Official GIGABYTE Forum

Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: mad hatter on February 02, 2011, 01:23:06 pm

Title: gigabyte ga-g33m-ds2r mobo causing a right headache!!!
Post by: mad hatter on February 02, 2011, 01:23:06 pm
my headache is this motherboard
gigabyte ga-g33m-ds2r
intel duel core processor 2.70 ghz
2x 1gb ddr2 g.skill ram
nvidia 8400gs 512 mb grafix card
hitachi desktar 320gb sata
psu jeantech 400w
o s win xp

problem started over a week ago when i tried to load the com up and it froze on the windows logo so i turned the com off
it now has started to just cycle trough powering itself up for like 2-5 secconds then turns off then repeats it
i have had the mobo oout on cardboard had evrything unplugged  like hd drives cd drives ram out grafix out so it was just the mobo plugged in
i have bridged the power conector to rule out the power switch also changed the psu to a win power psu 450w
bought a new intel duel core processor 2.70ghz
taken over 20 hours of reading posts on the web but with now answers
when i take evrything out and just leave the mobo plugged in and no processor in the thing boots up and stays on but if i put the processor back in the problem starts again i am having a total headache with this anybody got an idea what the hell is going on plz???
Title: Re: gigabyte ga-g33m-ds2r mobo causing a right headache!!!
Post by: Dark Mantis on February 02, 2011, 01:56:12 pm
Hi and welcome to the Gigabyte Forum

Hey, it's not April 1st you know!  ;D

With no processor installed the motherboard can't possibly boot up.  It is impossible!!

Have you checked to see if your BIOS version supports the new CPU you have ?
Title: Re: gigabyte ga-g33m-ds2r mobo causing a right headache!!!
Post by: mad hatter on February 02, 2011, 02:30:15 pm
as far as i can tell the bios is ok and supported i installed the mobo over 4  months ago and all was working fine when i fitted it and i did a  bios update from the gigabyte site all worked fine for the next 4 months then as i stated it froze up and now this problem :(
Title: Re: gigabyte ga-g33m-ds2r mobo causing a right headache!!!
Post by: Dark Mantis on February 02, 2011, 02:55:24 pm
bought a new intel duel core processor 2.70ghz

I thought you said that you had replaced the processor ?
Title: Re: gigabyte ga-g33m-ds2r mobo causing a right headache!!!
Post by: mad hatter on February 02, 2011, 03:33:56 pm
yup done that and plugged it in but still goes through the 2-3 seccond reboot so cant even get onto the bios screen replugged the old processor in and still the same problem.  done also with the psu tried them on a different com and they are fine plug them back onto my mobo and the 2-3 seccond reboot starts all over again my old processor is a 2.20 ghz intel pentium duel the new processor is 2.70 intel duel i have ruled evrything out i can think of so would it be the motherboard that is the problem?
Title: Re: gigabyte ga-g33m-ds2r mobo causing a right headache!!!
Post by: Dark Mantis on February 02, 2011, 05:04:33 pm
Look can you give me the exact part number of the CPU as Intel don't even make a  Dual Core 2700 unless you are talking about a Celeron.
Title: Re: gigabyte ga-g33m-ds2r mobo causing a right headache!!!
Post by: mad hatter on February 02, 2011, 05:52:51 pm
old processor chip is intel pentium e2200
pentium duel-core
sla8x malay

the new processor i bought today is the exact same but 2.70 ghz

says on the box of the new processor e5400
freq. 2.70 GHZ
fsb. 800mhz
chache. 2mb
socket lga 775
pcg 06

thanks for the patience wiv me
Title: Re: gigabyte ga-g33m-ds2r mobo causing a right headache!!!
Post by: Dark Mantis on February 02, 2011, 06:15:26 pm
Yes my bad it is a Wolfdale version. Your motherboard must be running F8 BIOS version or later for it to be supported.

What BIOS does your motherboard have installed ?
Title: Re: gigabyte ga-g33m-ds2r mobo causing a right headache!!!
Post by: mad hatter on February 03, 2011, 12:18:44 pm
i have no idea what version of bios on it and i have no way of detecting it as the com only powers up for 2-3 secconds or so i have tried to short the cmos jumper when it powers up as i built the mobo up outside the case on cardboard when i short the clear cmos and hold the screwdiver onto the jumper it keeps powerd up but still no beep is heard finding this very frustrating :( thanks for all ur replies
Title: Re: gigabyte ga-g33m-ds2r mobo causing a right headache!!!
Post by: Dark Mantis on February 03, 2011, 01:23:57 pm
Firstly you shouldn't short the CMOS jumper when the motherboard is powered up. It can cause damage.

Next it might be worth trying a new battery in the mobo, it should be a CR2032.

Can you replace your previous processor in the board to get it running and do a BIOS update ?
Title: Re: gigabyte ga-g33m-ds2r mobo causing a right headache!!!
Post by: mad hatter on February 03, 2011, 01:48:50 pm
the batery is the same as you posted tried to use the old processor but same cycle results 2-5 secconds of power up will get a battery asap and see if that works will keep you posted thnks for all ur help
Title: Re: gigabyte ga-g33m-ds2r mobo causing a right headache!!!
Post by: mad hatter on February 03, 2011, 02:54:20 pm
replaced the batery it now powers up for about 7 secconds then repowers back up and stays on no bleep tho and nothing coming up on screen have it all built outside the tower so should i now put it back together???
Title: Re: gigabyte ga-g33m-ds2r mobo causing a right headache!!!
Post by: Dark Mantis on February 03, 2011, 02:57:05 pm
No I would leave it all outside on the worktop. It is easier to see and add components etc.

Have you got a buzzer installed ?
Title: Re: gigabyte ga-g33m-ds2r mobo causing a right headache!!!
Post by: mad hatter on February 03, 2011, 03:10:25 pm
not sure abouta buzzer how do i check?? before the problem started on the boot-up i did get a bleep???
Title: Re: gigabyte ga-g33m-ds2r mobo causing a right headache!!!
Post by: Dark Mantis on February 03, 2011, 03:14:31 pm
On the bottom right hand cornewr of the motherboard there is a connector block for the Front Panel Connections. there is part of that that is marked SPKR. If there is nothing attached to it then you do not have a buzzer and will need to get one to hear the POST code beeps.
Title: Re: gigabyte ga-g33m-ds2r mobo causing a right headache!!!
Post by: mad hatter on February 03, 2011, 03:15:32 pm
just had a good look at the mobo and next to the battery there is writing on the mobo saying buzzer and nothing connected to it??
Title: Re: gigabyte ga-g33m-ds2r mobo causing a right headache!!!
Post by: mad hatter on February 03, 2011, 03:19:00 pm
yes speaker is connected as is power switch and so on as they should be and they are in the correct place as i have checked and re-checked
Title: Re: gigabyte ga-g33m-ds2r mobo causing a right headache!!!
Post by: Dark Mantis on February 03, 2011, 03:25:22 pm
Is it a speaker or a buzzer that is installed ?

If it is a buzzer make sure that it is connected the right way round.
Title: Re: gigabyte ga-g33m-ds2r mobo causing a right headache!!!
Post by: mad hatter on February 03, 2011, 03:28:54 pm
On the bottom right hand cornewr of the motherboard there is a connector block for the Front Panel Connections. there is part of that that is marked SPKR. If there is nothing attached to it then you do not have a buzzer and will need to get one to hear the POST code beeps.

yes spkr is connected as are the rest next to it i have checked and re-checked they are in the propper place powers up for around 7 secconds then turns off then re-powers up on its own and keeps on no post bleep and nothing on screen as of yet??
Title: Re: gigabyte ga-g33m-ds2r mobo causing a right headache!!!
Post by: Dark Mantis on February 03, 2011, 03:35:48 pm
Can you remove the two cables in the same place marked power and reset and see if anything different happens?
Title: Re: gigabyte ga-g33m-ds2r mobo causing a right headache!!!
Post by: mad hatter on February 03, 2011, 03:37:37 pm
removed as u asked nothing happend
Title: Re: gigabyte ga-g33m-ds2r mobo causing a right headache!!!
Post by: Dark Mantis on February 03, 2011, 04:01:12 pm
Is the machine still running ?
Title: Re: gigabyte ga-g33m-ds2r mobo causing a right headache!!!
Post by: mad hatter on February 03, 2011, 04:06:35 pm
the machine still runs if i bridge the power switch. powers up for 7 secconds then reboots and stays on constantly without cycling again but no bleep and screen is blank does the same if i have the power and reset switch conected
Title: Re: gigabyte ga-g33m-ds2r mobo causing a right headache!!!
Post by: Dark Mantis on February 03, 2011, 04:10:48 pm
Try fitting the reset swich and see if it starts to cycle again.
Title: Re: gigabyte ga-g33m-ds2r mobo causing a right headache!!!
Post by: mad hatter on February 03, 2011, 04:15:38 pm
conected the reset switch power switch not conected bridged the power switch prongs and the machine powerd up for 7 secconds and then turns off then powers up and stays on without re-cycling still no bleep and blank screen
Title: Re: gigabyte ga-g33m-ds2r mobo causing a right headache!!!
Post by: Dark Mantis on February 03, 2011, 04:21:56 pm
OK you can refit the power switch now then.

I can't think of anything else to try and I reckon it's time to arrange an RMA for the board. You will need to contact your retailer or the local Gigabyte centre.

You haven't put your location on your profile so I can't help more than that.
Title: Re: gigabyte ga-g33m-ds2r mobo causing a right headache!!!
Post by: mad hatter on February 03, 2011, 04:30:04 pm
my location is yorkshire in the uk what is rma?? still pretty new at this and thankyou for your time well appreciate it
Title: Re: gigabyte ga-g33m-ds2r mobo causing a right headache!!!
Post by: Dark Mantis on February 03, 2011, 04:39:32 pm
As you are in the UK I can give you the email address to contact to arrange the RMA. RMA stands for Return Materials Authorisation. Basically permission to return broken gear!

If you contact this address and tell them that you have been on the forum and that I suggested you needed a RMA and you shouldn't have any problem.

Good luck.
Title: Re: gigabyte ga-g33m-ds2r mobo causing a right headache!!!
Post by: mad hatter on February 03, 2011, 04:58:51 pm
i have emaild them about the motherboard once again thankyou for your help would i need to have the box and the booklet it came in to return it??
Title: Re: gigabyte ga-g33m-ds2r mobo causing a right headache!!!
Post by: Dark Mantis on February 03, 2011, 05:06:14 pm
No but you will need to be able to package it securely so it cant be damaged during transportation.