Official GIGABYTE Forum
Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: turbogait on December 10, 2010, 08:45:20 am
Since one year i own a gigabyte p55-ud4/i5/corsair dd3 2x2 system/ocz 600w. During gaming the system went down and rebooted. Now i don't get any letters on my monitor. Only 4 phase leds are continous burning. The cpu fan is turning for 2 seconds ands stops. The case fans and videocard fan are doing fine. I thought of a videocard problem but changing the videocard was not the solution.
It seems the mobo or the Intel i5 750 is broken. Does anyone has any suggestion.
(I am from Holland so my english is not that good sorry)
Greetings Gerard
Hi and welcome to the Gigabyte Forum.
Don't worry about your language skills they are fine. ;)
It sounds like it might be an overheating problem. What heatsink/fan are you using on the CPU?
Thank you for your respons,
I have the CPU cooler Cooler Master Hyper TX 3. Also 1 year old
Greetings Gerard
Well the heatsink and fan should be alright. Just make sure it is still well secured.
Next can you list all your hardware including the PSU with makes and models please?
You can test your PSU by following this guide:
How to jump start a PSU video
here is my system:
intel core 15 750 2.66 Ghz
cooler master hyper tx 3
Gigabyte ga-p55-ud4
2 samsung spinpoint F1 1 TB 7200 Rpm
club3D radeon HD 4870 oc 1024GB
samsung sh-s223c/bebe/sata dvd/cd
Antec gamesgear treehundred
OCZ ModXstream Pro 600 Watt
Corsair Tw3x4g1600c9dhx 4 GB, PC3-12800, 1600 MHz kit of 2
The testing i have to do this evening I am at work.
Thanks for your effort,
Greetings Gerard
After checking the PSU, if it is alright, next remove everything that isn't strictly necessary for booting from the system.
You should then be left with the PSU, motherboard, CPU, heatsink and fan, one memory module in the first slot, GPU, keyboard and buzzer/speaker.
If you then try and boot and see what beep code it emits. Then post back here.
I did the PSU test and it worked fine!
After this i started the system with the PSU, video card, 1 memory module in slot 1, and the cpu: unfortunately the same problem: 4 phase leds are burning, the case fans turning, the cpu fan turned 5 turns and stopped.............. no beeps at all.......
Greetings Gerard
The next thing to try is to clear the CMOS.
Remove the power cable from the mains supply and then press the power switch on the case for a few seconds just to drain any residual energy in the PSU capacitors.
Once done remove the motherboard battery for at least ten minutes before replacing it.
Next plug back into the mains supply and boot.
You will now need to enter the BIOS by pressing DEL and load Opimised BIOS Defaults.
Make any other changes to the BIOS settings to suit your self and then press F10 to save and exit.
did what you told: uncoupled the main, removed the battery, waited 15 minutes (why is the battery under the video card :-\??) After this powered up the computer.... and still the same: 4 burning leds, nothing on the display....... ???
thank you for your effort black mantiz
Well Gerard, I think we have just about come to the end of the line. I would say that either the processor or the motherboard is faulty. There is no easy way to tell which unless you can swap one of them out. If you purchased the both from the same retailer I would suggest arranging for them to test and see which has failed. :-\