Official GIGABYTE Forum

Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with AMD processors => Topic started by: KEP on November 27, 2010, 05:22:04 pm

Title: BIOS Fix Lists
Post by: KEP on November 27, 2010, 05:22:04 pm
Where does one find the list of issues addressed with a BIOS update?

Specifically, I have the GA-880GA-UD3H (rev. 2.1) with BIOS rev F6 installed, and see that there's a new F7 patch available:

I'm having "issues" with RAID, and wanted to find out what they fixed in this patch.  Seems to me I've seen far more detailed "Description"s for these, offered here, than what's offered on that page.  Where do you guys find those?

Title: Re: BIOS Fix Lists
Post by: absic on November 27, 2010, 05:25:43 pm
most of the time we don't, we just get the same info that Gigabyte put on the download page.
Any added information we get is from other users or from trawling the net to see if we can gain an insight into what the BIOS update addresses.  :P
Title: Re: BIOS Fix Lists
Post by: KEP on November 27, 2010, 06:25:42 pm
Crud.  Seemed like there had to be something more detailed than that.

Ok, thanks...
Title: Re: BIOS Fix Lists
Post by: absic on November 27, 2010, 06:58:28 pm
You won't get any arguments from me about that or, in fact, from a lot of users on the forum. It is a common gripe that there's no really good information when it comes to BIOS Updates, just some vague explanation.

I have just updated the BIOS on my motherboard to F6 and I'm still trying to figure out what: "Support new JM363 version" actually is for as my board seems to have a JM362 not JM363. I'm hoping it's just a typo!  ::)
Title: Re: BIOS Fix Lists
Post by: KEP on November 27, 2010, 07:12:36 pm
HA!  I wondered about that too.  When this - ??? ??? - was the best I could come up with, I decided to start this thread.   

I really find the lack of a half-axx decent fixlist on a BIOS update to be irresponsible at best, especially given the warning they so clearly state:

Because BIOS flashing is potentially risky, if you do not encounter problems using the current version of BIOS, it is recommended that you not flash the BIOS. To flash the BIOS, do it with caution. Inadequate BIOS flashing may result in system malfunction.

WTF, huh? 
Title: Re: BIOS Fix Lists
Post by: absic on November 27, 2010, 07:20:02 pm
Yes, I came up with that card too. Maybe the BIOS update lets you use it on the motherboard without problems..... who knows????

With regard to Flashing BIOS it is true that if everything is working OK on your PC you shouldn't update just for the sake of it. BIOS updates are normally released to address specific issues and should only be applied if you are having a problem. Unless of course, like me, you do a lot of testing and need the latest BIOS to help answer questions.
Title: Re: BIOS Fix Lists
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 27, 2010, 07:31:47 pm
What, you are trying to tell me you didn't get the 363 card with your board?    Just kidding!

It is a problem with the lack of info on BIOS updates and has been for a very long time regardless of the amount of times we have asked for more detailed specs. Mind you most other manufacturers are not much better either.
Title: Re: BIOS Fix Lists
Post by: blackie on November 27, 2010, 08:00:58 pm
Actually the Gigabyte site gives more information than the vender I had before (MSI). I actually decided to get rid of my MSI MB and try a Gigabyte board BECAUSE of the way MSI handles their BIOS information.

I had had a problem with the MSI board when I updated to my 1090T. First MSI told me my board did not support the 1090T (when a MSI web site I cited even said it did). They then closed the trouble report.

I opened another trouble report - explicitly citing the MSI web page. They again told me it was not on the support list.

I went to plan B and opened a TR at the MSI Asia Web address. That took and I even heard back from MSI USA.

MSI then told me that they were working on a beta BIOS that would fix my problem. I specifically asked what the new BIOS would address. They told me that information was proprietary and they would NOT release it.

How general information about what a fix involves is proprietary is beyond me. For example, Microsoft releases updates all the time. While the details of the fixes are sometimes less than clear - they DO describe the general problem that the fix addresses.

Anyhow - the MSI beta they ultimately provided uncovered (or caused - I can not be certain) a memory problem that blew out 1 channel of my memory - reducing my 6 GB to 2 GB. I decided to look elsewhere for a new MB - which is how I got here.

So at least 2 MB manufactures consider their BIOS updates such sensitive proprietary information that they will only release general statements (with NO details).

This means DO NOT UPDATE your BIOS unless you ABSOLUTELY need too (like supporting a new CPU).
Title: Re: BIOS Fix Lists
Post by: KEP on November 27, 2010, 09:16:52 pm
With regard to Flashing BIOS it is true that if everything is working OK on your PC you shouldn't update just for the sake of it. BIOS updates are normally released to address specific issues and should only be applied if you are having a problem.

You see the inherent contradiction there, right?  They address "specific issues", but we're expected to install them if we're having "a problem."  That's like replacing the clutch when your gas mileage drops. 
Title: Re: BIOS Fix Lists
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 27, 2010, 09:55:30 pm
To be fair I have worked on many forums and most motherboard manufacturers have the same sort of outlook and descriptions of the BIOS updates.
However on the whole I don't think it is a case of trying to be obstructive it is just a case of they don't see the need for us to know more or the lack of  language skills come into play.
Title: Re: BIOS Fix Lists
Post by: KEP on November 27, 2010, 10:37:37 pm
To be fair I have worked on many forums and most motherboard manufacturers have the same sort of outlook and descriptions of the BIOS updates. However on the whole I don't think it is a case of trying to be obstructive it is just a case of they don't see the need for us to know more or the lack of  language skills come into play.

Sure, I know it's pretty pathetic almost across the board.

I don't remember ever wondering what Dell BIOS updates addressed, though.

It's really hard to imagine them honestly thinking we wouldn't want/need to know, though.  That's implying a level of cluelessness almost unheard of.
Title: Re: BIOS Fix Lists
Post by: KEP on November 29, 2010, 08:02:49 pm
I have just updated the BIOS on my motherboard to F6 and I'm still trying to figure out what: "Support new JM363 version" actually is for as my board seems to have a JM362 not JM363. I'm hoping it's just a typo!  ::)

So how are you determining you have a JM362, and not a JM363?  I found this (somewhat older) article saying the GSATA2 was in fact a JM363, although they're not specific on which boards:

And, the picture of the chip seems to leave the question open, as well.

Title: Re: BIOS Fix Lists
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 29, 2010, 08:12:30 pm
For what it's worth they use the J Micron 362 on the Intel X58A boards so I would think it is highly likely that it is the same chip utilised on the AMD board too.
Title: Re: BIOS Fix Lists
Post by: KEP on November 30, 2010, 03:22:21 am
For what it's worth they use the J Micron 362 on the Intel X58A boards so I would think it is highly likely that it is the same chip utilised on the AMD board too.

Hmmmm, well, mine has 2xSATA and 1xPATA, according to that schematic I posted.  And, according to JMicron...

362 = 2xSATA

363 = 2xSATA + 1xPATA

Now, I know those pages aren't exactly what we're dealing with here, but?
Title: Re: BIOS Fix Lists
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 30, 2010, 11:04:37 am
I have just copied this from your link to the J Micron site regarding the 362 controller and as you can see it supports both SATA and PATA:

JMB362 supports both AHCI and Legacy IDE controller to increase system feasibility

But it is rather confusing all round.
Title: Re: BIOS Fix Lists
Post by: absic on November 30, 2010, 11:15:40 am
To get back to the original question regarding BIOS Updates.

The latest BIOS for the GA-890FXA-UD5 (rev 2.1) says:
1. Support new JM363 version
2. Fix Cool'n'Quiet compatibility

According to the motherboard schematic it actually uses the JM362

( (

So, is there an error in the info for the BIOS update or is it addressing another issue? It would help if this was made clearer in the update info.

Title: Re: BIOS Fix Lists
Post by: KEP on November 30, 2010, 02:59:23 pm
@absic - That's a different board.  The schematic for the GA-880GA-UD3H is not so unambiguous, unfortunately.  It simply labels that chip "GIGABYTE GSATA2".  So, their bad.  They should have stuck with the actual name for the chip in the fine manual.

@DM - I was looking at the very first sentence on each page, although I admit that one you quoted did give me pause.  But these two opening sentences seem clear enough, even if they do wander off into the darkness immediately after:

Title: Re: BIOS Fix Lists
Post by: Dark Mantis on November 30, 2010, 03:54:46 pm
Yes I do agree with the statements but the whole thing is a bit misleading.