Official GIGABYTE Forum

Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: sp00ks on November 20, 2010, 11:42:35 am

Title: P55 USB3 keeps beeping.
Post by: sp00ks on November 20, 2010, 11:42:35 am
I build my first PC yesterday, and after having spend hours trying to make sure everything was connected to the right places etc. I tried starting it. It starts, but there's nothing on the screen and the mobo keeps making high, fast beeping noises. I've tried disconnecting everything but the mobo and cpu, and it still does it.
i7 870
energon 750w psu
4gb kingston ddr3 ram

Some pictures (I know the 8 pin power connector isn't plugged in on the pictures with all the hardware connected, I've fixed it)

I've heard it could be the cpu overheating, but I haven't done anything to the thermal paste, although I did quickly remove the heatsink to see if everything was alright. Could that have f***ed it up?
Title: Re: P55 USB3 keeps beeping.
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 20, 2010, 12:35:18 pm
Hi and welcome to the forum.

Now please don't take offence but the quality of the photos wasn't great and with all the wiring etc in such a mess I couldn't really make anything of any consequence out.

You haven't given us much detail either on your components which doesn't help.

Have you made sure that the power connectors to the GPU are connected as well as the 12v EATX connection near the CPU?

Is your PSU a single 12V rail?
Title: Re: P55 USB3 keeps beeping.
Post by: sp00ks on November 20, 2010, 12:40:25 pm
Hi and welcome to the forum.

Now please don't take offence but the quality of the photos wasn't great and with all the wiring etc in such a mess I couldn't really make anything of any consequence out.

You haven't given us much detail either on your components which doesn't help.

Have you made sure that the power connectors to the GPU are connected as well as the 12v EATX connection near the CPU?

Is your PSU a single 12V rail?

None taken :)
What do you mean by "a single 12v rail"?
I have made sure the GPU and the connector near the cpu (2x4 pin) are connected.
Title: Re: P55 USB3 keeps beeping.
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 20, 2010, 12:45:46 pm
the 12v rail is how the 12v is arranged for out put to the various devices. Some PSUs use a single rail and others use a multi rail approach. The latter version can cause problems with some of the more power hungry new components like GPUs.
Title: Re: P55 USB3 keeps beeping.
Post by: sp00ks on November 20, 2010, 12:55:16 pm
the 12v rail is how the 12v is arranged for out put to the various devices. Some PSUs use a single rail and others use a multi rail approach. The latter version can cause problems with some of the more power hungry new components like GPUs.
I'm not sure I understand.
do I have to attach certain devices to certain cables? I thought it didn't matter as long as it would fit.
Title: Re: P55 USB3 keeps beeping.
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 20, 2010, 01:10:08 pm
If you give us a detailed list of your components (makes/models) we would have a better idea of the possible problems and could help you further.
Title: Re: P55 USB3 keeps beeping.
Post by: sp00ks on November 20, 2010, 01:14:34 pm
If you give us a detailed list of your components (makes/models) we would have a better idea of the possible problems and could help you further.
Here you go:
Title: Re: P55 USB3 keeps beeping.
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 20, 2010, 01:25:24 pm
Well I had never even heard of the PSU make but after a bit of digging it is not very highly thought of (and believe me that is being very polite). It is indeed 4 x 12v rails and from what I could see probably well over-rated. It only has one 6 pin PCIe connector too so your GPU wasn't properly powered. It is a Passive PFC rather than active and to cut a long story short the technical term for it is "crap"! I would suggest that you get a PSU that is worthy of your system and not some underpowered rubbish.
Title: Re: P55 USB3 keeps beeping.
Post by: sp00ks on November 20, 2010, 01:29:03 pm
Well I had never even heard of the PSU make but after a bit of digging it is not very highly thought of (and believe me that is being very polite). It is indeed 4 x 12v rails and from what I could see probably well over-rated. It is a Passive PFC rather than active and to cut a long story short the technical term for it is "crap"! I would suggest that you get a PSU that is worthy of your system and not some underpowered rubbish.
So a new PSU should fix it? I'd rather not buy a new one to just to find out it doesn't work either.
It is extremely bad service to even sell PSUs like that without saying how much they suck, and I probably can't even get a refund :(
Thanks a lot for all the help, I was getting very frustrated. Buying  for around 1400$ worth of computer hardware only to find out I can't use it is very annoying.
Title: Re: P55 USB3 keeps beeping.
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 20, 2010, 01:36:57 pm
Well whilst I agree with you about the selling of shoddy gear, what is the best way forward?

I suggest that you try getting an adapter for your GPU as I imagine it takes two six pin connectors not just one doesn't it?
That will at least allow you to try the system with graphics capabilities (maybe if the PSU is even up to the challenge) but I would still recommend buying a decent unit as soon as you can because if this one blows it could take a lot of your other components with it.

Sorry to be blunt.
Title: Re: P55 USB3 keeps beeping.
Post by: sp00ks on November 20, 2010, 02:15:36 pm
I'm not sure I understand what you're saying here. I can connect my GPU just fine already, but I can't turn my PC on at all. It just beeps, nothing on the screen...
I am going to get a new PSU if it is or will be a problem in the future.
Title: Re: P55 USB3 keeps beeping.
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 20, 2010, 02:21:13 pm
Well you still didn't give me the full details of your components so I am still flying in the dark so to speak but most of the nVidia GTX 470 graphics cards need two six pin connectors to be attached to work properly. But your PSU only has one is that right?
Title: Re: P55 USB3 keeps beeping.
Post by: sp00ks on November 20, 2010, 02:36:47 pm
Well you still didn't give me the full details of your components so I am still flying in the dark so to speak but most of the nVidia GTX 470 graphics cards need two six pin connectors to be attached to work properly. But your PSU only has one is that right?
Sorry about that.
It only has one, but the card came with 2 adapters, so it's been plugged in the entire time.
Title: Re: P55 USB3 keeps beeping.
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 20, 2010, 02:42:29 pm
I would still say that the power is your problem. This would be borne out by the continuous short beeps that are indicative of a power problem.

I would suggest getting a decent power supply like a Corsair, Gigabyte, Seasonic etc of about the same wattage as your present one is supposed to be but make sure that you get a single 12V rail.
Title: Re: P55 USB3 keeps beeping.
Post by: sp00ks on November 20, 2010, 02:57:16 pm
I would still say that the power is your problem. This would be borne out by the continuous short beeps that are indicative of a power problem.

I would suggest getting a decent power supply like a Corsair, Gigabyte, Seasonic etc of about the same wattage as your present one is supposed to be but make sure that you get a single 12V rail.
Can you link to a guide, or explain, exactly what you mean by single 12v rail?
Title: Re: P55 USB3 keeps beeping.
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 20, 2010, 03:12:12 pm
I have just picked out the Corsair HX750 as a similar PSU to what you want. These are the specs:

Corsair HX750W Features:
•Guaranteed to sustain its full rated wattage at an ambient temperature of 50°C
•Up to 90% energy-efficiency under real-world load conditions*
•Single +12V rail design providing up to 62A
•Multi-GPU ready
•105°C solid-state capacitors
•Active Power Factor Correction (PFC) with PF value of 0.99
•Supports ATX12V 2.3 and EPS12V 2.91 standards. Backwards compatible with ATX12V 2.01
•Auto switching circuitry for universal AC input from 90-264V
•Over Current/Voltage/Power Protection, Under Voltage Protection and Short Circuit Protection provide complete component safety
•Dimensions: 150mm(W) x 86mm(H) x 180mm(L)
•MTBF: 100,000 hours
•Safety Approvals: UL, CUL, CE, CB, FCC Class B, TÜV, CCC, C-tick

You will notice that the line coloured blue is to do with the 12v output and it is a single rail carrying all 62 Amps. If it was multi rail it would have maybe four of these but at only 15 Amps each. That would be fine as long as you didn't have anything in your system needing more that 15 Amps.
Title: Re: P55 USB3 keeps beeping.
Post by: sp00ks on November 20, 2010, 05:53:52 pm
Oh god.
I think the problem was the ram not being properly inserted. I noticed I had to "click" the ram into another computer of mine, and tried it on the new one, and now it doesn't beep anymore.
Even if it works, I'll probably get a new PSU anyways, if the cheap one could damage my system.
Title: Re: P55 USB3 keeps beeping.
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 20, 2010, 05:56:27 pm
So does your system work properly now then?
As you say it would be prudent to change your PSU anyway.
Title: Re: P55 USB3 keeps beeping.
Post by: sp00ks on November 20, 2010, 06:06:12 pm
So does your system work properly now then?
As you say it would be prudent to change your PSU anyway.
Looks good so far. Installing Win 7 right now (writing from laptop).
So if the PC is running there shouldn't be any problems with the PSU? It's either it works correctly or not at all.

I feel so stupid for not noticing the ram. Thanks a lot for all the help :)
Title: Re: P55 USB3 keeps beeping.
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 20, 2010, 08:42:11 pm
Please do not be lulled into a false sense of security. Even if it is working now it could give up at any time and you could lose a lot of hardware in  a worst case scenario.