Official GIGABYTE Forum
Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: azmanmanz on July 07, 2011, 05:13:14 pm
I just build new PC and use Gigabyte Motherboard GA-Z68X-UD3P-B3 and Intel i7 2600k, Most of people knows P67 Chipset for Overclocking, H67 for Integrated Graphic and Z68 is advance for both Overclocking and Graphics. After run intel diagnostic tool and read the motherboard manual, im surprise and regret the motherboard with Z68 Chipset doesn't support Intel integrated graphics at all. >:(
Hi and welcome to the Gigabyte Forum.
This is something that has mystified me also as to why Gigabyte decided to ignore the graphics potential of the chipset/CPU. I cannot explain apart from to say that they seemed to feel it wouldn't be wanted on certain boards in the lineup. :-\
Neither does the GA-Z68X-UD5-B3 although the GA-Z68X-UD5 does.
Is the UD5-B3 a replacement for the UD5?
I thought B3 related to an Intel fault with the SATA controller in Sandybridge chipset.
It appears Gigabyte are using it for boards without the on-chip graphics.
Now I'm confused. ???
I'd like a Gigabyte motherboard with Z68 chipset which allows for the onboard graphics - particularly for the faster encoding/media processing.
Is the UD5 (non B3) version still sound?
Any help gratefully received. :)
When a company refers to B2 or B3 it is really just deliniating the different builds. It is a bit like saying revision 3 or revision 2 but they are used in a slightly different way. It normally just means that the line has moved on. I can't say I know anything about it being anything to do with with or without graphics capabilities.