Official GIGABYTE Forum

Off-Topic => General discussions => Topic started by: ltolman on June 29, 2011, 03:55:47 am

Title: Question about Smart Recovery or GoBack or Time Repair lol
Post by: ltolman on June 29, 2011, 03:55:47 am
Hello everyone here at Gigabyte. I recently installed a new motherboard:  GA 790XTA-UD4 (Rev 1.0 but with Bios F4a). I was flipping thru the manual and I saw on page 74 it talked about "Time Repair" though once I placed my CD in the drive it actually was called Smart Recovery.

Now after watching a couple videos on the subject I have a few questions/comments.

I once was a proud owner of a software program called "Go Back"; I believe by Roxio.  However I ended up not liking the program afterall and you'll see why in the upcoming question.

Question: Does Gigabytes Smart Recovery Software constantly write to the hard drive?   Or in that video did it update only every hour?

Reason why I ask this question is because when I had Roxio's "Go Back" installed, it technically did write to my hard drive almost every minute of every day, so when I tried to Defragment my hard drive, the sytem wouldnt let me because that software kept writing to the drive.

So heres another question: If it only writes to the hard drive once per hour; does it seriously interfere with Windows' Defragment utility or any other utility??

Finally I noticed that the 6 min video from the Gigabyte Technician did this all within the Windows Environment; again, I remember with 'Roxios Go Back' you actually had the ability to launch the restore before Windows ever loaded. So if I installed something that made my computer pretty much unbootable to Windows; does Gigabyte's Smart Recovery have that option to do that?

LOL I'm so sorry for all these questions; I think one last one before I get your replies and reply from them.

Last Question: Does Gigabytes Smart Recovery/Time Repair work in Safe Mode?

Thank You