Official GIGABYTE Forum
Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: TimmyT on April 14, 2011, 02:14:36 am
Hi all,
I had 2 Momentus XT 500gb in RAID 0, configured from the Bios utility. The XHD utility allows you to add additional drives to an existing RAID 0. I put in 2 more momentus XT 500gb drives. The configured fine in XHD. My CDM results are 400+ for read and write...smoken!
Problem is Windows 7 64bit is still reading my drive capacity as a 1tb drive. Any thoughts on how to fix this without starting over again with all drives in Bios?
Hey nice speed off the drives there. Have you checked in Disk Management to make sure that the two new disks are configured properly and been imported.
The speed is pretty magic. I tried to extend the unallocated space in drive manager, but it didn't work. I was only able to partition the drive off separately and assign a drive letter. I'm now concerned that once I reboot the systems going to fail... More to follow after a reboot.
Personally I don't use the XHD utility so I am not speaking with any sort of experience of it really. I understood the whole point of it was to enable the adding of more drivespace to an already existing partition. :-\
As suspected, had to do a fresh install. I guess XHD was too good to be true. I did improve the performance and create a 4 drive raid, but only half the capacity.
Best not to take shortcuts. Thanks for your help though
No problem and thanks for the updated info. Just reinforces my belief in not using these bundled utilities. ;)
quick update
My CDM results went down once I had the raid installed properly from BIOS. Still good at 350+ read/writes though
The Momentus XT's really are a sweet spot Hybrid. 2tb RAID 0 drive for the cost of a good 256 SSD
Just as a matter of interest if you run the WEI rating does it register as over 5.9 for the storage ?
It's 6.1
That's interesting anyway as WEI won't normally recognise any magnetic drive as being able to go faster 5.9 even as RAID0. The only way to get a higher rate is to run a SSD. So obviously it does recognise that this disk is different but I would have expected a rather higher rating than 6.1 if it was anything near accurate. Thanks for checking anyway.