Official GIGABYTE Forum

Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: somalezu on May 31, 2011, 04:38:08 pm

Title: GA-PA65-UD3-B3 does not start with dual channel 2x4 Gb Corsair
Post by: somalezu on May 31, 2011, 04:38:08 pm
I just built a system that does not pass the POST using GA-PA65-UD3-B3 , 2 x 4 Gb Corsair DDR3 (code CMZ8GX3M2A1600C9, 1600 , 9-9-9-24) an Intel i5 2400, EVGA GeForce 210, Nexus NX-5000 520 Watt PSU.
This memory is listed on the motherboard's memory compatibility list (it is rated 1600 Mhz but it should work at 1330 in this system).
When both memory modules are placed on DDR3-1 and DDR3-3 slots on the motherboard as instructed in the owner manual, the computer does not start (the cpu cooler spins for a couple of seconds and then stops for a few seconds, then starts again and stops in sync with the CPU activity led on the motherboard (the LED starts and stops and starts and stops in the same manner).
If only one memory module is placed on either DDR3-1 or DDR3-3 slots on the motherboard, the system will start and seems to work just fine. Any of the two memory modules will work alone, but not toghether.
I already updated the BIOS to F6 version and loaded safe settings but it did not help
I'm running now MemTest86 on one of the memory sticks with no erros so far.
I had tried starting the system with only one memory stick, setting the timmings in Bios to Manual (1333, 9-9-9-24) and then inserting the second memory module - but with no luck (the system will not pass the POST).
Any other suggestions to test ?
Questions :
Is there a way (Bios settings, beta firmware, etc) to use the motherboard with that Corsair memory modules I have ? .
If this motherboard does not work with this momory modules at 1333, can you recommand some other 2x4 Gb memory modules that will work for sure on this motherboard in dual channel at 1333 ?
Or should I replace the motherboard with another model that supports i5 and those Corsair memory modules ?
Thank you very much
Title: Re: GA-PA65-UD3-B3 does not start with dual channel 2x4 Gb Corsair
Post by: Aussie Allan on May 31, 2011, 05:12:24 pm

 Can you borrow,beg, buy or steal another set of Modules to try out in the same slots under the current settings and configuration, this will tell you oodles with what your trying to do!

 Aussie Allan
Title: Re: GA-PA65-UD3-B3 does not start with dual channel 2x4 Gb Corsair
Post by: somalezu on June 01, 2011, 09:03:31 am
Thank you very much for your reply.
Yes, I am trying to borrow a couple of memory modules (It's not too easy, the seller is happy to replace the memory but they would not give me some memory for tests).
Anyway, I notice something that could be interesting.
When starting with a single memory stick in slots 1 or 2 (Channel A), the MemTest86 v4.20 identifies the correct memory brand and CAS 9-9-9-24.
When I insert the same memory module in slots 3 or 4 (Channel B), the MemTest86 identifies the correct memory brand and model but it lists CAS 6-6-6-20.
In both situations the Bios is set to auto detect the memory timings.
Setting the timings manualy in Bios does not change anything in MemTest86.
On the other hand, in BIOS (at MIT) I have the option of viewing the current running settings and it shows the expected values (9-9-9-24 or anything else I put into manually, on both channels).
So this could be a bug in the MemTest86 (a pretty strange bug .. because it is able to correctly identity the timings in channel A but not in channel B).
Or is something really strange with the motherboard (if the second channel is stuck on 6-5-6-20 and the first is running at 9-9-9-24 it makes sense it could not boot in dual channel).
Now I am looking for some other piece of software that would show me the running timings (to confirm the MemTest86 readings).
Title: Re: GA-PA65-UD3-B3 does not start with dual channel 2x4 Gb Corsair
Post by: somalezu on June 01, 2011, 09:44:14 am
I tried CPU-Z and windows xp (booted from a flash disc).
The momory timings shown for the memory in channel B are 6-6-6-20 (the timings are set in BIOS setup to Auto and are reported by the BIOS to be 9-9-9-24).
Title: Re: GA-PA65-UD3-B3 does not start with dual channel 2x4 Gb Corsair
Post by: Aussie Allan on June 01, 2011, 10:40:32 am

 Yes , very unusual, I would try to re-flash the BIOS (motherboard) and see if this clears the error before moving forward, just to rule out a dodgy Bios ......this could be a bug in Memtest but one I have not heard of.......perhaps DM,Absic or several other may want to comment here!

 I even find it amazing it booted at these tight timing if in fact those are the timings the board is actually using when testing ..... with the timings you it at 1333Mhz ?

  Aussie Allan
Title: Re: GA-PA65-UD3-B3 does not start with dual channel 2x4 Gb Corsair
Post by: somalezu on June 01, 2011, 12:14:12 pm
I did flash the BIOS two times already to the latest version (F6) : once when I first saw it did not start with both memory sticks (last Friday) and yesterday once again (thinking something went wrong the first time).
Actually, yesterday I downloaded the BIOS again (to make sure nothing went wrong on download)  and I flashed it with QFlash.
As I said before, the 6-6-6-20 timings are shown in MemTest86 and in CPU-Z. Windows XP starts and runs on these settings (at least I am able to start CPU-Z). But I did not try any stress testing.
And I let the memtest run in that configuration for a couple of hours and I see now that it has some erros. So I guess it could be true - it could be trying to run at 6-6-6-20 and fail (the memory pass the test on the DDR3-1 slot, running at 9-9-9-24).

Anyway, with only one stick of memory on Slot 3 or 4 I am unable to change the memory timmings. I am going to BIOS setup, I am changing the timmings for the second channel (and for the first .. just in case) and save. The settings are saved, I can shut down and restart and I see the changes persisted in BIOS setup.
The BIOS is showing the expected settings in MIT -> Current settings but when I start MemTest or Cpu-Z i see those dam 6-6-6-24.
But when I run memtest or CPU-Z .. I see the same 6-6-6-20.
I can send some pictures if you want ...
Thank you once again
Title: Re: GA-PA65-UD3-B3 does not start with dual channel 2x4 Gb Corsair
Post by: somalezu on June 01, 2011, 12:41:52 pm
I just checked once again - I am able to change the chanel A timings without any problem. Only channel B is problematic.
I moved the same ram stick in slot 1, I changed the settings for both channels to 10-10-10-24 and I got consistent figures between BIOS and memtest. Memtest reported the new set of values 10-10-10-24 as long as the memory is set to the DDR3-1 slot.
But if I put the memory in DDR3-3 slot, no matter what I set in the Bios setup at memory timings for channel A or B, memtest and CPU-Z shows 6-6-6-20.
I am going to flash the BIOS once again and I will reset CMOS as well this time (I'm pulling out the battery).
I'm running out of ideas.
Title: Re: GA-PA65-UD3-B3 does not start with dual channel 2x4 Gb Corsair
Post by: Aussie Allan on June 01, 2011, 12:49:26 pm

 I suggest you send DM a personal message and ask him to look at this/your post.....with the information you now have posted he has a better chance of spotting the gremlin as he looks at this type of post day in , day out! last point......after you flash Bios, have you been applying "optimized Defaults" then rebooting, back into BIOS to do your final system configuration?

 Aussie Allan
Title: Re: GA-PA65-UD3-B3 does not start with dual channel 2x4 Gb Corsair
Post by: somalezu on June 01, 2011, 03:52:13 pm
Thank you very much once again, Allan.
I flashed the BIOS a third time (this time, ruing the flashing process, I made sure I have the ram module in the first slot that runs without any problems at 9-9-9-24).
I cleared the CMOS as well and I did load optimized defaults.
But the computer still does not pass POST with both modules installed, and seems to run at 6-6-6-24 no matter what timings I try to set in BIOS for the second channel. First channel works fine.
In other words, no change.
I am starting to evaluate my RMA options here, and I have second thoughts on buying another H61 based MB because of all that memory limmitations running on 1333. I guess a P67 should be rock stable for my configuration (but it's a little over my expected budget for this build - I don't need much (no Crossfire or high performance here, just a i5 2400 and an old videocard, I do just C# programming on this machine).
This PA65 Ultra Durable board was just fine for me on paper, it's a pitty I was not able to start it. I still hope somebody will pont me to some obvious thing I totally missed - if not, I will try to RMA the motherboard.
One more noobie question - I read that this i5 processor contains some memory controller (?), do you think the CPU (and not the MB) could be the one that gives me nightmares ? Is it possible that the CPU is not placed properly ( I find it difficult to belive it has a bent pin or something and still works the way it does, but all this behavior from my system makes no sense to me anyway).
Title: Re: GA-PA65-UD3-B3 does not start with dual channel 2x4 Gb Corsair
Post by: Aussie Allan on June 01, 2011, 03:56:24 pm

 Give me half an hour to look at a couple of things for you !!!

 Aussie Allan
Title: Re: GA-PA65-UD3-B3 does not start with dual channel 2x4 Gb Corsair
Post by: Aussie Allan on June 01, 2011, 04:15:34 pm

 I just don't know enough about these boards personally, The Moderator, Dark Mantus just might!.....The only thing I can add that ties in with the unusual Memory values is a bent pin or two under the'll need a magnifying glass at the least......bent pins can produce vague  memory problems

 Failing this opening a detailed support ticket or RMA are definite options
Title: Re: GA-PA65-UD3-B3 does not start with dual channel 2x4 Gb Corsair
Post by: somalezu on June 02, 2011, 12:25:06 pm
I have done a lot photos using macro focus to the CPU and the socket. No bent contacts here. I will try to RMA the motherboard.
Title: Re: GA-PA65-UD3-B3 does not start with dual channel 2x4 Gb Corsair
Post by: Aussie Allan on June 02, 2011, 02:19:31 pm

 The "Gut" says your probably right, Macro rarely tells fibs !... let us know how you get on.....make sure to document/outline the fault for the techos in RMA heaven!

 Aussie Allan
Title: Re: GA-PA65-UD3-B3 does not start with dual channel 2x4 Gb Corsair
Post by: somalezu on June 02, 2011, 03:30:09 pm
Actually, I already gave the MB back to the local reseller (I bought it from them last week).
I told the guy I could include a printed version of this disscusion in the box, but he said it would not be necessary. So I did not put anything in the box. He said Gigabyte has a service here in Romania and they are repairing boards here. I hope this problem was not specific to Corsair - Vengeance 1600 - if the board will seem to work just fine with another memory kit, my investigation would be for nothing, the guys from Gigabyte will not have a clue about my odissey and will not be able to reproduce, troubleshoot and debug the problem for future boards or firmwares.
I regret I did not include a printed version of this disscusion or of the Gigabyte support ticket in the box, but it's to late now (yes, I did open a ticket a couple of days ago in the support page, thay replied that if the memory are in the VQL they are already tested and if the board does not post with a QVL memory, I should return it to the reseller).
Anyway, I am waiting now for a new board - I ordered the GA-Z68X-UD3-B3. Funny thing - this Z68 thing does not seem to have any 2x4 Gib memory kits in it's QVL - I am holding my breath until it will come, I hope I will not have any problems with my Corsair memory kit.
Thank you very much once again for your support,
Title: Re: GA-PA65-UD3-B3 does not start with dual channel 2x4 Gb Corsair
Post by: Dark Mantis on June 02, 2011, 06:52:37 pm
You can always check the memory manufacturer's website and the page for the modules you have  and see if it lists the motherboard there. It is more common to find the right information there as Gigabyte only test a small percentage of available RAM.