Official GIGABYTE Forum
Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: kwat on January 31, 2011, 04:35:15 pm
My Configuration:
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-P55A-UD3 (rev 2.0, BIOS F11)
RAM: Corsair CMX4GX3M2A1600C8 (2*2GB DDR 1600 dual channel kit)
CPU: Intel i5-760
Video Card: EVGA GeForce 210
With all BIOS settings at fail-safe values, I get random system lockups, blue screens, page faults, kernel panics, etc when trying to install 32bit versions of Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.10. I tested the RAM and the GA-P55A-UD3 with memtest86+ 4.20 for 13.5 hours with no errors. The hard drivers and DVD ROM were taken from working systems that had no previous issues. The RAM is in the white slots on the motherboard (slots 1 and 3).
I’ve been able to run the Ubuntu 10.10 LiveCD without problems for more than 3 problems so the problem seems to be related to hard drive access. I’ve tested with multiple SATA drives in IDE and AHCI modes and the install fails on all of them. This is the second GA-P55A-UD3 if tried with the same results.
I’d appreciate any suggestions on what might be the problem; otherwise I will replace the Gigabyte motherboard with another brand.
Hi and welcome to the Gigabyte Forum.
I get the idea from your description that you have used a hard drive from a previous system in this build.
Have you formatted and then tried to install a new version of Windows on it?
Is your copy of the OS genuine?
Have you changed over data and power cables ?
My copy of Windows 7 is genuine. I tried different SATA cables and did reformat the hard drive.
The original problems continue
Have you got your optical drive on the same controller as your hard drive and is it set to AHCI mode?
Yesterday, I replaced by IDE optical drive with a SATA optical drive. The installation had failed on the IDE optical drive
with AHCI on or off. It also failed using the SATA optical drive with AHCI enabled (didn't try with AHCI off).
Thanks for your support on this matter.
Sometimes it is better to put the optical drive and the hard drive on different controlllers and you can try setting the DVD drive to IDE mode. The hard drive is normally best on SATA2_0 so you could try moving the optical drive to SATA3_6
tried everything you said, still can't install either OS.
So basically, and please tell me if I am wrong, the system works off a live CD but not when you try to install the OS ?
If that is so it would point to either the controller or the hard drive being faulty.
Yes, system works off livecd but fails to install either ubuntu or windows 7 to hard drive.
Also, I get the same results using two hard drives that continue work fine in another PC!
Had the same problem with the first P55a-UD3 I had thatś why I returned it. Seems like thereś
some incompatibility between my components but Iǘe spent enoght time on this now.
Unless you have soemthing else to try, Iḿ moving to another brand of motherboard.
In that case I would say that it proves the problem lies either with the board or the CPU. So I would advise removing the board from the case and then carrying out the following check.
It would be worth checking for bent pins on the CPU socket also.
Very carefully remove the heatsink and fan. Probably a slight twisting motion is best to release the two as the thermal paste can act like a glue.
Once off remove the CPU taking extreme care both physically and electrically(static) and place somewhere safe.
Make sure that the lighting is very good and even.
Now scrutinise the socket for any pins that are out of alignment, even slightly.
If in any doubt whatsoever take a couple of macro (close up) photos of the socket and post them on here for us to check.
Also look at the bottom of the CPU at the lands (little copper circles) and make sure that there is a mark in each somewhere near the centre.
If there are any missing marks or any of the pins are obviously bent then that is your problem.
Before refitting the CPU clean off all residue of the old thermal paste and the same on the heatsink and then apply a small amount (about the size of a grain of rice) to the centre of the CPU once it is inserted in the socket.