Official GIGABYTE Forum

Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: davidm71 on January 18, 2011, 03:45:13 pm

Title: P67A-UD7 : Do I need a PCI-E 1X riser adapter to clear the heatsinks ???
Post by: davidm71 on January 18, 2011, 03:45:13 pm

I was thinking of purchasing a P67A-UD7 based upon its build quality but do not want to sacrifice an X1 pci-e slot. Will I need a riser card to use the PCI-e x1 first slot to clear the nf200 heatsink or is that not an issue?

Also I noticed that this board does not have a supplemental pci-e power molex plug for multigpu stability. Is there enough thick power lanes built in that it is not neccessary?

Also is Efi bios really coming to this board because that is a purchase item criteria for me...


A perspective buyer .. .
Title: Re: P67A-UD7 : Do I need a PCI-E 1X riser adapter to clear the heatsinks ???
Post by: Dark Mantis on January 18, 2011, 04:04:46 pm
Hi and welcome to the Gigabyte Forum.

Personally I haven't had a chance to play with this one yet but I am hoping to shortly. As far as I know only a short card(or one with a riser) will fit the top PCIEx1 slot. Dont forget that you can use the other slots as well. Just because they are faster slots they are backwards compatible.

The PSU will supply the graphics cards with power directly.

I was rather hoping that the EFI would be incorporated into these boards at release but I do understand that it is in the pipeline.
Title: Re: P67A-UD7 : Do I need a PCI-E 1X riser adapter to clear the heatsinks ???
Post by: davidm71 on January 18, 2011, 04:18:38 pm
Hi and welcome to the Gigabyte Forum.

Personally I haven't had a chance to play with this one yet but I am hoping to shortly. As far as I know only a short card(or one with a riser) will fit the top PCIEx1 slot. Dont forget that you can use the other slots as well. Just because they are faster slots they are backwards compatible.

The PSU will supply the graphics cards with power directly.

I was rather hoping that the EFI would be incorporated into these boards at release but I do understand that it is in the pipeline.

I don't know if you have heard but certain nvidia gpus like the 480 series will pull a lot of current through pci-express lanes and burn out the power distribution lanes around the 24 pin power plug inputs on certain motherboards. Though as this is such a beefy motherboard I was just wondering if anyone knows if this is a concern on this particular model?

Also regarding the pci-e x1 slot as I am most likely going multiple gpu setup I need every slut available ready and willing to work right. I found a riser card for $20 online I could purchase if the need ever came up but its just a small concern thats all...

Title: Re: P67A-UD7 : Do I need a PCI-E 1X riser adapter to clear the heatsinks ???
Post by: Dark Mantis on January 18, 2011, 04:27:38 pm
This motherboard has twice the thickness of copper tracking than most other makes so that could be why I haven't seen one instance of this on the forum here. I have seen plenty of people with multi GPU setups and no complaints.