Official GIGABYTE Forum
Off-Topic => General discussions => Topic started by: jolphil on January 27, 2011, 07:02:27 pm
While poking around the net about North bridge temperatures I come across this which was almost an exact copy of my post in this forum..Some of the wording was changed but the theme is the same..
My post:,3817.0.html
Here's the very very similar post on another forum with new names added:
I know that nothing online is sacred but this is outrageous IMHO
Gigabyte should check this out..
jolphil >:(
After reading the posts on the other forum there was one in the thread that looked awfully familiar and then I realised it was a copy of mine too ::)
It is just the way things are and you can't stop it. But you know what they say about Imitation being the sincerest form of flattery!
Hi DM,
Yes, notice also they just copied my mis-used word "observer"
Their grammar is no better than mine,.....Thats funny..
jolphil ;D
Yes, you would expect them to be a little clever and show a bit of initiative by changing the words. ::) Still I suppose that if the can't think of their own answers then they are too lazy to type as well.
If I had a pound for every time I have had one of my posts or reviews copied or passed off by someone else as their own I would be a very rich man. :P
That last post seems to be mine, lol ;D.
I... don't get it ???. If you want to copy posts then why bother with messing them up? I'd understand if they translated them using some online translator but this is english to english.
I don't think I ever gave advice to eliminate a heatsink ;).
I don't think I ever gave advice to eliminate a heatsink . ;)
I don't know there are times when it seems it would be enjoyable to smash the sh*t out of something! ;D
Well I couldn't just let it go by without saying something now could I? So I posted my appreciation on their forum!
It would appear that the moderators have pulled the thread entirely after my expression of gratitude! ;D
I think it's a ghost forum. At least, a big part of it is. In addition to removing that thread you need to have an account to see their content now.
It would appear that the moderators have pulled the thread entirely after my expression of gratitude!
That I did not know..
Way to go Dark Mantis..You Da Man!!!
jolphil :)
As I said we can never stop it happening but that doesn't mean we have to just ignore it when we do see it. ;)
typical internet.... even my youtube videos are plagiarised
It is something that we just have to put up with. Best thing is to just ignore it in most circumstances and take pride in the fact that someone thought it was worth copying. ;)
It is something that we just have to put up with. Best thing is to just ignore it in most circumstances and take pride in the fact that someone thought it was worth copying. ;)
Either that or copy right it and make millions!