Only too glad to help. Happy that was all it was and no RMA involved. ;D
Hi all,
I realise this is an old post but, it does relate to my problem.
All info as above is still correct and PC has been running great for last 3 years. The problem I have is that over the last week the PC has been cutting out, then won't post on trying to restart it. It will cut out at anytime from an hour to 6 hours of usage then will not post for an hour, the fans will start but will not post, it may post and get to Windows 7 screen, then restart. In the whole it will power up and do nothing.
I have redone the heat sink paste and fitted a new heat sink and fan but, still it will cut out.
Any suggestions would be appreciated
Look at all the caps on the board to make sure you don't have one going bad. They all should be nice and flat at the top.