Official GIGABYTE Forum
Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: Balthazor on May 03, 2011, 09:07:40 pm
I'm considering RMAing my Sniper board because of issues with Sys1 and Sys3 fan headers. Before I pull it out of my system (I'm lazy) I wanted to confirm that other users have successfully used Sys1 and Sys3 fan headers and that they operate properly (i.e., full voltage to fans, RPMs are being read, and they are controllable.)
I'm wondering if this is a systemic issue with the Sniper variant of these boards or just a problem with my particular board.
Thanks for the feedback.
Hi Balthazor
If by that you mean you are only getting half output on the sys fans then that is correct. Don't ask me why but it seems it has always been this way. :-\
CPU, Sys, and Sys2 all work properly.
Sys1 and Sys3 don't provide RPM readings, provide less than full power (although can't be sure how much, as they don't give RPM readings), and are not controllable (changing settings on these headers through EasyTune does nothing.)
All five fan headers on these motherboards are supposed to be controllable, but only CPU, Sys, and Sys2 are functioning.
After troubleshooting it is definitely just the two headers I'm asking about; it isn't the fans, or cables, or anything else. I can plug any of my fans into the CPU, Sys, or Sys2 and they all work just fine.
I'm looking for users of the Sniper board to comment on whether they have gotten Sys1 or Sys3 to function properly on their motherboards.
Send a PM to Sin0822 at Tweaktown about it, he has the board and I know he's tested the fans because I had him test a different fan issue before on his board.
Normally it used to be Sys_Fan2 that was half spee/voltage, but I'm not sure how it is now with G1 since they changed everything. I do know he tested all the fans for his review, and even showed them all working in an easytune image too.
Sin has the assassin board, not the sniper, but thanks in any event.
Sys2 on this board works fine, for sure.
Gigabyte support recommended an RMA, but even if it is just my board, I may not RMA; I can probably live with 3/5 working fan headers and save myself the cost and time associated with an RMA.
Personally I prefer to use a dedicated fan controller instead of running them off the motherboard anyway.
Part of the reason I got this board was to not have to install one of my fan controllers.
It is supposed to have five fully controllable fan headers, so a fan controller isn't really necessary, in theory.
EasyTune or Speedfan let you control the fans on this series of boards. And my current board does it fine on 3/5 of the headers.
That's fine in theory but I don't like to have too much power drawn from the motherboard headers as I have seen them burn out before. I also have the option to run my pumps off the controller which is something I wouldn't fancy doing off the mobo headers.
The majority of the fans are powered directly from the PSU, I'm just using the mobo headers for control.
Fair enough then that makes more sense. The ability to control them from the motherboard is a good idea if you don't want to use a fan controller.
I am having a similar problem with my G1.Sniper. I have a Corsair H70 watercooler and have plugged the pump into the the CPU header and the two fans into the SYS header. The pump of course runs at full speed since it is not PWM (I intend to buy 2 PWM fans and reverse the connections). I also have 2 Noctua NF-P12-1300 case fans plugged into FAN_1 and FAN_2 headers.
Here is where things start to get weird. Since it is a new build I have changed things around but seem to get similar problems each time. In the current configuration, all fans run at full speed all the time (though according to Corsair the two radiator fans should run at 2500rpm and instead run at the slower 1400-1500rpm range). So my fan speed seems uncontrollable by the motherboard. Initially, FAN_2 was not detected but then appeared suddenly in both the BIOS and AIDA64 that I use to monitor speeds, temps and voltages. All fans are consistently detected on post since.
Press the sleep button on my computer and things get even weirder. When the computer comes out of sleep, the SYS_1 Temp sensor is not detected by windows and the FAN_2 header is not detected (though it does continue to spin). If I restart, everything goes back to normal.
I am running Windows 7 Ultimate x64.
You may have some luck trying to use Speedfan to control the fan speed, although I found on my motherboard I could still only control the CPU, Sys, and Sys2 headers. But I am able to control even non-PWM fans using Speedfan once it is configured properly.
A help file is installed in the start program group for Speedfan that walks you through setting it up, as it isn't the simplest program to get going. Once setup, though, you just start it as a task with elevated priveleges at windows startup and you can forget about it.
I have a G1.Sniper, and have the same problem.
In speedfan I see only RPM for 3 fans out of 5. The two others are listed but have 0 RPM.
What is up with that?
I think that you will only see the speed(rpm) for the fans that have PWM connections, so if they only have a three pin plug the option isn't available.
I think that you will only see the speed(rpm) for the fans that have PWM connections, so if they only have a three pin plug the option isn't available.
This is not accurate. Plugging a PWM 4-pin fan into Sys1 and Sys3 does not change the result.
The only way I've found to control fans on these headers (and it doesn't always work) is to use EasyTune6, but that program is restrictive in terms of what sensors can be used to control fan speed.
I was talking about the reporting of the speed not the ability to control them but anyway why not just use a fan controller like I do and you can do exactly as you want to then. A much better solution in my opinion. I can set profiles and have it on auto or manual and add extra sensors as well. Just an idea.