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Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with AMD processors => Topic started by: Fire_Marshall13 on January 10, 2011, 09:54:48 pm

Title: Newbe would like to know if what I want to do is possible?
Post by: Fire_Marshall13 on January 10, 2011, 09:54:48 pm
Building new unit. First time with Gig board UD-4 very impressed so far. Confused by complexity of possible configurations. Wanting to know. Should I and or can I place my SSD and CD on SATA ports 6 and 7 and all other HDDs on SATA II ports  0,3 And can I or should I place the BIOS settings at AHCI  instead of IDE. Or is all thiis a waist of everyones time? Here is my thinking and you can tell me I am nuts if you want (It's ok been said before) lol.

I would like to split the load between my AMD SB750 ship and Marvell 9128 chips or is also a waist?

After much reading AHCI seems  puts less wear on the drives and seems to run faster.

I plan on locking out my SSD because there will be 3 members of the house on this computer and one is only 8 years old. I will assign 1: 1.TB WD HD to each member (I relieze this a software programming issue that I willl need to study in Win.7 Ultimate Full)( Not familier with win.7 at all) my purpose is to keep anyone from downloading to someone else's or the SSD hard drives if possible. What do you think is any of this possible? It's been many years since I built a unit and did any real programing (Maybe 1997) So I ask, Please be patient with me as I am  doing a lot of catching up with all the new technoligy thats out now.   
 I want to say. Thank you to all that respond in advance for any and all reply's as I will still gain knowledge    Chris
Title: Re: Newbe would like to know if what I want to do is possible?
Post by: blackie on January 11, 2011, 03:57:36 am
No body seems to want this one - so I will take a stab at it.

In general there is no need to assign every body a different HD. Windows 7 will handle almost any number of different users. Assign each user a different user name AND a password. Assign yourself as an administrator - make the others plain users. Windows 7 will keep each user separate and not allow them to install any software - nor to diddle with anyone else's data. Only you (running as an administrator) can load new software and do system administration. The other 2 users are locked out - because they are only plain users.

You can set each user up on a different disk for data (reserving the SSD for booting and programs - depends on size). One TB for each is really, really generous - 1 TB is a LOT of space.

Since you probably will never be running more than one disk at a time - put the durn things any where they fit. Your not likely to wear them out. Don't kill yourself over-planning.

I can't comment much on IDE vs. AHCI. Seems AHCI is great for hot swapping. I think you are right that it in general it is better - set them up as AHCI.
Title: Re: Newbe would like to know if what I want to do is possible?
Post by: autotech on January 11, 2011, 05:08:29 am
I will help fill in a little if i think i can here. You want to use the ssd drive as ur main drive for yourself which would be your boot drive if so then achi mode is best for speed.
Problem i see is a different hard drive for everyone else if ssd is main boot drive then i dont know how to dual boot the same operating system. If you had vista on 1 hard drive then you vcould put everyones account on there and main boot your ssd.

Another problem if you do that everytime you boot u will have to change bios. 1 bios for ssd and another ide for other drive.

Thinking here i have dual booted alot till windows 7 and at first i had vista dual boot with it till it released full version.

OK you cant dual boot windows 7 if all you are using is windows 7 you have to have a different os for other boot and again if it is plain sata drive you will have to change bios when u change drives.

Plain and simple i dont see how you can dual boot with a ssd and a plain sata without alot of trouble period. Maybe dark or absic can help a bit more but i think they will agree what you want to do is not possiable at this time just using windows 7 only and unless you want to change bios everytime you boot. Most ssd drives are to small unless you get a 256 gig or bigger that way u can make different accounts and not mess with bios set it to achi and let it go.Here is a link to help you out read and go from there. They say you need different keys for dual booting windows 7 hope it helps.

You will still have the achi problem in bios with the ssd drive.