Official GIGABYTE Forum

Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: Eyghon(GB) on March 17, 2011, 11:51:41 pm

Title: X58A UD7 Rev 1.0 BIOS
Post by: Eyghon(GB) on March 17, 2011, 11:51:41 pm

I have X58A UD7 Rev1.0 mobo and just tried updating BIOS from F8g to latest F8m but Q-Flash reports incorrect size. Comparing file sizes if I save the old BIOS it shows as 1MB but the new BIOS file X58AUD7.F8M is 2MB, am I missing something?


Title: Re: X58A UD7 Rev 1.0 BIOS
Post by: ex58 on March 18, 2011, 02:36:33 am
Use latest @BIOS or flash in DOS.
Title: Re: X58A UD7 Rev 1.0 BIOS
Post by: Lsdmeasap on March 18, 2011, 05:11:18 am
As mentioned above you will have to use one of those methods this time around, as the BIOS is larger and contains EFI modules and an update to Qflash.

After that you can continue to use Qflash as you normally would.
Title: Re: X58A UD7 Rev 1.0 BIOS
Post by: Dark Mantis on March 18, 2011, 08:31:29 am
Quite correct, even though we normally advise against using @BIOS as I am sure that you are aware as it is less safe than QFlash this time there is little option. Once the initial update is done then it is back to normal for any future ones.
Title: Re: X58A UD7 Rev 1.0 BIOS
Post by: Eyghon(GB) on March 18, 2011, 10:04:32 am
Cheers Guys,

Very reluctant to use @BIOS.

Would I be correct in assuming making a Bootable CD is an option, for example using FlashCD Creator?
Title: Re: X58A UD7 Rev 1.0 BIOS
Post by: Dark Mantis on March 18, 2011, 10:19:44 am
Yes it is possible to do from a boot cd. I would just use @BIOS this time and I am sure we can fix any problem you might have.
Title: Re: X58A UD7 Rev 1.0 BIOS
Post by: Eyghon(GB) on March 18, 2011, 11:20:41 am
After a few Rectum puckering moments it's done using @BIOS and everything seems to be OK, thanks again for advice.
Title: Re: X58A UD7 Rev 1.0 BIOS
Post by: Dark Mantis on March 18, 2011, 11:35:59 am
You are very welcome and I am happy to hear that it all went ok. ;D
Title: Re: X58A UD7 Rev 1.0 BIOS
Post by: brum on April 24, 2011, 06:19:01 am
Where can I find out how to flash using DOS.  I updated my GA-X58A-UD7 Rev 1 to F8m and it was a flop.  I can't use Q-flash to go back to F7 because the file size is wrong.  I can't boot so I can't use @Bios, so how can I do this with DOS?
Title: Re: X58A UD7 Rev 1.0 BIOS
Post by: Dark Mantis on April 24, 2011, 09:04:08 am

Well first thing you will need to do is make a DOS boot disk. This will have the DOS files as well as autoexec.bat and config.sys files on it. To that you will need to add the downloaded BIOS update files. You can then use F12 whilst booting to select your drive with the prepared disk in and manually enter the update commands.
Title: Re: X58A UD7 Rev 1.0 BIOS
Post by: brum on April 24, 2011, 08:33:11 pm
Is there a manual describing how to do this?
Title: Re: X58A UD7 Rev 1.0 BIOS
Post by: Dark Mantis on April 24, 2011, 08:51:36 pm
Probably, try searching the net. ;)
Title: Re: X58A UD7 Rev 1.0 BIOS
Post by: brum on April 24, 2011, 09:16:18 pm
OK, I made a DOS boot usb drive (FAT32) and copies all the files onto it.  I changed the boot sequence in bios to boot from the usb drive, but the system will not boot, just like it won't boot from any other drive.  The only way I can flash bios is using Qflash, but it will not accept any 1MB files.  It only accepts the 2MB file for F8m.  How can I get back to F7?
Title: Re: X58A UD7 Rev 1.0 BIOS
Post by: Dark Mantis on April 24, 2011, 10:11:18 pm
You could try following these instructions to get the Backup BIOS (which should still be at your old state of F7 or whatever it has on it) to flash opver the Main BIOS.

You can kick in the backup BIOS by shutting down the PSU from the wall, then hold down your case power button in and then turn on the power supply button, a few seconds later the board will start, shut off the power supply then.   Then you can turn on the power supply again and power up the board normally and DualBIOS will kick in.

This might take a couple of attempts before it works.
Title: Re: X58A UD7 Rev 1.0 BIOS
Post by: brum on April 24, 2011, 11:20:52 pm
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
I aged 10 years in the past 24 hours!
Your fix worked and I am now on release F2.
Should I flash a newer BIOS?  I have a USB 3.0 external backup drive and a Vertex 3 SATA 6Gbs SSD.

Any reason the F8m would be such a disaster?
Title: Re: X58A UD7 Rev 1.0 BIOS
Post by: Dark Mantis on April 25, 2011, 09:21:09 am
Well I am glad to hear that it worked and you are back up and running again. ;D

The F8m is a Beta BIOS and as such is still in the testing phase so it is not surprising that sometimes there are bugs. By all means update your BIOS now but just don't go as far as F8m! Make sure that you use QFlash though and not @BIOS for the flash and clear the DMI data whilst you are running it.
Title: Re: X58A UD7 Rev 1.0 BIOS
Post by: brum on April 25, 2011, 06:34:02 pm
You have been a great help!
Title: Re: X58A UD7 Rev 1.0 BIOS
Post by: Dark Mantis on April 25, 2011, 06:46:39 pm
No problem at all, my pleasure! ;)