Official GIGABYTE Forum

Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: Fourtwofour on February 28, 2011, 03:48:56 pm

Title: GA-X58A-UD3R noise problem.... very disappointed! :(
Post by: Fourtwofour on February 28, 2011, 03:48:56 pm
Hello everyone I am new here and I have a huge problem : /

I don't understand this motherboard, its making some stupid noise (boot, idle in windows... and way worse when I load a game) people told me to turn off C1E and all the other garbage (cant remember the names) its still there, this must be the worst motherboard I have ever used. This noise is...

I tried overclocking to 4.2 (1.31v or so) to see if that would fix it.. NO!

Here comes the funny part...

This motherboard doesn't like ANYTHING

I am confused.

I have the GPU on stability test (furmark) fully clocked.. 1000/1300 and the noise is there when the thing is infront of my eyes, when i MINIZE furmark (let it run in the background) the noise is gone (running it as we speak, 30c load.. VRM's are 60C) so its not overheating or whatever.

LOL? I can even play games in Windowed mode and not hear this, when its in fullscreen it comes back? this mobo is smoking weed

I guess I will just RMA this piece of s***... was to good to be true... so cheap : /

I didn't have any problems with my Asus P6T7 WS Supercomputer.. but I bent my pins by mistake - gonna fix them and just use it.... ONLY THING I CHANGED was the mobo.. so its definitely a mobo problem I dont know why its making my GPU do this noise (Not sure if its comming from it either) but since I hear it when playing games and not when under Prime95 load.... and I hear it when in Furmark, its doing something to my GPU.

I am using the drivers from the disc and the MB is rev 2.0

i7 980x @ 4.3
5970 EK FC Waterblock
GA-X58A-UD3R REV 2.0

Can anyone help me with this? I am about to throw this motherboard in the trash and NEVER - EVER get a cheap motherboard... EVER. It was too good to be true...

Title: Re: GA-X58A-UD3R noise problem.... PATHETIC!
Post by: Trinitrotoluene on February 28, 2011, 03:57:03 pm
Locking the CPU Vcore can fix it, disabling C-states can fix it and there's also a BIOS out there with a fix in it. Dark Mantis will be able to give you more info on that.

If that doesn't fix it, you can also RMA the board because Gigabyte knows about this error and they can fix it easily with a hardware fix now. As far as I know, it doesn't affect stability but it sure is annoying.

I guess the noise can come from a variety of places, I had the same problem (fortunately fixed it by locking CPU Vcore). It came from my PSU at first, upon changing PSU it started coming from the CPU area. Funny thing it, the whine was at its loudest while running HDtune. It really differs per load amount and type.

If you can and still want, I suggest you to RMA the board to Gigabyte for this hardware fix. It's a great board, don't let this bug stop you from enjoying it after the fix!  :)
Title: Re: GA-X58A-UD3R noise problem.... PATHETIC!
Post by: Fourtwofour on February 28, 2011, 04:00:48 pm
Locking the CPU Vcore can fix it, disabling C-states can fix it and there's also a BIOS out there with a fix in it. Dark Mantis will be able to give you more info on that.

If that doesn't fix it, you can also RMA the board because Gigabyte knows about this error and they can fix it easily with a hardware fix now. As far as I know, it doesn't affect stability but it sure is annoying.

I guess the noise can come from a variety of places, I had the same problem (fortunately fixed it by locking CPU Vcore). It came from my PSU at first, upon changing PSU it started coming from the CPU area. Funny thing it, the whine was at its loudest while running HDtune. It really differs per load amount and type.

If you can and still want, I suggest you to RMA the board to Gigabyte for this hardware fix. It's a great board, don't let this bug stop you from enjoying it after the fix!  :)

Thanks for the response!

I have tried enabling / disabling (all kinda of options) the C1E and the other stuff, I set everything from Auto to whatever number (the number it is using on stock for example) heard Auto can make it that way.

I like the board.. it overclocks nice and doesn't ask any questions and is very stable.. but WHAT THE HELL IS THIS? I am sure its not the GPU because all I did was swap motherboards (it was working perfectly fine before that) and then boom... have in mind this sound was not there for the first few hours.. it appeared after that : / I don't get it?

So when I RMA this, what should I tell them to do?

the system is MORE than stable... theres no problem with ANYTHING except this stupid noise comming from middle of nowhere : / I can put my headset on and can't hear anything even without music or anything going on... but really? that's just not good! :(

Some pro here please tell me what to do :P

Also can I get a link to this bios you are talking about? how do I install it anyway ;p I have installed a BIOS on diff motherboard long time ago and barely remember the procedure
Title: Re: GA-X58A-UD3R noise problem.... PATHETIC!
Post by: Trinitrotoluene on February 28, 2011, 04:41:43 pm
For updating the bios, check out this (,2441.0.html) thread.

The bios you want to use for the X58A-UD3R board is this ( one. Seems to be the latest one as far as the big electronic noise thread (,1426.msg35026.html#msg35026) goes.

Make sure you load defaults after flashing. Try default settings, disabled C-states and locked CPU Vcore again on the new bios. If that still doesn't fix it, you're best of RMA'ing to Gigabyte directly. Not sure at which location you will need to ship your board to, seeing you're from Bulgaria. Dark Mantis will brief you on that I suppose! :)
Title: Re: GA-X58A-UD3R noise problem.... PATHETIC!
Post by: Fourtwofour on February 28, 2011, 04:55:36 pm
For updating the bios, check out this (,2441.0.html) thread.

The bios you want to use for the X58A-UD3R board is this ( one. Seems to be the latest one as far as the big electronic noise thread (,1426.msg35026.html#msg35026) goes.

Make sure you load defaults after flashing. Try default settings, disabled C-states and locked CPU Vcore again on the new bios. If that still doesn't fix it, you're best of RMA'ing to Gigabyte directly. Not sure at which location you will need to ship your board to, seeing you're from Bulgaria. Dark Mantis will brief you on that I suppose! :)

Okay thanks a lot buddy! Should I use this Q-flash option or whatver it is, with USB stick?

Also what do you mean by lock vcore? set it on auto or? I kinda need 1.31 at least for 4.2 ghz.

Any other suggestions guys? I am very angry :( lets wait for the big boss to answer :PP
Title: Re: GA-X58A-UD3R noise problem.... very disappointed! :(
Post by: Trinitrotoluene on February 28, 2011, 05:40:55 pm
Yes, please do use Q-flash with an USB stick. @Bios is way too risky, you'll find everyone around here is against using @Bios :D

Locking Vcore, not sure if that's the right word. But seeing you've manually picked 1.31v for your overclock, that's what I meant: manually selecting a voltage instead of auto. The coilwhine/electrical noise is, I believe, caused by fluctuating voltages for energy saving and what not. Locking Vcore and/or disabling C states will stop that from happening, making it a possible fix to the noise.

When you use Q-flash, make sure you select to not keep dmi settings, or what it's called (haven't used that piece of software myself yet, only read about it on here)

These are the last few things you can try. I hope you're in luck with the new bios! ;)
Title: Re: GA-X58A-UD3R noise problem.... very disappointed! :(
Post by: Dark Mantis on February 28, 2011, 06:26:59 pm
Well Fourtwofour am I to understand that you are not happy with the free Gigabyte music that comes with the motherboard...mmm.

No what TNT has been telling you is all perfectly correct and some of these boards did have a problem with coil whine when they came out. I can only assume you have one of these boards. There is a BIOS that can sometimes fix it or you can RMA it and Gigabyte service will do a hardware fix on it also. I understand that you are in BG. That presents more of a problem as there isn't a Gigabyte Service Centre in Bulgaria I think the nearest is Greece. Anyway the best thing is to contact GGTS and I am sure they will arrange it for you.

Just enter your email address and click on the language of choice.

If you want to try the BIOS update then conatct runn3R by PM and I am sure he will send it to you.;u=13
Title: Re: GA-X58A-UD3R noise problem.... very disappointed! :(
Post by: Fourtwofour on February 28, 2011, 09:49:30 pm
Well Fourtwofour am I to understand that you are not happy with the free Gigabyte music that comes with the motherboard...mmm.

No what TNT has been telling you is all perfectly correct and some of these boards did have a problem with coil whine when they came out. I can only assume you have one of these boards. There is a BIOS that can sometimes fix it or you can RMA it and Gigabyte service will do a hardware fix on it also. I understand that you are in BG. That presents more of a problem as there isn't a Gigabyte Service Centre in Bulgaria I think the nearest is Greece. Anyway the best thing is to contact GGTS and I am sure they will arrange it for you.

Just enter your email address and click on the language of choice.

If you want to try the BIOS update then conatct runn3R by PM and I am sure he will send it to you.;u=13

Okay thanks! I sent a ticket or whatever it is :p added the serial number etc - now I just wait for them to tell me to RMA it or what?
Title: Re: GA-X58A-UD3R noise problem.... very disappointed! :(
Post by: Dark Mantis on February 28, 2011, 09:51:45 pm
You will get a reply from runn3R fairly quickly I expect but GGTS will probably take a bit longer to answer your ticket.
Title: Re: GA-X58A-UD3R noise problem.... very disappointed! :(
Post by: Trinitrotoluene on February 28, 2011, 09:53:13 pm
I'm very interested in hearing what that special bios is going to do for you, let us know! ;)
Title: Re: GA-X58A-UD3R noise problem.... very disappointed! :(
Post by: Fourtwofour on February 28, 2011, 10:00:08 pm
I will no problem :P I need to buy a USB stick, how do I make it FAT32?

This is what it says in your post -
Take a USB pendrive and make sure it is formatted with a FAT32 file system

I suck at this.
Title: Re: GA-X58A-UD3R noise problem.... very disappointed! :(
Post by: Trinitrotoluene on February 28, 2011, 10:02:34 pm
I take it it's not in the normal GUI of windows 7. Start cmd and type: format drive letter: /FS:FAT32
Title: Re: GA-X58A-UD3R noise problem.... very disappointed! :(
Post by: Fourtwofour on February 28, 2011, 10:11:06 pm
Ok thanks :P i will do that.. need to buy a USB first :) I don't have any.
Title: Re: GA-X58A-UD3R noise problem.... very disappointed! :(
Post by: Fourtwofour on March 01, 2011, 02:14:07 am
Hey guys I just checked my bios version it says FB (or F8) can't really make the difference :D
Title: Re: GA-X58A-UD3R noise problem.... very disappointed! :(
Post by: Fourtwofour on March 01, 2011, 11:11:44 pm
Bump :P is the bios version I have good or? ^^
Title: Re: GA-X58A-UD3R noise problem.... very disappointed! :(
Post by: Dark Mantis on March 02, 2011, 07:45:54 am

If it says FB then it is a fairly old BIOS as the newest one is FF8(beta) or FF if you want to use the full version. Available form here.

Please don't bump ;)