Official GIGABYTE Forum

Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: jqpdev on June 26, 2011, 11:45:35 am

Title: GA-EP43-UD3L: New board unresponsive at graphical post screen
Post by: jqpdev on June 26, 2011, 11:45:35 am
Hello everyone,

I purchased a GA-EP43-UD3L yesterday and installed it into a Thermaltake V9 Black X case (mini tower).  The problem I'm having is that when the PC is booted up it reaches the graphical post screen but will not respond to keyboard input (PS/2 keyboard).  Spamming the DEL, END, F9, F1, F12, and TAB keys have no effect.  I do notice that during the boot sequence the keyboard lights flash, which I think is the standard keyboard init or reset at power up.  Also, all of the Phase LED lights, turn on and stay on at the power up.  The CPU heat sink fan and all of the case fans are properly connected and spin up at power up.  So far I've verified the following:
- the HD LED is set correct
- the power switch is set correct
- the reset switch is set correct
- the power LED is set correct
- the hard drive spins up
- the video card is seated correctly

Here are the components I have installed that I've tested in my PC (PC being built is for my wife + son):
- 2x 2GB RAM Sticks DDR2-800 Crucial Ballistix
- EVGA GeForce 8800 GTS Ultra
- WD 1TB SATA hard drive
- LightScribe capable DVD burner (SATA)
- 500 watt Cooler Master Extreme Power Plus Power Supply (model = RS-500-PCAR)
- Intel E7500 CPU (retail package)
- Stock heat sink and fan that comes with the CPU
Title: Re: GA-EP43-UD3L: New board unresponsive at graphical post screen
Post by: Dark Mantis on June 26, 2011, 03:30:38 pm
Hi and welcome to the Gigabyte Forum.

Firstly I would try a different keyboard. Normally I would advise a PS2 one but as you are already trying to use that try  a USB one instead. It could be a faulty keyboard or controller.

If that fails to help then I would suggest building the basic system outside of the case on the worktop. Follow these instructions please.

Make sure that you observe anti-static precautions.

Lay some cardboard or use the motherboard box that is non-conductive on the worktop and remove the motherboard/CPU/heatsink/fan/buzzer/one stick of memory and PSU from the case and put it on the cardboard. Add the keyboard and now I know you haven't got any graphics but try and boot. The system should try and then fail emitting a series of beeps. Please post what sounds it makes.
Title: Re: GA-EP43-UD3L: New board unresponsive at graphical post screen
Post by: jafo on June 26, 2011, 04:38:16 pm
Hi there: I have the same motherboard version 1.2. I had to use a PS2 keyboard and mouse at first boot to get into the bios and set all the usb settings to on. After a shut down , I connected my usb keyboard and mouse, and disconnected the PS2 stuff. Then the usb keyboard and mouse functioned correctly. If there is still a problem seeing the keyboard and mouse, I would suggest getting an ac powered usb hub and plugging them into that. I had to do that on another unit I built using the same motherboard to resolve the problem. Since then I have had no issues.
Hope this helps.
Title: Re: GA-EP43-UD3L: New board unresponsive at graphical post screen
Post by: jqpdev on June 26, 2011, 06:36:54 pm
Hi and welcome to the Gigabyte Forum.

Firstly I would try a different keyboard. Normally I would advise a PS2 one but as you are already trying to use that try  a USB one instead. It could be a faulty keyboard or controller.

If that fails to help then I would suggest building the basic system outside of the case on the worktop. Follow these instructions please.

Make sure that you observe anti-static precautions.

Lay some cardboard or use the motherboard box that is non-conductive on the worktop and remove the motherboard/CPU/heatsink/fan/buzzer/one stick of memory and PSU from the case and put it on the cardboard. Add the keyboard and now I know you haven't got any graphics but try and boot. The system should try and then fail emitting a series of beeps. Please post what sounds it makes.

I originally tried a USB keyboard, found it disabled by default in the BIOS from the manual, and then tried my keyboard (PS/2).  I know my PS/2 keyboard works as I've used it on both my PC and my wife/son's older EVGA Mobo based PC.  The USB keyboard is working as I've tested it on my PC and my laptop.

I did some additional testing after I posted the problem on the forums.  With my PS/2 keyboard connected if I spam the TAB key before the graphical post screen I'm able to get it to show the partial post in text mode.  The Award BIOS label shows at the top with the graphic Award logo, and then the following string is below it "GA-EP43-UD3L  F9".  The post process stops there.  Spamming the other keys (DEL, F9, F1, F12, END) before the graphical post screen has no effect still.  I tried booting the PC with the HD, DVD Burner, and the case's SATA connections removed with no change.  I unplugged the video card's power cable, booted up the PC and it gave me a single, long, consistent beep tone.

As for the building the PC outside of the case on cardboard, you mentioned a buzzer.  I don't have a buzzer.  Also, how would I initiate a boot up or shutdown without the case's power switch mechanism?  Please forgive my ignorance/lack of knowledge.

Lastly, I think it would be poor thinking to design a motherboard with so many USB connections and yet have USB keyboard and mouse disabled by default in the BIOS.  Even with that design choice it would be smart to put a warning label on the box and in the description that at a minimum a PS/2 keyboard is needed for the initial configuration of the motherboard.  I would even go as far as to say that GIGABYTE should have included USB to PS/2 adapter(s) in the retail package.  I would have paid an extra $5 to $10 US if they were included.
Title: Re: GA-EP43-UD3L: New board unresponsive at graphical post screen
Post by: Dark Mantis on June 26, 2011, 06:54:11 pm
Lastly, I think it would be poor thinking to design a motherboard with so many USB connections and yet have USB keyboard and mouse disabled by default in the BIOS.  Even with that design choice it would be smart to put a warning label on the box and in the description that at a minimum a PS/2 keyboard is needed for the initial configuration of the motherboard.  I would even go as far as to say that GIGABYTE should have included USB to PS/2 adapter(s) in the retail package.  I would have paid an extra $5 to $10 US if they were included.

I agree that it would make sense just like including a buzzer/speaker in the motherboard box. You can pick one up from any computer store for a matter of pence. You can also get a set of switches, LEDs and buzzer for under a fiver. If you don't have this to hand though the motherboard can easilly be started by carefully shorting out the two pins marked PWR SW or similar on the motherboard's FRONT_PANEL_CONNECTOR situated in the bottom right hand corner.
Title: Re: GA-EP43-UD3L: New board unresponsive at graphical post screen
Post by: jqpdev on June 26, 2011, 08:44:08 pm
Thanks guys/gals for your replies I'm making some progress.  I haven't removed all of the components to set up on card board outside of the case as I was awaiting a reply.  However, while waiting for a reply I decided to remove 1 RAM chip from slot 1 and reconnect my PS/2 keyboard to test.  Reconnecting my PS/2 keyboard means I have to shut down my PC which I'm using to access the forums.  After the above changes I was able to get into the BIOS and make adjustments.  :)

After making a few changes and rebooting I was able to connect and use my wife's USB keyboard.  I tried adding back the 2nd RAM chip in slot 1 and the system stalled.  I removed the 2nd chip, examined the BIOS and found that the RAM voltage defaulted to 1.8V.  I set it to 2.0V rebooted and it worked.  I put the 2nd RAM chip back into slot 1 and it is working.  Windows 7 has rebooted several times and I'm going through the repair process.  I expected Windows 7 to complain or balk at the existing configuration not working with the new motherboard.  It seems Win 7 Ultimate 64bit still isn't as flexible/adaptable as old Win95.  Once I verify that the motherboard and other components are working together I will plan a full reinstall of the OS and apps.  I will respond back soon with progress.

I agree that it would make sense just like including a buzzer/speaker in the motherboard box.
The difference between including a buzzer/speaker and including a USB to PS/2 adapter is that if one goes through the clear CMOS process the BIOS will be in the USB keyboard/mouse disabled state and one can't configure the BIOS.  The board can handle 8 USB devices connected to it at the rear, but I can't go through the initial BIOS config. with a USB keyboard... that sounds a little absurd.  If there was a warning about the PS/2 keyboard requirement I would not have tried USB keyboard first.  The other option would have been to change the BIOS default to enable USB keyboard/mouse.
Title: Re: GA-EP43-UD3L: New board unresponsive at graphical post screen
Post by: Dark Mantis on June 26, 2011, 09:27:02 pm
yes quite! I wasn't disagreeing with you merely saying that both should be included in the kit of parts. ;)
Title: Re: GA-EP43-UD3L: New board unresponsive at graphical post screen
Post by: jqpdev on June 26, 2011, 09:37:01 pm
Win7 decided it was going to not play nice so, I'm reinstalling the operating system.  However, I now have all 6GB of RAM installed and 2x 1GB G-Skill chips and 2x 2GB Crucial Ballistix chips... and no complaints from BIOS.  Many thanks.  If I encounter new problems I will start a separate thread as the unresponsive state at graphical post has been resolved.
Title: Re: GA-EP43-UD3L: New board unresponsive at graphical post screen
Post by: Dark Mantis on June 26, 2011, 09:52:16 pm
Good news anyway so far. Good luck with the rest of it . ;)