Official GIGABYTE Forum

Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: bulldog147 on June 24, 2011, 09:56:53 pm

Title: Not happy with Z68X-UD4 B3 Motherboard
Post by: bulldog147 on June 24, 2011, 09:56:53 pm
I am not very happy with Gigabyte Motherboard Z68X-UD4-B3 with the latest bios version F6. It had so many problems:

1) BSD on stock speed (i7 2600K @ 3.40GHz) because of incorrect clock speed many times, try swap memory, graphic card and still the same issues on F6, had to go back to F4 instead
2) Cold Boot issues (kept restarting pc all times, had to force clear CMOS by removed battery out 5 times)
3) Solid State not recognized, unable to install
4) Ethernet onboard network sometimes work, and sometimes doesn't work (had to restart pc to get it working)
5) Bios problem  - Go to Advanced CPU Core Features in the bios and stroll down Turbo Ratio (1-4 Core) and I can change the number from 34 to 59 from Turbo Ratio 1-core, 2-core and 3-core but the last one 4-core refuse to change any number (it stuck at auto) Why it stuck at auto ?

Very disappointed overall, as my shop refuse to exchange my motherboard as my new motherboard is only a week old now!
Title: Re: Not happy with Z68X-UD4 B3 Motherboard
Post by: Dark Mantis on June 24, 2011, 10:08:29 pm
Hi and welcome to the Gigabyte Forum.

I am sorry to hear that you are unhappy with this motherboard as in general they are very nice boards.

Firstly does everything work ok at stock settings and speeds ?

Is there any particular reason why you flashed the BIOS from F4 to F6 ?

Can you list you main components please ?
Title: Re: Not happy with Z68X-UD4 B3 Motherboard
Post by: bulldog147 on June 24, 2011, 11:20:42 pm
The reason I updated from F4 to F6 because it the latest version from Gigabyte support site. My pc spec is Z68X-UD4-B3, Intel i7 2600K @ 3.40GHz (Retail), Thermalright Silver Arrow CPU Cooler with Thermalright 2 x 140mm fans and with IC Diamond 24 thermal paste (small dot in the center of the cpu chip), Asus GeForce GTX260 on the PCI-E16x slot, Corsair TX750W power supply, 8Gb DDR3 Corsair memory ram timing 9-9-9-24-2T @ 1.50v (4 slots of 2Gb) OCZ Vertex 2 SSD (120Gb) and LG dvdrw rewriter (sata)
Title: Re: Not happy with Z68X-UD4 B3 Motherboard
Post by: Dark Mantis on June 25, 2011, 10:45:09 am
Right I understand now then. Normally we wouldn't advise flashing the BIOS to a newer version unless you had a specific problem that a newer version will fix. If F4 works then you might as well stick with it.

I notice that you have filled all the slots with memory modules. Are you still trying to run these on Auto settings in the BIOS ?
Title: Re: Not happy with Z68X-UD4 B3 Motherboard
Post by: bulldog147 on June 25, 2011, 11:14:21 am
Switched on PC this morning, PC kept rebooting on and off 10 times then out of suddenly, got message on screen "MAIN BIOS CHECKSUM ERROR!" and it now reverted back to F4 default bios version from F6.

My memory ram is all set on auto by default. Everything set on auto on bios for stock 3.40GHz. An hour later end up BSD again, with error code "0x00000101" and pc kept rebooting until I clear the CMOS by removing the battery.

I am getting really fed up. The board isn't stable and not fit for purpose when I got it brand new last week. I try everything but don't know what to do next ? I had try swap different memory ram (spare one) same one but this time 1333 MHz @ 9-9-9-24 @ 1.50v and after 3 hours, BSD again, error message "0x00000101".

I check google as it mean more vcore ! I went "What? on the stock default i7 2600K @ 3.40GHz need more vcore ? surely this cannot be right!"
Title: Re: Not happy with Z68X-UD4 B3 Motherboard
Post by: Dark Mantis on June 25, 2011, 12:35:42 pm
You are quite right 101 means exactly that.

0x00000101 << not enough Vcore voltage

I would suggest removing all the modules apart from the one in the first slot DDR3_1 and try again without touching the Vcore at first. If you still have a problem try tweaking Vcore and see if that helps.
Title: Re: Not happy with Z68X-UD4 B3 Motherboard
Post by: bulldog147 on June 25, 2011, 01:02:59 pm
ok going to try this now
Title: Re: Not happy with Z68X-UD4 B3 Motherboard
Post by: bulldog147 on June 25, 2011, 02:42:00 pm
No, it still the same (no different) my 3.4GHz never stable at all. I give up and I going back to my most stable one Gigabyte EX58 UD5 F7 with i7 920 D0 @ 4.2GHz as it was stable for 2 years at vcore 1.296v with max temp of just 73C with Noctua NH-D14.

Sandybridge is totally rubbish and rubbish Z68 board. What a waste of money. I going to sell it on ebay for the same price what I just brought. Very disappointed overall. I am bit furious with my shop owner refuse to exchange the board or full refund for unfit purposes.

I am bit angry with Gigabyte not fit for purposes on all Z68 board and I saw lots of forum with peoples complaints of Z68 board problems with lots of different issues problems. I am not going to buy anymore from Gigabyte ever again. Their loss.
Title: Re: Not happy with Z68X-UD4 B3 Motherboard
Post by: dazzerd on June 25, 2011, 06:04:52 pm
I concur with the OP this board is not fit for purpose.

Board arrived with F5 not stable even at stock problems with it corrupting my ssd after multiple fresh installs.

F6 more stable, still corrupting ssd on sata 3 channels, cold boot issue does not retain settings for even a mild overclock on power up.

F7 appears to have fixed the issues....... but no, if you actually power off the pc and say go out then come to restart the pc doesnt even boot up. Turn on for a micro second then power down. Thought I had a mobo standoff causing a short circuit at first so rebuilt pc and it seemed to solve it. However after going out again anfd coming back, same issue. Thought a little more about the problem and went back to basics removed cmos battery and volia started. Went out again and failed to start. Figured out that I now have to remove and replace the battery each time I want to power off and restart.

This board has not passed on QC it's a shambles. How can GB even release a board which is intrinsically broke do they not test motherboards and bios before they ship.

I'm going to try and find an F4 bios to see if this fixes the problem; if it does not the board is getting sent back as it is not fit for resale.

ps I have multiple systems and have checked ram, gpu, cpu, hard drives on those and no problems.

OP the shop has to take the board back as it cannot do what it is designed to do. If they do not, return it to GB explaining the problem and demanding a refund or alternative working board.
Title: Re: Not happy with Z68X-UD4 B3 Motherboard
Post by: bulldog147 on June 25, 2011, 06:14:00 pm
To be honest, gigabyte used to be good before but not anymore. Alots of board had many problem with sandybridge lately. Do you honest think Gigabyte will test it with bios and see if it stable enough on stock i5 2500K or i7 2600K before release new board out, I don't think they aren't bother. They want us money and look at all sandybridge gigabyte board's loads of different model numbers straight away on P67 and Z68 with all new boards come out far too quickly.

I going to try Asus board as many are quite happy with Asus board lately with sandybridge.

Gigabyte is no longer stable board anymore!
Title: Re: Not happy with Z68X-UD4 B3 Motherboard
Post by: Dark Mantis on June 25, 2011, 06:25:32 pm
That is your perogative of course. The Sandy Bridge problems were nothing to do with Gigabyte though as they were an Intel issue and that is why Intel arranged for the recall of all Cougar Point chipset boards from all manufacturers. ;)
Title: Re: Not happy with Z68X-UD4 B3 Motherboard
Post by: bulldog147 on June 25, 2011, 07:24:48 pm
It got nothing to do with Intel issues. It the board issues. Because if it was Intel issues then why Asrock, MSI and Asus board are fine except Gigabyte board. I had taken out my Intel i7 2600K out of this board and try test on my mate Asus 1155 board and got stable 4.8GHz. I am going back to the shop on monday with my mate and get that damned refunded back for the board and exchange to Asus board instead.
Title: Re: Not happy with Z68X-UD4 B3 Motherboard
Post by: Nelly on June 25, 2011, 08:27:43 pm
Seems to be a big thread on it here: (

Gigabyte have released Bios F7 a couple of days ago.

It wont put me off, most likely going for the Gigabyte GA-Z68XP-UD4.
Title: Re: Not happy with Z68X-UD4 B3 Motherboard
Post by: Nelly on June 25, 2011, 11:39:11 pm
The other day you could not praise the motherboard enough lol  ::) why don't you just revert back to the previous bios you was using?

Source =

Quote from: bulldog147
You won't be disappointed with this great board, mind you, you need a graphic card thought!


Quote from: bulldog147
Hi all, for those who are on Gigabyte Z68X-UD4-B3 F6 (Bios Version) and  here are my overclocked guides. It might not work on your chip but you  can try these setting to see if it stable or not.

1) Do not use Easytune6 (when Overclocked 4.8GHz because it will reset  it back to 4.6GHz when start up easytune6 (bug possible on this  software) Doesn't affect anything from 3.4GHz up to 4.6GHz.

2) Enabled CPU PLL
3) Enabled Ratio Change in o/s (these should also disabled Turbo Boost)
3) Disabled C1E, E1ST
4) CPU PLL 1.8V
5) Dram 1.5V
6) VCore 1.35V
7) VCCSA (System Agent Voltage) 0.920V
8) VCCIO (QPI/Vtt Voltage) 1.100V
9) BCLK 1002
10) Memory Freq 16.00 (1600MHz @ 9-9-9-24-2T) (Tested 8GB Ram)
11) The rest on Auto except the following below need to be adjustment:

LLC Multi-Steps Load-Line:

for 4.50GHz & 4.60GHz Level 6 (you can try Level 5 1st but mine isn't stable on Level 5)
for 4.70GHz & 4.80GHz Level 7
for 4.90GHz & 5.00GHz Level 9 (Disabled your fan mode to get high  speed fan as possible to be on safe side of cores temperature)

I had tested all these settings and got stable for 8 hours prime95 blend  test and also passed 25x Linx at 5120 (Memory) and 25854 (Problem Size)

Hope this help you (http://forums.********************/images/smilies/smile.gif)  Do not copy this setting on your different board as it might not work. I  am held no responsibility for any voltages or settings affect your  board or chip to be unstable.

Finally: I leave mine at 4.60GHz for 24/7 in use. For benchmark only I use 4.70-5.00GHz only.

Title: Re: Not happy with Z68X-UD4 B3 Motherboard
Post by: bulldog147 on June 26, 2011, 12:21:24 am
My board is all ok now after revert to F6 bios again and all seem ok as F4 and F7 isn't stable. F6 is.
Title: Re: Not happy with Z68X-UD4 B3 Motherboard
Post by: Dark Mantis on June 26, 2011, 02:18:25 pm
Well I am glad to hear that you have managed to find a BIOS that is running ok for you and thanks to Nelly for the input.  ;)
Title: Re: Not happy with Z68X-UD4 B3 Motherboard
Post by: bulldog147 on June 26, 2011, 03:25:55 pm
Everything seem ok now as it so strange, no cold boot issues now. Been running at 5.4GHz overclocked @ 1.45vcore (only running on benchmark) but fully stable at 4.8GHz with prime blend test after 12 hours with 1.35vcore.
Title: Re: Not happy with Z68X-UD4 B3 Motherboard
Post by: Dark Mantis on June 26, 2011, 03:32:25 pm
Don't you just love computers! Fickle creatures at the best of times. ;)
Title: Re: Not happy with Z68X-UD4 B3 Motherboard
Post by: bulldog147 on June 26, 2011, 03:46:40 pm
Don't you just love computers! Fickle creatures at the best of times. ;)

I am thinking of going for custom water cooling and go for 5.4GHz 24/7 in use!
Title: Re: Not happy with Z68X-UD4 B3 Motherboard
Post by: Dark Mantis on June 26, 2011, 04:11:15 pm
That is my pet cooling system of choice too. I think you will find though that even with you overclocking your system it is not as necessary with these new chipsets as it was with the likes of the X58 etc. The previous chipsets needed a lot more help keeping the tempertures down to an acceptable level compared to these. Try this site for any watercooling parts that you need. They are extremely efficient and helpful.

Title: Re: Not happy with Z68X-UD4 B3 Motherboard
Post by: christillis on September 04, 2011, 11:24:05 pm
Also or are quite good too.

I got a Corsair H80 CPU cooler, good bit of kit, easy to fix...although there aren't references to where certain cables are supposed to go and you have to watch the youtube video!

Really glad you've resolved the problem, I read the thread because I thought you had the same board as me...but you don't! All the same, glad you're happy (and WOW by the way, regarding the OC'ing!).
Title: Re: Not happy with Z68X-UD4 B3 Motherboard
Post by: Dark Mantis on September 05, 2011, 09:25:28 am
I got a Corsair H80 CPU cooler, good bit of kit, easy to fix...although there aren't references to where certain cables are supposed to go and you have to watch the youtube video!

I see that you have the H80, nice bit of kit as long as you only want to liquid cool the CPU. Have you added some hose clamps to the connections though as they do have a tendancy to come loose and leak especially if they are stressed or moved at all. You can always use cable ties if you have trouble getting pipe clips on them.
Title: Re: Not happy with Z68X-UD4 B3 Motherboard
Post by: christillis on September 05, 2011, 03:05:01 pm
I see that you have the H80, nice bit of kit as long as you only want to liquid cool the CPU. Have you added some hose clamps to the connections though as they do have a tendancy to come loose and leak especially if they are stressed or moved at all. You can always use cable ties if you have trouble getting pipe clips on them.
Thanks for the tip, it's OK at the moment and I've avoided stressing the tubes too much, but I will give it a quick look over. Kind of you to alert me, you could have saved my board!...I wonder if Corsair offer a warranty to cover water damaged motherboards!  ;D
Title: Re: Not happy with Z68X-UD4 B3 Motherboard
Post by: Dark Mantis on September 05, 2011, 03:29:10 pm
I have known a couple of friends who have had it happen to them and not without some consequences either! The general design and manufacture is quite good but it is it's one little weakness.