Official GIGABYTE Forum
Questions about GIGABYTE products => Graphic cards => Topic started by: wizarrrd on June 19, 2011, 03:23:49 pm
After spending quite some time looking, I have not yet managed to find a GTX 470 SOC full cover waterblock.
From what I gather, it seems that only GPU's with the standard PCB's are able to support a full cover block, can anyone please tell me if there is a full over block which I could use or an alternative block with any other fittings I may need such as VRM cooling etc.
Graphics cards come as reference designs usually the first ones and then non reference designs (customised by the company). The reference design boards are normally easy enough to find full water blocks for as they all follow the same design no matter who actually produces the cards. Only non reference design cards that sell well and are popular will have full cover waterblocks produced for them. That is why it is always best to consider these factors when purchasing a card with watercooling in mind.
Try the EK website as they are one of the best for full card waterblocks.
If it is any help this is your card without the aircooler
Ok, thanks you very much, much appreciated.
It seems that they do not manufacture full blocks for my GPU, could you possibly tell me what else I would need if I were to buy a universal waterblock as well as the amount needed.
No, I am sorry but I usually use AMD Radeon cards as I find them more stable and less troublesome altogether.