Official GIGABYTE Forum
Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: arjay37 on February 01, 2011, 07:07:36 pm
New kit purchased and put together. When power on switch is pushed, PSU fan, CPU fan, case fan, and HDD power on for 3 seconds. After that power shutsdown for 3 seconds and then powers up, over and over.
GA-H67M-D2 Rev. 1.0
Sparkle ATX 500W PSU (PSPS-500)
Thermaltake V3 Case (VL8000)
Intel Core i5-2300 CPU (LGA1155)
Seagate Barracuda 1TB Sata HDD
Sony DVDRW Sata
Checked all the front panel connections and verified the polarity is correct.
Jumpered the ATX connector green wire to black and the PSU fan remained on.
I'm stumped, thanks in advance.
Hi and welcome to the Gigabyte Forum.
I would expect your power supply to be the problem. Dont take offence but it is not a lot of good and one of the cheapest on the market.
Have you made sure that you have connected the 12v 4pin plug near the CPU ?
Are you trying to use onboard graphics ?
What memory are you using ? Also what slots is it installed in ?
Would not be surprised that the PSU is cheap.
Connected the 4 pin 12v to motherboard and it was a real stretch. Using on board graphics luckily because that 4 pin connector spans across the PCI slots.
Using 2 Kingston 2GB DDR3 sticks .
In current config I could not install any expansion cards due to stretch of cable.
Well all joking apart I would purchase a decent PSU straight away because even if that thing is working now if it does go down it might take half your hardware with it and that is expensive.
I would recommend a Corsair, Seasonic, Gigabyte, Enermax, any of the big names and power of about 550w minimum.
It could well be that changing it will see your problem disappear.
Will do straightaway. Thanks for the info. When I get a new one I will post an updation promptly.
If you are planning any upgrades in the near future don't forget to take that into account when purchasing the PSU. If you are thinking about a graphics card for example I would go up to a 650w minimum.
Book it. Will do. I'll get one with a brazillion Watts or at least 650 like you said.
That's the way, go for it! ;D
If you get something like the Corsair they have a five year warranty so at least you know it willl last.
Houston we have a problem!
Got a GS600 Corsair PSU. Heafty with nice cable management.
Only problem is I still have the same problem.
Took the CPU off to check orientation and saw it was correct.
But I noticed this, look in the lower right of the pic. Could that be the issue?
The picture is cr*p to be fair but I thought i could see a pin that was badly bent and possibly even shorting to another. So yes it couldwell be the problem. If you could take a nice clear macro photo I would be able to tell you for certrain.
have the same problem using Kingston memory. pretty sure it is the memory but have not confirmed.
am using kvr1333d3n9k2/4g cl9 memory.
Kingston site suggest that this memory is ok for this board but the gigabyte memory compatability list suggests only kingston cl7 memory.
In all honesty I would take more notice of the memory manufacturer's website than Gigabyte's as Kingston will tend to test far more modules than Gigabyte will.
As long as it is happy running at 1.5v chances are it can be encouraged to work.
In reply to davo22
Got a tip. Power off, remove memory sticks. Power up and wait for error beeps.
Power off. Install 1 stick in slot 0 and power up. If it works great. If not repeat but with the other stick.
If that works power off and install second stick in slot 1. If it comes up great!
If not that stick may be bad.
No guarentee.
As for my problem I give up. Going for a RMA to exchange for another MoBo.
Yes worth trying as sometimes these things do work.
Good luck with your RMA and new board.
I just upgraded from a P4 3 Ghz. Installed new memory also. Power cycling happened to me also but then I thought that Windows might balk at such a severe upgrade. I formatted the drive and did a fresh install. Everything works great now, except I can't get Dynamic Energy Saver to install.
You should always do a fresh install of the OS when you do a major upgrade as it is asking for trouble otherwise.
Make sure that you are using the latest BIOS before installing DES.
Bios is F9
what I get during installing DS2 is
"This mainboard is not support DS2.
Setup will be abort."
- a direct quote
I don't reallly know why you get that error message but I would suggest that you try downloading the latest version of DES from the Gigabyte Website and try again. Personally I don't like or use any of these bundled utilities that come with the motherboards but each to their own.