Official GIGABYTE Forum
Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: andrejwout on May 27, 2011, 10:23:53 am
Hi, I have a problem with putting 4gb of ram in my machine. Workks perfectly with 3, but with 4 (in any order of slots, and ram tested ok) it goes into a continouos loop of restarting, almost like its overloading/tripping. Im not sure why this happens and wanted to know if i could fix it. I heard you can adjust temp cutoff in bios for ram but im worried about doing without VERY strong advice, for obvious reasons.
ram is patriot 4x1gb , 800mhz, 4-4-4-12, 2.2v - pc2 6400 , ddr2
Hi and welcome to the Gigabyte Forum.
I suspect your main issue is that you are still trying to run the memory with the "Auto" setting in the BIOS. This is doomed to failure as with al the banks filled you are putting an extra load on the memory controller.
Try increasing the nortbridge voltage a touch and manually inserting all the memory timings and voltage.
Ok, ill check that and try what you say..thx v much
hi, silly question maybe but where do i put the voltage settings for the ram~(change them) and also what exactly is the nortbridge voltage. I have set the timings ok(i think).
hi again.
Changed voltage DRAm to manual setting of 2.2 v , which is now in red/pink. Is that safe? Also the Dram termination is left at 0.99 v.surely it will cut off now....or not?
As for Northbridge, i checked and its MCH voltage control in M.I.T(whatever that is, cant see that).
I really wasnt sure which one to change as i have:
MCH 1)core
MCH /dram reference
also MCH freq latch
so didnt change any as im not sure which to look at......also by turning up a bit, how much do you mean?
sorry im aasking so many stupid questions...just dont know this stuff and worried.