Official GIGABYTE Forum
Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: matth on June 09, 2011, 04:03:38 am
I've just put together a new system, and upon turning it on, I get no beeps and no video output. I've swapped memory and removed my video card to rule those out as problems (and added in a 4 pin speaker since my case has not speaker).
The fans all spin, as well as hard drives/CD, and the board's LEDs light up.
I'm a bit stuck. Is there a likely culprit==bad board perhaps?
Hi and welcome to the Gigabyte Forum.
Whilst a "bad board" is always a possibility it is far more likely to be user error.
Have you inserted all the power cables into their respective sockets ? There are usually a 24 pin and an 8 pin near the CPU. The GPU probably has another two sockets that need connecting.
Perhaps you could list your hardware to give us more idea of what the trouble could be.
Well, I am hoping it's user error. That's easier than going through an RMA!
Both power cables are plugged in; I've re-checked both. The fact that the fans all spin and the LEDs light up suggest that the CPU is getting power as well as peripherals.
The GPU doesn't need a power connection, but as I noted, I pulled it (this board has on-board video connectors) to eliminate a potential source of problems.
Other info (Board in title):
Core i7 2600k
Gskill memory F31066CL9D-8GBXL (very similar to a listed memory on the GB website, except for the "KL")
Corsair CX430 powersupply
Does G.Skill warrant the memory as being compatible with this motherboard then as you said Gigabyte does not ?
Your PSU is a bit underpowered if you try to use a GPU with it as well but it should suffice for the onboard option.
I actually read GB's list of memory as a list of those they have affirmatively found to work. This one is so close that I see no reason it should not, but I've not researched the difference between the XL and non-XL versions. The package says that it is designed for " the second generation of Intel's core processors " (ie, Sandybridge).
In any case, shouldn't the MB beep in some way if it does not like the memory?
Not necessarily at all. It might just do nothing or a BSOD etc. Two letters can mean a world of difference on memory modules. It is very important to make sure that your RAM is compatible with your motherboard nowadays. The Gigabyte QVL is jsut a listing of certain memories that they have tested but this is by no means comprehensive. They generally leave it to the memory manufacturer to test their modules out with different boards and so this is where to look.
Just checked Gskill's website, and they list compatibility with the ud3-b3 (and ud-4, 5 and 7) version of the GB Z86 MB. Again, I doubt there is much difference between the -h version.
Well let's hope not then for your sake.