Official GIGABYTE Forum

Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: blindfitter on July 17, 2011, 07:33:17 am

Title: Z68x UD5 B3 Not going past “26”
Post by: blindfitter on July 17, 2011, 07:33:17 am
Z68x UD5 B3 Not going past “26”

Here’s one for you guys, at present the machine is in a loop and restarts before all the led’s go out, with no beep.
With a pci led indicator installed showing the boot codes we are failing to go past “26”
Updated the bios to F8b 2days ago and has worked  fine until this morning, took longer than usual to boot into windows 7 64bit, on restart it shut down completely  before attempting to reboot, which I thought ‘strange’.
These are what I have tried to resolve the issue, clear cmos, remove power from psu and battery 20minutes.
Swapped out psu, memory, vga card,
At present mb vga, memoryand keyboard fitted and still no go.
So is it Cpu? Motherboard? Or your latest F8b bios?

Hoping for an easy fix, 

Z68 UD5 – 2600k –Gskill F3-1700 – Corsair Hx1000.

Ps Just read a recommendation for extended battery no power etc.
Will try board later in 5hours that being 13.30 gmt. Fingers crossed
Title: Re: Z68x UD5 B3 Not going past “26”
Post by: Dark Mantis on July 17, 2011, 11:09:42 am
Hi and welcome to the Gigabyte Forum.

I think that you are referring to an extended CMOS clear in your last paragraph. If so that is what I would advise to start with. If after that you still have the same problem I would suggest removing all PCI and PCIE cards and see if that allows it to boot successfully.

As an afterthought you have installed the 8 pin 12v connector near the CPU haven't you ?
Title: Re: Z68x UD5 B3 Not going past “26”
Post by: blindfitter on July 18, 2011, 07:12:58 am
Hi, thanks for helping with this problem, have done as you suggested,
board removed of all items including battery for 12 hours.

pressed cmos button for 10secs, overkill I know
fitted cpu and fan
fitted battery
conected 24pin atx conector
conectec 8pin cpu conector
turned on power and Press Go

endless loops ran for 20+ as suggested by your colleague Run?

switced off removed cpu cooler, cpu warm to hot, does this help! ie current flowing trough cpu.

found the following, 26 refers to memory, is this plug in memory or memory controller on the cpu?

thanks again

Award Sandy Bridge Progress Codes
00 - Not used
 01 - Power on. Reset type detection (soft/hard)
 02 - AP initialization before microcode loading
 03 - North Bridge initialization before microcode loading
 04 - South Bridge initialization before microcode loading
 05 - OEM initialization before microcode loading
 06 - Microcode loading
 07 - AP initialization after microcode loading
 08 - North Bridge initialization after microcode loading
 09 - South Bridge initialization after microcode loading
 0A - OEM initialization after microcode loading
 0B - Cache initialization
SEC Error Codes
0C - Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
 0D - Reserved for future AMI SEC error codes
 0E - Microcode not found
 0F - Microcode not loaded
PEI Phase
10 - PEI Core is started
 11 - Pre-memory CPU initialization is started
 12 - Pre-memory CPU initialization (CPU module specific)
 13 - Pre-memory CPU initialization (CPU module specific)
 14 - Pre-memory CPU initialization (CPU module specific)
 15 - Pre-memory North Bridge initialization is started
 16 - Pre-Memory North Bridge initialization (North Bridge module specific)
 17 - Pre-Memory North Bridge initialization (North Bridge module specific)
 18 - Pre-Memory North Bridge initialization (North Bridge module specific)
 19 - Pre-memory South Bridge initialization is started
 1A - Pre-memory South Bridge initialization (South Bridge module specific)
 1B - Pre-memory South Bridge initialization (South Bridge module specific)
 1C - Pre-memory South Bridge initialization (South Bridge module specific)
 1D - OEM pre-memory initialization codes
 1E - OEM pre-memory initialization codes
 1F - OEM pre-memory initialization codes
20 - OEM pre-memory initialization codes
 21 - OEM pre-memory initialization codes
 22 - OEM pre-memory initialization codes
 23 - OEM pre-memory initialization codes
 24 - OEM pre-memory initialization codes
 25 - OEM pre-memory initialization codes
 26 - OEM pre-memory initialization codes
 27 - OEM pre-memory initialization codes
 28 - OEM pre-memory initialization codes
 29 - OEM pre-memory initialization codes
 2A - OEM pre-memory initialization codes
 2B - Memory initialization. Serial Presence Detect (SPD) data reading
 2C - Memory initialization. Memory presence detection
 2D - Memory initialization. Programming memory timing information
 2E - Memory initialization. Confi guring memory
 2F - Memory initialization (other)
30 - Reserved for ASL (see ASL Status Codes section below)
 31 - Memory Installed
 32 - CPU post-memory initialization is started
 33 - CPU post-memory initialization. Cache initialization
 34 - CPU post-memory initialization. Application Processor(s) (AP) initialization
 35 - CPU post-memory initialization. Boot Strap Processor (BSP) selection
 36 - CPU post-memory initialization. System Management Mode (SMM) initialization
 37 - Post-Memory North Bridge initialization is started
 38 - Post-Memory North Bridge initialization (North Bridge module specific)
 39 - Post-Memory North Bridge initialization (North Bridge module specific)
 3A - Post-Memory North Bridge initialization (North Bridge module specific)
 3B - Post-Memory South Bridge initialization is started
 3C - Post-Memory South Bridge initialization (South Bridge module specific)
 3D - Post-Memory South Bridge initialization (South Bridge module specific)
 3E - Post-Memory South Bridge initialization (South Bridge module specific)
 3F - OEM post memory initialization codes
40 - OEM post memory initialization codes
 41 - OEM post memory initialization codes
 42 - OEM post memory initialization codes
 43 - OEM post memory initialization codes
 44 - OEM post memory initialization codes
 45 - OEM post memory initialization codes
 46 - OEM post memory initialization codes
 47 - OEM post memory initialization codes
 48 - OEM post memory initialization codes
 49 - OEM post memory initialization codes
 4A - OEM post memory initialization codes
 4B - OEM post memory initialization codes
 4C - OEM post memory initialization codes
 4D - OEM post memory initialization codes
 4E - OEM post memory initialization codes
 4F - DXE IPL is started
PEI Error Codes
50 - Memory initialization error. Invalid memory type or incompatible memory speed
 51 - Memory initialization error. SPD reading has failed
 52 - Memory initialization error. Invalid memory size or memory modules do not match
 53 - Memory initialization error. No usable memory detected
 54 - Unspecifi ed memory initialization error
 55 - Memory not installed
 56 - Invalid CPU type or Speed
 57 - CPU mismatch
 58 - CPU self test failed or possible CPU cache error
 59 - CPU micro-code is not found or micro-code update is failed
 5A - Internal CPU error
 5B - reset PPI is not available
 5C - Reserved for future AMI error codes
 5D - Reserved for future AMI error codes
 5E - Reserved for future AMI error codes
 5F - Reserved for future AMI error codes
S3 Resume Progress Codes
E0 - S3 Resume is stared (S3 Resume PPI is called by the DXE IPL)
 E1 - S3 Boot Script execution
 E2 - Video repost
 E3 - OS S3 wake vector call
 E4 - Reserved for future AMI progress codes
 E5 - Reserved for future AMI progress codes
 E6 - Reserved for future AMI progress codes
 E7 - Reserved for future AMI progress codes
S3 Resume Error Codes
E8 - S3 Resume Failed
 E9 - S3 Resume PPI not Found
 EA - S3 Resume Boot Script Error
 EB - S3 OS Wake Error
 EC - Reserved for future AMI error codes 31
 ED - Reserved for future AMI error codes 31
 EE - Reserved for future AMI error codes 31
 EF - Reserved for future AMI error codes 31
Recovery Progress Codes
F0 - Recovery condition triggered by firmware (Auto recovery)
 F1 - Recovery condition triggered by user (Forced recovery)
 F2 - Recovery process started
 F3 - Recovery fi rmware image is found
 F4 - Recovery fi rmware image is loaded
 F5 - Reserved for future AMI progress codes
 F6 - Reserved for future AMI progress codes
 F7 - Reserved for future AMI progress codes
Recovery Error Codes
F8 - Recovery PPI is not available
 F9 - Recovery capsule is not found
 FA - Invalid recovery capsule
 FB - Reserved for future AMI error codes
 FC - Reserved for future AMI error codes
 FD - Reserved for future AMI error codes
 FE - Reserved for future AMI error codes
 FF - Reserved for future AMI error codes
DXE Phase

60 - DXE Core is started
 61 - NVRAM initialization
 62 - Installation of the South Bridge Runtime Services
 63 - CPU DXE initialization is started
 64 - CPU DXE initialization (CPU module specific)
 65 - CPU DXE initialization (CPU module specific)
 66 - CPU DXE initialization (CPU module specific)
 67 - CPU DXE initialization (CPU module specific)
 68 - PCI host bridge initialization
 69 - North Bridge DXE initialization is started
 6A - North Bridge DXE SMM initialization is started
 6B - North Bridge DXE initialization (North Bridge module specific)
 6C - North Bridge DXE initialization (North Bridge module specific)
 6D - North Bridge DXE initialization (North Bridge module specific)
 6E - North Bridge DXE initialization (North Bridge module specific)
 6F - North Bridge DXE initialization (North Bridge module specific)
70 - South Bridge DXE initialization is started
 71 - South Bridge DXE SMM initialization is started
 72 - South Bridge devices initialization
 73 - South Bridge DXE Initialization (South Bridge module specific)
 74 - South Bridge DXE Initialization (South Bridge module specific)
 75 - South Bridge DXE Initialization (South Bridge module specific)
 76 - South Bridge DXE Initialization (South Bridge module specific)
 77 - South Bridge DXE Initialization (South Bridge module specific)
 78 - ACPI module initialization
 79 - CSM initialization
 7A - Reserved for future AMI DXE codes
 7B - Reserved for future AMI DXE codes
 7C - Reserved for future AMI DXE codes
 7D - Reserved for future AMI DXE codes
 7E - Reserved for future AMI DXE codes
 7F - Reserved for future AMI DXE codes
80 - OEM DXE initialization codes
 81 - OEM DXE initialization codes
 82 - OEM DXE initialization codes
 83 - OEM DXE initialization codes
 84 - OEM DXE initialization codes
 85 - OEM DXE initialization codes
 86 - OEM DXE initialization codes
 87 - OEM DXE initialization codes
 88 - OEM DXE initialization codes
 89 - OEM DXE initialization codes
 8A - OEM DXE initialization codes
 8B - OEM DXE initialization codes
 8C - OEM DXE initialization codes
 8D - OEM DXE initialization codes
 8E - OEM DXE initialization codes
 8F - OEM DXE initialization codes
90 - Boot Device Selection (BDS) phase is started
 91 - Driver connecting is started
 92 - PCI Bus initialization is started
 93 - PCI Bus Hot Plug Controller Initialization
 94 - PCI Bus Enumeration 32
 95 - PCI Bus Request Resources
 96 - PCI Bus Assign Resources
 97 - Console Output devices connect
 98 - Console input devices connect
 99 - Super IO Initialization
 9A - USB initialization is started
 9B - USB Reset
 9C - USB Detect
 9D - USB Enable
 9E - Reserved for future AMI codes
 9F - Reserved for future AMI codes
A0 - IDE initialization is started
 A1 - IDE Reset
 A2 - IDE Detect
 A3 - IDE Enable
 A4 - SCSI initialization is started
 A5 - SCSI Reset
 A6 - SCSI Detect
 A7 - SCSI Enable
 A8 - Setup Verifying Password
 A9 - Start of Setup
 AA - Reserved for ASL (see ASL Status Codes section below)
 AB - Setup Input Wait
 AC - Reserved for ASL (see ASL Status Codes section below)
 AD - Ready To Boot event
 AE - Legacy Boot event
 AF - Exit Boot Services event
B0 - Runtime Set Virtual Address MAP Begin
 B1 - Runtime Set Virtual Address MAP End
 B2 - Legacy Option ROM Initialization
 B3 - System Reset
 B4 - USB hot plug
 B5 - PCI bus hot plug
 B6 - Clean-up of NVRAM
 B7 - Confi guration Reset (reset of NVRAM settings)
 B8 - Reserved for future AMI codes
 B9 - Reserved for future AMI codes
 BA - Reserved for future AMI codes
 BB - Reserved for future AMI codes
 BC - Reserved for future AMI codes
 BD - Reserved for future AMI codes
 BE - Reserved for future AMI codes
 BF - Reserved for future AMI codes
C0 - OEM BDS initialization codes
 C1 - OEM BDS initialization codes
 C2 - OEM BDS initialization codes
 C3 - OEM BDS initialization codes
 C4 - OEM BDS initialization codes
 C5 - OEM BDS initialization codes
 C6 - OEM BDS initialization codes
 C7 - OEM BDS initialization codes
 C8 - OEM BDS initialization codes
 C9 - OEM BDS initialization codes
 CA - OEM BDS initialization codes
 CB - OEM BDS initialization codes
 CC - OEM BDS initialization codes
 CD - OEM BDS initialization codes
 CE - OEM BDS initialization codes
 CF - OEM BDS initialization codes
DXE Error Codes
D0 - CPU initialization error
 D1 - North Bridge initialization error
 D2 - South Bridge initialization error
 D3 - Some of the Architectural Protocols are not available
 D4 - PCI resource allocation error. Out of Resources
 D5 - No Space for Legacy Option ROM
 D6 - No Console Output Devices are found
 D7 - No Console Input Devices are found
 D8 - Invalid password
 D9 - Error loading Boot Option (LoadImage returned error)
 DA - Boot Option is failed (StartImage returned error)
 DB - Flash update is failed
 DC - Reset protocol is not available
ACPI/ASL Checkpoints
01 - System is entering S1 sleep state
 02 - System is entering S2 sleep state
 03 - System is entering S3 sleep state
 04 - System is entering S4 sleep state
 05 - System is entering S5 sleep state
 10 - System is waking up from the S1 sleep state
 20 - System is waking up from the S2 sleep state
 30 - System is waking up from the S3 sleep state
 40 - System is waking up from the S4 sleep state
 AC - System has transitioned into ACPI mode. Interrupt controller is in APIC mode
 AA - System has transitioned into ACPI mode. Interrupt controller is in APIC mode

Title: Re: Z68x UD5 B3 Not going past “26”
Post by: Dark Mantis on July 18, 2011, 10:38:31 am
The next thing is to remove the motherboard from the case and test it on the workbench.

Make sure that you observe anti-static precautions.

Lay some cardboard or use the motherboard box that is non-conductive on the worktop and remove the motherboard/CPU/heatsink/fan/buzzer/one stick of memory and PSU from the case and put it on the cardboard. Add the keyboard and now I know you haven't got any graphics but try and boot. The system should try and then fail emitting a series of beeps. Please post what sounds it makes.

If it seems to be ok then insert the GPU as well and try again.
Title: Re: Z68x UD5 B3 Not going past “26”
Post by: blindfitter on July 18, 2011, 03:14:24 pm

Have already done as you suggested, result no beep at all,

Its fixed now, Hiviz from Benchtec UK got me going in 5minutes flat,
Thanks for assistance

Title: Re: Z68x UD5 B3 Not going past “26”
Post by: Dark Mantis on July 18, 2011, 05:43:20 pm
Oh well that is indeed good news. Would you like to share the fix with the rest of the forum as someone else might be in the same boat  ?
Title: Re: Z68x UD5 B3 Not going past “26”
Post by: blindfitter on July 18, 2011, 06:18:34 pm
Sure no problem,

Dagmar explained to me that my problem was memory related coupled with corupt bios, the fix:

mother board with battery fitted psu conected, vga inserted, keyboard and mouse pluged in,
So pretty much as standard, Now for the interesting bit, one stick of memory to be inserted into a ram slot that would create a differing frequency to what locked into the corupt bios, as l had already tried 1 and 3, 1 being nearest to cpu. I installed one stick into No.4 slot

Press the power button it then went went straight through "26" gave a beep, screen then reported that it was loading the secondary bios F3,

Once loaded, l got to bios screen loaded optimised and wet from there.

Hope that helps you help others in the future, Hiviz can be found on BenchteUK

regards and thanks again for the help given, Blindfitter