Official GIGABYTE Forum

Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: Docs on November 18, 2010, 04:51:45 pm

Title: x58a-UD3R not booting
Post by: Docs on November 18, 2010, 04:51:45 pm
Hi, I just got my new computer the other day, everything except the graphics card, and tested it all out using my old graphics card until my new one came today. All working great.

Today got my new graphics card and put that it, went to test it and it came on and did the normal single beep to boot up, but nothing on the screen. After about 10 seconds the lights on the motherboard turned off, fans and everything still seemed to be running though. Tested both my sticks of RAM on their own and nothing but the essentials plugged in and tried resetting the CMOS, but no luck. Also tested my PSU in my old system since I was thinking it might be that but it worked fine in there.

Edit: Done all this with my old graphics card that works fine, forgot to mention.  ::)

Anyone got an idea? Oh and specs below.

CPU: i7 950 3.06GHz (stock)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-X58A-U3DR
RAM: 4GB (2x2GB) Corsair XMS3
Graphics card: GTX580
PSU: Corsair HX620w
Title: Re: x58a-UD3R not booting
Post by: Docs on November 18, 2010, 04:55:13 pm
Oh forgot to mention that I've tested this with my old graphics card and the same problem is occuring, better edit that in.  :o
Title: Re: x58a-UD3R not booting
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 18, 2010, 04:58:06 pm
Hi and welcome to the Gigabyte Forum.

The lights on the motherboard going out as POST continues is a normal occurance.

Well the obvious things to check are that you have plugged in the power cables to the graphics card, you have connected the monitor cable to the correct output. I would think it is quite probably just that the new GPU is drawing too much power especailly on startup.

As you have just added that your old card doesn't work either now I would say it adds weight to the insufficient PSU output theory.
Title: Re: x58a-UD3R not booting
Post by: Docs on November 18, 2010, 05:03:54 pm
Thanks for the quick response! Didn't realise that was normal, well I've tried my old graphics card in that worked in the system last night and getting the same problem.

The power cables are plugged into the graphics card and I've tried both DVI ports on the back of it. Also tried using one of the other PCI-e slots for my graphics card, all the same problem. :(

It's also started to beep normally then just as the lights would go out it reboots, then another normal beep and then just sits there.
Title: Re: x58a-UD3R not booting
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 18, 2010, 05:10:07 pm
Try removing the card and booting and see what beep code it responds with.