Official GIGABYTE Forum

Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: enablerbro1 on December 25, 2010, 11:26:36 am

Title: GA-P55m-UD2 1.0 setting up RAID post win7 install
Post by: enablerbro1 on December 25, 2010, 11:26:36 am
I'm trying to set up a RAID0 using the G-SATA ports, I have set the onboard to RAID/IDE in the bios but when I boot up and hold down Ctrl G to access the RAID setup it is bypassed and continues on to starting Windows.  I can see both drives in Windows.  I didn't install the RAID drivers when I installed Win7, I have downloaded and installed the GIGABYTE SATA2 Driver.

The mobo does not have a PS2 connection so it must be able to recognise a USB keyboard at post?

What am I doing wrong/what have I missed?
Title: Re: GA-P55m-UD2 1.0 setting up RAID post win7 install
Post by: Dark Mantis on December 25, 2010, 12:12:00 pm
Hi and welcome to the Gigabyte Forum and Happy Christmas.

Firstly can you check the model number of your motherboard as our system isn't recognising it?

Title: Re: GA-P55m-UD2 1.0 setting up RAID post win7 install
Post by: enablerbro1 on December 25, 2010, 02:36:56 pm
The motherboard is a GA-P55M-UD2 (rev 1.0), if that isn't the "model" number what would I be looking for?

... and Merry Xmas and seasons greetings  :)
Title: Re: GA-P55m-UD2 1.0 setting up RAID post win7 install
Post by: Dark Mantis on December 25, 2010, 03:05:45 pm
No that is the correct model number obviously it's just that neither our nor the USA website recognises it for some reason.
Title: Re: GA-P55m-UD2 1.0 setting up RAID post win7 install
Post by: enablerbro1 on December 25, 2010, 06:32:45 pm
Is there something with the USB settings in the BIOS I should be checking?

What I'm trying to do is RAID a couple of HDDs for video capturing, they're not for the OS to run on.  I've set up RAID before, a few years ago and not with this setup though, and don't remember having any problems with it.
Title: Re: GA-P55m-UD2 1.0 setting up RAID post win7 install
Post by: Dark Mantis on December 25, 2010, 09:13:29 pm
I would suggest checking in the BIOS to make sure that USB Legacy Devices is enabled. That will make sure that your USB keyboard will work prior to Windows loading. I would have expected it to be by default as your board doesn't support a PS2 connection.

There are detailed instructions on setting up a RAID array in the back of your manual.
Title: Re: GA-P55m-UD2 1.0 setting up RAID post win7 install
Post by: enablerbro1 on December 26, 2010, 08:16:56 am
Checked the legacy devices and they were enabled.  Seems rediculous that the 'Del' key is recognised to access the bios but 'Ctrl G' is not recognised to access the RAID setup.  Very frustrating.  ???
Title: Re: GA-P55m-UD2 1.0 setting up RAID post win7 install
Post by: Dark Mantis on December 26, 2010, 09:18:00 am
Do you actually get the press GTRL-G prompt appearing on the screen during boot?
Title: Re: GA-P55m-UD2 1.0 setting up RAID post win7 install
Post by: enablerbro1 on December 26, 2010, 02:03:31 pm
Yep, prompt comes after the initial post, shows the two drives I want to RAID and about pressing 'ctrl G'.  Doesn't stay on the screen for more than a second and then moves on to 'loading operating system'.  Keyboard works fine once windows is loaded.  I've tried the keyboard in a USB port on the motherboard and I've tried it on one at the front of the case, so plugged into one of the USB headers, and nothing.

Title: Re: GA-P55m-UD2 1.0 setting up RAID post win7 install
Post by: Dark Mantis on December 26, 2010, 02:43:42 pm
CTRL-G has to be pressed before it starts to load the operating system or it will not recognise the command.
Make sure the keyboard is in a USB2 port directly onto the motherboard.
Title: Re: GA-P55m-UD2 1.0 setting up RAID post win7 install
Post by: enablerbro1 on December 26, 2010, 02:57:57 pm
Yes, have had the keyboard in a USB2 port and pressed Ctrl G before it started loading the OS.  I think something must be up with the mobo, looks like I'll be starting the new year with the expense of replacing it.  :(
Title: Re: GA-P55m-UD2 1.0 setting up RAID post win7 install
Post by: Dark Mantis on December 26, 2010, 03:13:06 pm
If it is faulty there shouldn't be any expense involved as it will be under warrantee for three years.
Title: Re: GA-P55m-UD2 1.0 setting up RAID post win7 install
Post by: Lsdmeasap on December 26, 2010, 08:05:22 pm
Does it do the same with a  PS/2 keyboard?
Title: Re: GA-P55m-UD2 1.0 setting up RAID post win7 install
Post by: Dark Mantis on December 26, 2010, 08:43:26 pm
Does it do the same with a  PS/2 keyboard?

Hi Lsdmeasap

The OP's motherboard doesn't support a PS2 connection.
Title: Re: GA-P55m-UD2 1.0 setting up RAID post win7 install
Post by: Lsdmeasap on December 26, 2010, 09:03:27 pm
Ohh, well that isn't cool  :o
Title: Re: GA-P55m-UD2 1.0 setting up RAID post win7 install
Post by: Dark Mantis on December 26, 2010, 09:06:26 pm
Doesn't make things any easier does it?
Title: Re: GA-P55m-UD2 1.0 setting up RAID post win7 install
Post by: Lsdmeasap on December 26, 2010, 09:38:02 pm
Maybe he has 10 different spare USB keyboards, that would help as one would have to be more compatible  ;D

Using latest BIOS?
Title: Re: GA-P55m-UD2 1.0 setting up RAID post win7 install
Post by: Dark Mantis on December 26, 2010, 09:46:04 pm
Actually I couldn't get any of the Gigabyte websites to recognise the model the other day and so couldn't check for BIOS versions etc.
Now that I can I have just noticed that it does indeed have a PS2 port which I did think strange when the OP said it.

The latest BIOS version we have here is F11.

Maybe the OP can verify if he is running that or an older version?
Title: Re: GA-P55m-UD2 1.0 setting up RAID post win7 install
Post by: Lsdmeasap on December 26, 2010, 10:33:56 pm
So it does have PS/2 then?   If so he should be fine with a PS/2 keyboard, or using his USB keyboard with a USB to PS/2 adapter.

And of course if he is using a very old BIOS a new one might fix it right up without any of this PS/2 hassles.   

Be sure he clears the DMI pool when flashing
Title: Re: GA-P55m-UD2 1.0 setting up RAID post win7 install
Post by: enablerbro1 on January 02, 2011, 11:55:27 am
Thanks for the replies guys, sorry for not responding sooner.  I sorted the RAID problem by plugging in a PS2 keyboard into the PS2 port I didn't think I had.  :-[  I don't know why I thought this mobo didn't have one but it does and works fine.  It only has the one PS2 port, not one for KB and another for mouse.  Felt a right prat when I realised it was hiding back there.

I still have the issue with the USB keyboard on startup.  I have setup a dual boot and need to select which OS I want to run, if I plug my KB in when the question comes up about selecting OS it works and I can choose but if the KB is already plugged in then it doesn't recognise it.  ???

I haven't checked which BIOS is in but I don't think I've updated it since the original install a year ago so I will do that and see what happens.
Title: Re: GA-P55m-UD2 1.0 setting up RAID post win7 install
Post by: Lsdmeasap on January 02, 2011, 12:40:06 pm
Try Enable and Disable USB Storage Detect in the Integrated Peripherals BIOS page, may also just be called USB Storage in your BIOS.

Be sure you are on the latest BIOS too.
Title: Re: GA-P55m-UD2 1.0 setting up RAID post win7 install
Post by: enablerbro1 on January 02, 2011, 12:50:02 pm
Thanks.  Updated BIOS and now the keyboard works during startup. :)  What a palarver (sp?)  Thanks for all the input, stopped me from tearing out what little hair I have left.

Moral of the story, open your eyes and make sure you're up to date.