Official GIGABYTE Forum

Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: Rebel801 on November 10, 2010, 04:09:01 am

Title: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Rebel801 on November 10, 2010, 04:09:01 am
Hi - new member here, looking for some advice on my new i7 setup.

I have a Gigabyte X58A UD3R Rev 2 Motherboard, i7 950 cpu, 3x2gig Patriot 1600mhz ram, ATI 4870 an Corsair 650w PSU.

Once installed, the system started up OK and I loaded "Optimised Settings" in the bios to get things setup.

I noticed that when I first boot the system "cold" after the power has been switched of at the socket, the power light comes on and the fans start to spin for about 1-2 seconds, then stops for abot 2 -3 seconds, then boots normally and loads windows. If I dont switch off the power socket, it boots up straight up.

I seem to recall a similar issue with some early socket 775 motherboards, but I am not sure if this is considered normal for the X58's

Currently I am using the FC3 bios, installed via qflash, with optimised settings loaded - I have done a bit of bios tweaking, but the issue does not seem to go away.

Does any user have a similar setup to mine and how does their system behave on cold boot-up? Are there any bios settings that I should change to alleviate this problem.

I am trying to establish if this behaviour is normal/common with X58's, or there is either a fault with the motherboard or perhaps my RAM is not completely compatible

Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: notshy on November 10, 2010, 09:47:35 am
Mine does the same -  is it a large problem for you?
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Rebel801 on November 10, 2010, 10:57:57 am
I guess not, just trying to find out if my new system is OKl.

I normally like to setup a baseline to do a few checks to see if all the new components are OK and work as intended.

Once I am happy with that setup, then I get into some tweaking and overclocking (i.e. the fun stuff).

Considering some of the problems other users are having with their setups, I should count myself as lucky that I have a workable system.

If the general concensus is that this boot up behavior is "normal" and not likely to suggest future problems, I will be happy with that.

Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 10, 2010, 11:06:26 am
This is quite a common occurance with this chipset but it is not 100% right. As you say it isn't doing any great harm but it is still not right and if you are planning to overclock to any great extent I would be inclined to do a few checks first. The last thing you need whan OCing is to start with a system that is not 100% stable.
I would suggest running Memtes86+ on the RAM for at least ten loops and if it shows any errors you will have to test that sticks singly. Also try running Prime95 in blend tests to stress it all as well.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: notshy on November 10, 2010, 11:28:51 am
I have now changed RAM suppliers 2 weeks ago, now I have no issues cold boot, RAM passes 10 passes on Memtest and 15 hours of blend Prime95 with my new Overclocked CPU settings.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 10, 2010, 11:44:02 am
I have now changed RAM suppliers 2 weeks ago, now I have no issues cold boot, RAM passes 10 passes on Memtest and 15 hours of blend Prime95 with my new Overclocked CPU settings.

That's great. Often it is a problem with ram compatiblility.
I am wondering if that is the same problem as Rebel has got.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Rebel801 on November 10, 2010, 12:21:24 pm
Thanks for the input guys, thats the answer I was looking for -  I will do some Ram testing as you suggest, but I can get hold of the same Corsair Ram that Notshy has in his sig.

It might be worth it as this Patriot ram is  really a budget product anyway (no ramsinks), and the Corsair Ram is refered to on the ram compatibility list for this motherboard. I can remember reading somewhere that these motherboards can be a bit picky with Ram, so I agree that is a good place to start.

I really appreciate you guys helping me out here and I will report back with my findings.

Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 10, 2010, 01:15:05 pm
Yes that's definitely true. The X58 chipset seems to be quite picky about what memory it will play nicely with. To be fair I don't think you can go far wrong with Corsair RAM.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: notshy on November 10, 2010, 02:46:35 pm
One minute - I still have the funny fan issue spinning with this RAM !!!

But my system is rock solid on cold boot into Memtest, any operating system and any stress test.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 10, 2010, 04:02:34 pm
One minute - I still have the funny fan issue spinning with this RAM !!!

But my system is rock solid on cold boot into Memtest, any operating system and any stress test.

What power supply unit are you using?
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: notshy on November 10, 2010, 04:14:01 pm
PSU is a Be Quiet 600W E7 - Special Edition

I'm running 3 HDs in the box, 1 GFX (Gigabyte ATI 5770), and 3 case fans.

I thought 600w would be enough for that?
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 10, 2010, 04:18:45 pm
Yes I would agree it should be enough power for what you are running. I take it that it is new also.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: notshy on November 10, 2010, 04:24:07 pm
Yes - brand new.

Is there anything I can do to test it out? Any utils or apps that I can run to check what voltages being applied to Mobo? Or check BIOS?

I'm having no issues with my Vcore Overclock and getting right voltages to RAM etc for my overclocking settings so ....

Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 10, 2010, 04:35:50 pm
Does this problem occur when you are not overclocked?
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: notshy on November 10, 2010, 04:40:21 pm
Yes - I've had it since I first built the machine.

I haven't really worried about it as it wasn't really causing me any issues - just an extra 2-3 seconds on boot. As I'm not running SSDs - I'm aware that it will take me a bit of time to get into my operating system - OSX or Win 7.

I thought that it just might have been some design feature of the new boards - that it sort of double boots at the start - no biggie really but I thought I'd add my 2 pence given that someone created a topic on it.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 10, 2010, 04:47:31 pm
It was happening to my system when I first built it but I had problems with my Zalman 750W power supply so I installed a Corsair HX850 and that problem disappeared with my others.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: lowercase on November 10, 2010, 04:51:45 pm
I have a Corsair HX1000 and I get the same sometimes.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: notshy on November 10, 2010, 04:53:42 pm
Right - so it's maybe a PSU thing ?!

That's fine - I can live with the 3 seconds rather than forking out for a new PSU


Maybe one for the next build - a 1000w Super-Dooper PSU
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 10, 2010, 04:59:55 pm
I think in all fairness that is the way to look at this as a minor annoyance. It used to happen on one of my old PCs and I never did find out what caused it although the computer went on for years with no detrimental effects.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: notshy on November 10, 2010, 05:03:18 pm
I think in all fairness that is the way to look at this as a minor annoyance. It used to happen on one of my old PCs and I never did find out what caused it although the computer went on for years with no detrimental effects.

Indeed  ;D
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Rebel801 on November 11, 2010, 03:26:05 am
I have decided to order some new Corsair Ram - the ones refererred to in the Gigabyte compatibility list, we will see if this helps as I dont believe I can do much more with the bios to alleviate the issue.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 11, 2010, 09:06:37 am
I would agree that is a good course of action in your instance. Please post back after you have installed and tested them with the results.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Rebel801 on November 12, 2010, 04:19:28 am
Well changing the new Corsair Ram made no difference as did flashing the official FC bios.

I will do some bios tweaking, but I dont think it wil help tho, as there are so many variables that may be causing this, i may have to leave the AC on and ignore it when I do a cold boot.

Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 12, 2010, 09:29:06 am
Sorry about that, I was hoping that would cure the problem but as I said these things are not always easy to track down.  :-\

Please let us know if you do discover the faulty component. It might be worth checking the CPU socket for bent pins when you have the time as that causes some weird problems at times.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Rebel801 on November 12, 2010, 10:20:03 am
Thanks - I really appreciate your efforts to try and help me out - it does not appear to be a very serious issue and everything else is working great.

I have a few more things to try yet and removing and reseating the CPU is one of them - I have to remove the motherboard to do that so maybe I might find something else i that excersize. I will also do a bench test with minimum components.

If I do manage to track down the issue, I will most definitely report back here, because I have the feeling that I am not the only one with this issue.

Thanks again
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 12, 2010, 10:27:08 am
I have a few more things to try yet and removing and reseating the CPU is one of them - I have to remove the motherboard to do that so maybe I might find something else i that excersize. I will also do a bench test with minimum components.

If I do manage to track down the issue, I will most definitely report back here, because I have the feeling that I am not the only one with this issue.

As I said before I have had this same problem in another machine and even this one before I swapped PSUs so I would be interested in what is causing your problem.

As far as the CPU socket check goes post a couple of macro photos here for us too see too will you please?
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Rebel801 on November 12, 2010, 11:33:47 am
Yes - a faulty PSU would certainly be a possibilty, however my Corsair HX 650 was working flawlessly on my old system so I dont think that is the problem at this stage, Unfortunately I dont have a lot of different Ram/ CPU's to swap out components to isolate the issue.

I have requested a service ticket from Gigabyte to see if they can offer anything.

It may still be a faulty motherboard - although I have not observed any other problems - I have raised bclk to 160 and it runs fine. The fact that some people with identical systems dont have this problem, after testing and isolating the Ram, it could really only be the CPU or board.

BTW I did remove the cmos battery and a full reset sequence and still no change.

If the issue occurs only when the PSU is actually switch off, it is feasable that some bios settings (strap?) get reset - then when I power it on it goes through this loop before booting up. Problem is, why dont other people have the same issue?
I am certain there is nothing wrong with the way the system was installed, as I have been building systems for many years, for myself and a number of my friends.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 12, 2010, 11:57:27 am
I am certain there is nothing wrong with the way the system was installed, as I have been building systems for many years, for myself and a number of my friends.

No, I don't think it has anything to do with the way the system was built at all. It's just one of those things in computing sometimes "s*** happens".
Whilst the PSU is a possibility I don't really feel it should be a problem. As you have mentioned it is a possibility also that the motherboard could be the culprit. It is one of those hard faults to pin down.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Rebel801 on November 12, 2010, 12:24:12 pm
I agree with you there :)

At this stage I really dont know if it is a problem or just a quirk with some intel systems. If I could try another board and it doe sthe same thing, I am still no better off - then I would need to replace the CPU.

What annoys me is that I almost went for the UD5, but I decided that the UD3R was more than enough for my needs.

There is also a possibility that the issue may be resolved by a bios update - I will be keeping a close eye on the boards to check for updates.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 12, 2010, 12:49:52 pm
I have the UD7 and as I explained I also had the same problem at first so there is no guarantee that if you had bought the UD5 you wouldn't have the same problem.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: rhodri2311 on November 16, 2010, 09:45:58 am
Same problem here, thermaltake 875watt running corsair xms 3 1333, 3hdd's an ssd and 5970 so should be up to task.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 16, 2010, 09:49:43 am
Hi and welcome to the Gigabyte Forum.

Same problem here, thermaltake 875watt running corsair xms 3 1333, 3hdd's an ssd and 5970 so should be up to task.

Are you saying that your system has the "instant restart" problem too?
If so can you give us the model number of your PSU please?
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: rhodri2311 on November 16, 2010, 09:53:47 am
I think it's the TPX-875M, would need to double check though as not infront of it at the moment and it came from cyberpower.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 16, 2010, 10:00:34 am
I was just wondering if it had a split 12V rail system but it doesn't if you are correct with the model number. A single 12V rail is much better especially with starting some of the power hungry newer components.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: rhodri2311 on November 16, 2010, 10:03:34 am
Managed to find it, it's the 875W they list on their website
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 16, 2010, 10:06:33 am
Yes that's the same one as I was looking at. ;)
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Rebel801 on November 16, 2010, 11:43:46 am
No good news on the boot-up issue, I got my reply from Gigabyte Support, advising me to check CPU/Ram seating and do a full cmos reset etc.

I have already tried these with no success, They also suggest I return my board to the supplier to see if they can duplicate the problem.

In the meantime I decided to do some overclocking, just to see what the system is capable of and to see if I can "break" something.

Well apart from the above, I am mighty impressed with the system - did a lazy O/C to 4052ghz, just raised vcore to 1.268, qpi/vtt to 1.275, vdimm to 1.6 and using 176x23 - easy stable 4ghz system.

Based on this, I am reluctant to go through the whole issue of returning my hadware back to the shop, as I am not sure it  can be resolved without swapping MB/CPU/Ram. I any case if the board was faulty, I am not sure it would work this well.

I am willing to wait for a future bios update that my resolve the issue, in the meantime I am having some fun tweaking my new toy.

Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 16, 2010, 11:49:54 am
They are good solidly made boards of that there is no doubt. As you have found they OC quite easilly and apart from the fact that the chipset is a bit sensitive about what memory it will play happily with they make an excellent base for a system.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Rebel801 on November 16, 2010, 12:28:24 pm
Yeah - I have had great success with the Gigabyte Boards in the past and this one is very nice indeed.

I am going to gamble on not returning the board for now (unless I have other issues) as I really dont think it is faulty.

Thank you for you assistance by the way - its great to get such a good response as a new member here.

Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 16, 2010, 01:24:53 pm
You are more than welcome and we hope to see you here more often in the future. ;)
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Rebel801 on November 18, 2010, 11:22:12 am
Update on cold bootup issue - not fixed yet, but I have just noticed something interesting now that I have started overclocking.

Could someone with an X58A-UD3R that does not do a start/stop/start bootup, please let me know if there system behaves like this:

When I change bclk, freq or voltage settings, and then choose "save settings" and exit the bios, my computer does a "soft" start - that is the power lights and fans stay on and it boots straight up (not sure how long it has been doing this).

My ep45-UD3 would always do a "hard reboot after I change FSB settings etc - it would shut down completely for a second then boot up.

I am wondering if the way the PSU "talks" to the motherboard is slightly different for this particular motherboard and once it does the start/stop/start it does not need to do a hard reset if any settings in the bios are changed.

Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: cupcake on December 10, 2010, 01:45:21 pm
i have the exact same problem, it doesnt bother me that much but i just want to know if does any harm to my motherboard or other hardware in the long term?
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on December 10, 2010, 02:56:00 pm
As I said in an earlier post as far as I am aware it has no detrimental effect on the hardware.  ;)
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Rebel801 on December 30, 2010, 01:24:11 pm
Just a quick update on the boot up issue - the latest official Gigabyte bios FE (not FE1 beta) has resolved my cold boot start/stop/start issue.

I am even happier with this board now and I suggest that anyone with an X58A - UD3R (2.0) should try the latest FE bios.

Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on December 30, 2010, 01:28:09 pm
Thanks very much for the update especially as there are quite a few people complaining of just this problem. Hopefully it will help them too. ;)
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Rebel801 on December 31, 2010, 12:14:30 am
Your welcome DM - I always thought that the motherboard was OK and I hoped that a new bios might fix the problem, I hope it works for others as well.

Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: EagleOne on December 31, 2010, 07:52:10 am
I just bought a new system I7 350 Gigabyte GA-X58A-UD3R 6GB Kingston1600 Ram 5870 ATI my problem is every so often when l turn my pc on, it sets my ram to 1066 when this happens my pc will not load it gets to the Windows 7 64bit animated start logo and freezes and causes BSOD, now this happens at no set time only from cold bootups, sometimes it turns itself off for few seconds then reboots and sometime just boots, so now l have to watch when Gigabyte logo at start and press tab to see the RAM Mhz when it sets itself to 1066 what l have to do is go into Bios and do not change anything but just save and exit and then it sets itself back to 1600Mhz when its at 1600 my system boots up perfectly and runs beautiful, I have updated motherboard and thought it fixed it did not cause a problem for a week or 2 but just today l went to start PC and it changed my RAM Mhz again back to 1066 so l had to go back into bios do the usual, not change anything and then save and it back to 1600, at first l thought it was motherboard that was broken and wanted to replace it, but now reading on net alot are having same problem, l am on a disability pension and took me a long time to save for a new pc, seems it is not a RAM problem as many who are having the same problem & have diff Branded RAMs.
Also noticed a problem with Noctua CPU Fan l have set it to 900 speed sometimes it will not power up just sits there rocking the fan l have to watch to make sure it turns on, then other times just spins up straight away and no l do not have power issues also pc in always connected to power, seems sometimes the motherboard just does not give enough power to the CPU fan.

Is there any HELP for my and everyones problem please thank u for ur time.

Also tried to use support on Australian site to tell them what going on but cannot, also cannot tell them that site links do not work as when l choose suppot all l get is link to Australian site with no email or phone numbers nothing, when l choose product then any country it sends me to this 無法顯示這個頁面
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Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on December 31, 2010, 10:05:41 am
I would suggest that you have a problem with your PSU. It might be that it is struggling to provide the initail startup current but ok once running. Try another if possible more powerfull power supply prefereably with a single 12V rail.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: EagleOne on December 31, 2010, 09:55:53 pm
Its already been tested buy the shop l bought it at and they say there is no power issue at all, if l put the fan at 1200speed fires up every-time and its a 650w Thermaltake EVO Blue. but its not my main concern its the bios Ram changing like alot of ppl are hving this same issue l hv been reading all over net.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on December 31, 2010, 11:21:48 pm
Without knowing more of your system specs it is hard to say.

What BIOS version are you currently running?

What revision motherboard do you have?
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: EagleOne on January 02, 2011, 08:36:36 am
l am running Fe1 Bios, Motherboard X58A - UD3R
Intel X58/ICH10R/Rev 2.0
socket 1366/PCI-E2.0X16/ATX 6DDR3/8-CH HD Audio/1394
GbE LAN/2 SATA 6Gb/s/2 usb 3.0
ATI Radeon 5870
6GB Kingston RAM.

if u need more please tell me thx
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on January 02, 2011, 12:13:26 pm
The final version of BIOS FE is available now for your revision 2.0 motherboard if you want to try that and see if it helps with your problem.

Make sure that you use QFlash to do the update and disable Keep DMI Data on the QFlash homepage.

Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: EagleOne on January 03, 2011, 08:50:59 am
I will give it a go and give u a response and see how my system boots up after update.
But as l try to install it says its not for win 7 32 or 64, but if l q flash it like it says.
my question is l am already on FE1 as l type in last comment is this another FE update?
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on January 03, 2011, 11:11:40 am
FE1 is a beta version of the BIOS and now the BIOS has reached the final stage and has been released as FE so it probably has some minor adjustments since FE1.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Marcusbootros on January 03, 2011, 01:41:45 pm
Hey all,

Thought I'd throw my findings into the mix - I also have the cold boot issue and although it's not causing any issues I'd like to know why it's doing it.  After Dark Mantis' post I updated to FE and like Rebel says the cold boot thing goes away after disconnecting from mains which is great.

However, when I change any setting in the BIOS and 'save changes and exit', the PC powers down for a few seconds and starts up again - same issue as before.

Rebel is this the case for you as well?
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on January 03, 2011, 04:13:17 pm
This is an issue that affects all motherboards of all makes but what causes it I have yet to fathom out. It only happens in certain instances and some chipsets/boards seem more prone to it than others. :-\
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Rebel801 on January 04, 2011, 10:38:11 am
Hey all,

Thought I'd throw my findings into the mix - I also have the cold boot issue and although it's not causing any issues I'd like to know why it's doing it.  After Dark Mantis' post I updated to FE and like Rebel says the cold boot thing goes away after disconnecting from mains which is great.

However, when I change any setting in the BIOS and 'save changes and exit', the PC powers down for a few seconds and starts up again - same issue as before.

Rebel is this the case for you as well?

Yes - a reboot after (some) bios changes is perfectly normal, all of the intel chipset boards I have used in the past few years have behaved in this way. BTW glad to hear that the FE bios worked for you as well - obviously Gigabyte has figured out how to fix this issue after 5 bios updates, which is great news for X58A-UD3R (2) owners.

Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: EagleOne on January 07, 2011, 08:32:17 am
Ok l am now running FE update went well, l load default settings, but l still had to set my Ram under System Mem Multiplier to 12 for my 1600 Ram, also noticed now my CPU Clock Drive now running at 800Mv previously was 700, & PCI Express clock drive is now 900Mv previously it was 700 as well is this ok? another setting l noticed that changed was under Advanced Mem Setting, under Performance Enhance was set to standard, but after upgrade is now on Turbo on reading says enhance system performance in red warning after overclocking, standard could improve system Stability, should l leave the turbo setting or put it back to standed as l do not over clock my system.
while setting and checking bios l turned off pc just to see it load up from cold boot and it changed itself back to 1066 ram problem by turning itself on and off again, so l went back into bios changed nothing saved and it set back to 1600 and booted properly, now l do not know if my ram clock problem is fixed or not, when it did do the 1066 ram problem that one time a message came up saying there was a problem with over clocking but l like l said l do not over clock my system, well will keep an eye on the ram clock problem to see if update did anything or not will keep u posted no it.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: EagleOne on January 19, 2011, 07:07:05 am
Hi l am still waiting for some answers to my questions in my last post Please l just want to make sure all those setting are right :D
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on January 19, 2011, 08:53:00 am

As far as I can see your settings are fine and don't forget the differences in the BIOS might be what has been changed to rectify the original problem.

Dont worry about the red overclocking warning, it really isn't important.

The 1066 memory speed is just that the JEDEC standard is that and so that is what is displayed. Basically you are overclocking your memory to reach the 1600 Mhz.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: xrep on January 21, 2011, 12:39:30 am
AH! so it was the RAM that was stopping the fan to stop for few seconds.
I bought a 6G(2Gx3) Pqi 1GB DDR3 1333 RAM.

Is it possible that 550W Coolermaster power supply could be causing the problem as well? 
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on January 21, 2011, 12:17:10 pm
Is it possible that 550W Coolermaster power supply could be causing the problem as well? 


I am not sure which problem you are referring to but obviously if the power supply in insufficient or faulty then it could have a bearing on the system as a whole.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: czos on January 21, 2011, 10:51:26 pm
 Hi, I thought my problem would fit into this thread.

Thats my specs

I7-950 3.07
KGB 1800MHZ 9-9-9-24 DDR3
be quiet 650w
and that's the problem

I bought brand new components and I have difficulties to configure memory. It works on minimum speed 1066 but any attempt to change it to its default or even 1333 ends up failing. What setting in bios should I use?. I have tried 1333 1600 1866 9-9-9-24 which is what they recommend but it fails. Memory should work with 1.3v (at least according to the shop I bought it from) but as a default it has 1.5 when 1066.
Also there is something wrong with bios or motherboard. Any restart or change in bios will cause no post. I have to wait around 3-5 min and then It can boot to default settings. Even when I change time in bios on default settings.
new psu,
different memory slots,
single memory sticks,
resited cpu making sure all socket pins are ok,
reversed bios but there is no change only more issues with USB ports
Different graphics card,

When I manage to get to windows everything works fine, games benchmarks apps. Did not oc only tried to get memory working within its spec.

Please advise since motherboard is only 3 weeks and probably I can return it or exchange it for something more reliable.

Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: EagleOne on January 26, 2011, 09:50:46 am

As far as I can see your settings are fine and don't forget the differences in the BIOS might be what has been changed to rectify the original problem.

Dont worry about the red overclocking warning, it really isn't important.

The 1066 memory speed is just that the JEDEC standard is that and so that is what is displayed. Basically you are overclocking your memory to reach the 1600 Mhz.

l do not have 1066 RAM l bought the 1600 Hz RAM So l am not over clocking right as it is 1600RAM?

Also turned PC on today and the CPU fan just started rocking again had to turn PC off & on normally the second time l boot the fan kicks in, l hv been watching it sometimes fires fan straight away other times it slowly rocks until it spins up and on other occasions it just sits there rocking and does not spin up so still hv the fan problem, it has not changed from 1600 back to 1066 since the one time on bios update so l hoping its fix the RAM Hz problem with the latest update will keep an eye on it and keep u informed :D.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: EagleOne on January 26, 2011, 10:00:37 am
To czos
have u updated ur bios? if so then u might have bad RAM or a Bad motherboard, cause l hv 1600RAM l my system works perfect but when it changes itself back to 1066 on occasions my system will not boot and BSOD, when that happens all l do is go into bios change nothing save and my system resets itself back to 1600 and runs fine again.
if ur RAms 1800MHZ u should be able to run it at that, try that and reload pc running that 1800MHZ or 1600 might work, u could have the same problem as me and many others with the RAM MHZ problem.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on January 26, 2011, 10:46:16 am

As far as I can see your settings are fine and don't forget the differences in the BIOS might be what has been changed to rectify the original problem.

Dont worry about the red overclocking warning, it really isn't important.

The 1066 memory speed is just that the JEDEC standard is that and so that is what is displayed. Basically you are overclocking your memory to reach the 1600 Mhz.

l do not have 1066 RAM l bought the 1600 Hz RAM So l am not over clocking right as it is 1600RAM?

Also turned PC on today and the CPU fan just started rocking again had to turn PC off & on normally the second time l boot the fan kicks in, l hv been watching it sometimes fires fan straight away other times it slowly rocks until it spins up and on other occasions it just sits there rocking and does not spin up so still hv the fan problem, it has not changed from 1600 back to 1066 since the one time on bios update so l hoping its fix the RAM Hz problem with the latest update will keep an eye on it and keep u informed :D.

I would say that your symptoms sound like the fan isn't receiving enough power and hence the rocking motion. Most fans need 7v minimum to start otherwise they do as you describe. Maybe your PSU isn't up to scratch. What power supply are you using?

Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on January 26, 2011, 10:48:55 am
Hi, I thought my problem would fit into this thread.

Thats my specs

I7-950 3.07
KGB 1800MHZ 9-9-9-24 DDR3
be quiet 650w
and that's the problem

I bought brand new components and I have difficulties to configure memory. It works on minimum speed 1066 but any attempt to change it to its default or even 1333 ends up failing. What setting in bios should I use?. I have tried 1333 1600 1866 9-9-9-24 which is what they recommend but it fails. Memory should work with 1.3v (at least according to the shop I bought it from) but as a default it has 1.5 when 1066.
Also there is something wrong with bios or motherboard. Any restart or change in bios will cause no post. I have to wait around 3-5 min and then It can boot to default settings. Even when I change time in bios on default settings.
new psu,
different memory slots,
single memory sticks,
resited cpu making sure all socket pins are ok,
reversed bios but there is no change only more issues with USB ports
Different graphics card,

When I manage to get to windows everything works fine, games benchmarks apps. Did not oc only tried to get memory working within its spec.

Please advise since motherboard is only 3 weeks and probably I can return it or exchange it for something more reliable.

Can you clarify what amount of memory do you have and how is it installed?
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: EagleOne on January 27, 2011, 07:26:02 am

As far as I can see your settings are fine and don't forget the differences in the BIOS might be what has been changed to rectify the original problem.

Dont worry about the red overclocking warning, it really isn't important.

The 1066 memory speed is just that the JEDEC standard is that and so that is what is displayed. Basically you are overclocking your memory to reach the 1600 Mhz.

l do not have 1066 RAM l bought the 1600 Hz RAM So l am not over clocking right as it is 1600RAM?

Also turned PC on today and the CPU fan just started rocking again had to turn PC off & on normally the second time l boot the fan kicks in, l hv been watching it sometimes fires fan straight away other times it slowly rocks until it spins up and on other occasions it just sits there rocking and does not spin up so still hv the fan problem, it has not changed from 1600 back to 1066 since the one time on bios update so l hoping its fix the RAM Hz problem with the latest update will keep an eye on it and keep u informed :D.

I would say that your symptoms sound like the fan isn't receiving enough power and hence the rocking motion. Most fans need 7v minimum to start otherwise they do as you describe. Maybe your PSU isn't up to scratch. What power supply are you using?

l hv 650W Thermaltake EVO & Noctua CPU Fan l have set it to 900 speed, when its on 700 & 900 its when l hv the issue at 1200 do not seems to hv the issue but hv only tried it onces for only 10mins. but l been told by the shop l got it from l hv plenty of power, to think l did hv 750W it did the same thing but was way to noisy so l went back to 650W. whats ur opinion?

also is this ok l do not have 1066 RAM l bought the 1600 Hz RAM So l am not over clocking right as it is 1600RAM?
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on January 27, 2011, 08:02:01 am
Can you plug your Noctua straight into a molex connector so it receives power directly from the PSU?

Does that make a difference?
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: EagleOne on January 28, 2011, 09:39:17 am
Can you plug your Noctua straight into a molex connector so it receives power directly from the PSU?

Does that make a difference?

IS molex connector just a normal power supply connector? will have to get a connector to do it will give it a try will it be ok not being on cpu fan connector will it still run right?

Also l spoke to soon as of today l turned pc on there was no display everything was on for like 15 seconds then pc turned itself off then turned itself back on and set the RAM to 1066 again so l had to go into bios change nothing save then exit and it set itself back to 1600 so the RAM Mhz problem is still there.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on January 28, 2011, 02:39:37 pm
As far as the fan connector goes you can buy an adapter to go from Molex to fan connection  which is a cheap and easy solution to that problem. And yes the Molex connectors are the normal ones from the PSU with four pins a couple of cm wide.

I am hoping to get a P67 board to be able to test on shortly so hopefully I will have more insight into the resetting problem then.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: EagleOne on March 04, 2011, 07:22:31 am
So how did u go, u said u was getting mother board to test what results did u get ?
As today l turned on pc and it started up stopped then started again on its own and once again it changed itself back to 1066Mhz had to do the usual again go into Bios do nothing save and exit and it changed itself back to 1600Mhz.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on March 04, 2011, 07:59:47 am
Well I have only just got hold of all the components to finish the build yesterday and actually got it all complete last night. It made a couple of false starts at the first turn on as expected as the BIOS/CMOS sorted itself out with the new hardware and then seemed to be fine.

That is a s far as I have managed to get so far but am hoping to start testing it better today.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: EagleOne on March 08, 2011, 08:22:51 am
Do u work for Gigabyte? do our problems get relaid to gigabyte so they can bring out fix's or fix the problems.
l only ask this to know how our problems get solved and if Gigabyte know about these problems.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on March 08, 2011, 12:25:28 pm
No I don't work for Gigabyte.....they are still holding out so far ;)

Runn3R is the only Gigabyte employed person on the Forum and so we pass necessary information on to the company through him or GGTS. That is why we often advise members to relay their issues that need a BIOS fix or something like that to GGTS so that they are aware of the problems.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Diablito on March 09, 2011, 12:29:46 am
I've had the problem described here and it got even worse (constant power cycles, more than one) when I was trying to configure my 1600Mhz memory to run at 1600Mhz. CyberPowerPC sold me this Corsair memory (CM3X2G1600C9NX) that supposedly runs at 1600Mhz but in this motherboard it defaults to 1066. I thought it was running fine at 1066 but I get SLEEP/WAKE issues. I cannot wake the computer up consistently if I leave it at AUTO (1066). It actually does what the first posting says but three times and then no post and the LED lights stay ON.

So this is what has worked for me so far:

1. I have REV 2 of the board and I'm using the FD bios. So far more stable than FF and FE as far as the power cycles issues go.
2. Under Advanced Memory Settings, I changed Performance Enhance from Turbo to Standard. For some reason, leaving to this to the default of Turbo has given me more problems than Standard.
3. The memory defaults to 1066. It will be most unstable at 1600. (I know, I supposedly paid for 1600) I've changed the SPD Multiplier to 10 (I believe) so it sets it to 1333. Then the DRAM Timing to Quick, so it does it for all channels in one shot. And picked 9-9-9-24. I had to set this manually, leaving it all to AUTO didn't work very well.

This is my memory. I've highlighted the most stable profile I've found so far:

( (

Luckily CPU-Z gave me these settings otherwise I wouldn't have a clue as CyberPower hasn't been very helpful.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on March 09, 2011, 10:27:24 am
You have done all the right things there to get it working properly. However the memory should be working at 1600 mhz and therefore I would be inclined to RMA it direct to Corsair. They will treat yuou better than CyberpowerPC did as they should have swapped out your RAM in the first place as it wasn't up to scratch.

The thing is that 1333 is the top end JEDEC spec for DDR3 memory and as such yours will work fine at that setting.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: EagleOne on March 09, 2011, 10:39:11 am
Dam and l thought this was gigabytes forum hoping they would fix this problem so should l know write everything l wrote here to them at GGTS
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on March 09, 2011, 01:21:06 pm
EagleOne this is Gigabyte's forum as it is official and they oversee it but they don't actually have much of an input under normal circumstances. runn3R keeps his eye on us and makes sure we don't get away with anything too bad ;D but unless requested he tends to carry on with his other duties.

GGTS is the technical support side of Gigabyte and they will try and answer specific questions of a technical nature. The only trouble is they are very busy and so often it takes days or even longer to have a query replied to. That is one of the reasons why we work so hard on the forum here to help alleviate that wait.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Diablito on March 09, 2011, 05:01:34 pm
Just a quick correction on step #3:  The DRAM Timing is set to Quick instead of AUTO, but the channel timings were not modified, I just left them at AUTO. No need to set them to 9-9-9-24. (Sorry but don't know how to edit my reply in this forum.)

I did a quick test again yesterday and if I set it back to AUTO instead of QUICK, it won't wake up after a couple of hours and does the power cycles everyone talks about here.

Dark Mantis, quick question... why would this memory work at 1333 but not work at 1066? And why does it default to 1066 if it doesn't work properly at that speed?
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on March 09, 2011, 05:21:49 pm
You only have a set period of time to edit your post, roughly four hours, after that it is locked.

Why the RAM works at 1333 but refuses at 1066 and yet defaults to that setting I am not sure. Maybe it is faulty.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: EagleOne on March 13, 2011, 07:39:46 am
Thank you Dark Mantis l will stay here and hope they can bring out a fix for the 1600 RAM :D
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on March 13, 2011, 09:32:43 am
The memory speed isn't that much of a problem in real world usage and it is unlikely that you would be able to tell the difference between the two speeds when using the computer for normal things.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: EagleOne on March 23, 2011, 07:08:31 am
So turned on Pc today same thing monitor flashes with no display u know its going to do it turns itself off and on again set its ram back to 1066 had to change it back to 1600 seems once a week now it happens.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on March 23, 2011, 07:16:17 am
I think in these circumstances it is time to RMA your motherboard as it could be some intermitent problem in the build.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: EagleOne on March 26, 2011, 07:20:03 am
Ok will take it back and replace it but if u Google this problem there is alot ppl who hv the same problem with that gigabyte mother board and 1600 RAM.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: manowargr on March 26, 2011, 07:47:36 am
if you still have the motherboard try do somethink i will tell you, replace your bios with the latest FF, do that in the same day 2 times!
i had somethink like that problem and when i did that all working 100% fine.
try it.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Diablito on March 29, 2011, 12:41:51 am
So, I attempted to wake my  Pc today same thing monitor flashes with no display, LED from the mb on. Stays ON but no post. I kill power from the back wait a few seconds and turn back on. It cycles 2 times on/off, on/off and back set its ram back to 1066.

I guess this problem's still not solved. Should've gone with some other board.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on March 29, 2011, 08:22:13 am
I don't have the actual motherboard to test with but I do have the same series GA-X58A-UD7 and I also have the Corsair Dominator 1600 Mhz memory. Having checked it doesn't seem to have any problem like you are describing. What PSU are you using ?
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Lsdmeasap on March 30, 2011, 07:22:38 pm
Is the system fully stable, tested with prime95, Memtest86+, OCCT, LinX, ect?   You must be 100% stable to resume from S3 sleep, and using the latest beta BIOS would ensure the best outcome.

Also, be sure you have ErP/EuP disabled in the BIOS
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: EagleOne on April 01, 2011, 10:01:15 am
to Dark Mantis l have a small dilemma l went back to where l bought my pc and they say it will take around 4 weeks or more until l get my pc back after they send it to Gigabyte but if l get a REF number for my RMA from u or Gigabyte with a Gigabyte letter head with the ref number in it, they said only then they would replace with new board straight away and l wont have to waited 4 weeks without my pc, l need my pc its all l have in life as l suffer with chronic illness so PLEASE is this possible from u or Gigabyte thx :D
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on April 01, 2011, 10:22:20 am
Fair enough then.  You will need to contact your local Gigabyte office for that. I am afraid we can't help from here as you are not in our region.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: EagleOne on April 02, 2011, 09:22:08 am
l live in the Geelong area in Australia is there an office near me to contact if u could help point me in the right direction please would be appreciated.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on April 02, 2011, 09:25:52 am

There is only the one Gigabyte centre in Australia as far as I know. Contact them via GGTS.

Just enter your email address and click on the language of choice.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: EagleOne on July 04, 2011, 08:28:07 am
To Dark Mantis, I am back to give some feed back, I finally went back and got my mother board and ram replaced on the same day with the notes emails and letters l got from gigabyte, after my hospital visit, when the tech replaced the board and ram he also set something diff to what a the previous person did when l bought the system, he set the ram to profile 1, the previous person set the ram to the multiplier setting to a certain number, seems the profile 1 setting which is the entry just above the multiplier to be nice and stable, PC has not experience any of the previous problems, so for ppl having the similar ram problem try the profile 1 setting first. as my system and not change my ram mhz at all it has stayed 1600mhz thx for all ur help Dark Mantis ur the best :D.
Title: Re: X58A - UD3R Boot Up Issue
Post by: Dark Mantis on July 06, 2011, 11:51:37 am
Hi EagleOne,

Thanks for coming back and giving us an update on how you got on. It is always nice to know how things pan out in the end.

Profile1 is just the automatic way of entering your settings for the memory, so there shouldn't be any difference between the two ways of setting it up. Anyway main thing is it is working now. Cool!  ;)