Official GIGABYTE Forum

Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: snadge on July 20, 2011, 02:29:04 pm

Title: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 20, 2011, 02:29:04 pm
I have Gigabyte P67A-D3-B3 with Core-i5 2500k etc

my problem is this: occasionally the LAN will all of a sudden take approximately 64 seconds too connect to my router (Netgear DG834GT) - to fix this i have to uninstall driver, reboot and re-install driver... it works fine... it seems to happen when I install/uninstall stuff...wierd I know, could be coincidence - it happened first after installing windows upsdates (none of which were LAN drivers) then when I uninstalled Office 2010 it happened again - ive just uninstalled RealTemp and few other things and again its doing it...  I will re-install the drive and it will connect within 2-3 seconds once windows is loaded which is what I would expect... there is nothing wrong with the router as it works just fine afterwards and other PC's are fine with it... when i ask windows to diagnose after its happened it says theres a problem with my router/modem but thats rubbish...

does anyone else have problems with this ethernet port?

ive tried different cables
ive tried different ports
ive rebooted the router
all to no avail

its very annoying as i have an SSD and windows is loaded within 15 seconds but i have to wait 1 minute before i can load a webpages?
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: Dark Mantis on July 20, 2011, 03:14:36 pm

I would suggest removing the Renesas driver completely and then do a fresh install of the newest version.
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 20, 2011, 03:21:58 pm
thanks for the reply...

what is the Rensas driver?
- this board runs on a Realtek Gigabit LAN driver and i have fresh installed it many times, like I say it will work for a bit... probably until I uninstall something, update windows
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: Dark Mantis on July 20, 2011, 03:28:38 pm
The actual chip that does the work is the Renasas D720200 and the driver for that is what I am suggesting removal and re-installation. Total removal is necessary first though.
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 20, 2011, 03:30:56 pm
how do i do this?
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: Dark Mantis on July 20, 2011, 03:37:16 pm
Well first go to the website and download the latest Renesas driver for your board and save it on your hard drive. Then download driverclean or something similar and use that to remove all traces of the old driver files. You can then go to where you downloaded the LAN drivers earlier and install them.
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 20, 2011, 03:51:21 pm
I have not installed a Renasas driver and nor is there one on the website for my board to download?  Realtek Driver only for LAN
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: Dark Mantis on July 20, 2011, 04:06:37 pm
No sorry my bad I was thinking of the USB3 not the LAN. Too many things going on at once.  :-[

Anyway the idea is the same complete removal of the LAN drivers and then a clean install.

My apologies.
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 20, 2011, 04:22:24 pm
like I said in original post ive already done tis several fixes the problem.. but the later on or tomorrow or when I uninstall something it will reset - ive a feeling its related to USB and USB hard-drive as sometimes windows takes longer to shutdown and when i pull out USB drive it shutsdown... and once when LAN was taking its 64 secs to connect I pulled out USB hard-drive and it worked but dunno if it was at 64 seconds and just coincidence
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: Dark Mantis on July 20, 2011, 04:34:17 pm
Well just in case it has got something to do with the USB controller/ports it might be a good idea to do what I suggested first anyway. It does give some funny faults at times.
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 20, 2011, 04:42:36 pm
mmm i only installed USB3.0 and not connected to it...

anyway, ive reinstalled all drivers already and it still happens
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 20, 2011, 05:05:43 pm
its just done it again after I made changes in the BIOS (setting multiplier)

im tempted to ditch this crap board cos also the Vcore adjustment is missing
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: ex58 on July 20, 2011, 05:30:38 pm
Try this  new Beta BIOS :
 P67A-D3-B3 - F4d (
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 20, 2011, 05:32:52 pm
is there a link to gigabyte servers? im dubious about using external links..its not my PC after all, iv just built it for my dad and im taking it up to him 350 miles away in scotland on Sunday so needs to be sorted by then
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: ex58 on July 20, 2011, 05:43:26 pm
Then download latest BIOS from GB server (3 months old).
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 20, 2011, 05:47:29 pm
mines running F3 i think... I updated BIOS via @BIOS when I installed it..
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 21, 2011, 11:49:31 am
its when i edit in BIOS it does this
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: Dark Mantis on July 21, 2011, 11:59:40 am
Just a thought as you mentioned that the problem is when you edit the BIOS. Try making sure that your two BIOS chips hold the same version of the BIOS file.

To check, go into the BIOS and on the MAIN page press F9 for system info.   You should see both BIOS versions listed, if they do not match please update the backup BIOS to match the current.

To do that, reboot and where you would normally press DEL to enter the BIOS, instead press Alt + F12, this will flash the Backup BIOS with the MAIN BIOS contents.   Do not worry when you see a recovery comment, that is normal and means it is flashing the backup BIOS.
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 21, 2011, 12:06:56 pm
actually i just edited BIOS again and it hasnt done this..

i will check for both bios chips to see if been flashed.. i done this using @BIOS on windows..

do I just do what you say? dont i need firmware on USB stick or aything?
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 21, 2011, 12:13:26 pm
it doesnt have TWO bios's in the F9 info = just BIOS = F9
the instructions at bottom say F11 to flash to cmos and F12 to flash to BIOS or summit like that

do i need to press ALT at al?
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: Dark Mantis on July 21, 2011, 12:23:38 pm
When you are in the BIOS main page you should only have to press F9 to see the extra information. You will have to press ALT+F12 to get the BIOSes synchronised.
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 21, 2011, 12:24:42 pm
there is only ONE BIOS version there at all, when i press F9 that is...

I followed your instructions pressing ALT+F12 at boot which presented me with an option to flash one bios with the other - however, when i get into BIOS again it still shows just one BIOS there with F3 as its value but this time it showed the proper overclocked speed of the CPU rather than stock speed, im sure anyway..

Im also having problems with Vcore voltage missing from bios so cant adjust the clock voltage - i appreciate that it does this automatically but i would like to tweak

is there a problem with this board?
ive built this computer for my dad £650, and it needs to be sorted by monday as thats when we are driving up to his 350 miles away and he is incapable of replacing boards etc
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 21, 2011, 12:42:01 pm i have to clear the cmos? how do i do this?

it only shows 1 BIOS in F9 even after doing at ALT+F12
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: Dark Mantis on July 21, 2011, 01:01:31 pm
It might be that you still have one of the original BIOSes that didn't respond to the F9 command. They still work the same though so if you have the latest BIOS update on your Main BIOS then you can copy it accross to the Backup BIOS by doing what I advised. It just won't show you that it is doing it.

No need to flash the BIOS again unless you still have an outdated version.
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 21, 2011, 01:05:35 pm
like I say i followed your advice and it done it but when i went back to F9 after rebooting it still showed only 1 window with 1 bios version in it (and CPU speed, type, memory, lan mac address etc)

is this a problem? is one of the bios's broken?
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: Dark Mantis on July 21, 2011, 01:24:10 pm
No it is just like I explained just now. The earlier BIOSes didn't actually respond to the command and so you can't see both BIOSes.  When you update to a new BIOS version at some stage you should find that it will show as normal whan you try the F9 trick. ;)
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: runn3R on July 21, 2011, 01:49:51 pm
Hi snadge

Please trust ex58 about the beta F4d bios he provided

Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 21, 2011, 02:01:50 pm
im running F3 which is latest BIOS..?

why cant i see TWO bios's in list like everyone else can if thats the case?

like i said twice previously ive already flashed it on your advice but still only see one BIOS
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 21, 2011, 02:07:50 pm
im running F3 which is latest BIOS..?

why cant i see TWO bios's in list like everyone else can if thats the case?

like i said twice previously ive already flashed it on your advice but still only see one BIOS


how do i flash the BIOS with F4d..? do i stick it on a blank USB stick? are there clear instructions?
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: Dark Mantis on July 21, 2011, 02:17:30 pm
You didn't flash the BIOS just looked at the ionformation about it. Flashing it is totally different. Yours is no different to anybody elses. F3 is the latest full version but the F4d is available and you should try using that one as ex58 linked you to.
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 21, 2011, 02:19:13 pm
i did flash it... ive said this four times now, i followed your advice by pressing F12+ALT which flashed one BIOS with the other but still doesnt show as TWO bioses in F9 after I reboot after flashing...

nobody is telling me how to flash with the downloaded F4d file either... just "to do it"

should I use @BIOS or qFlash in BIOS.. how do I do it
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: absic on July 21, 2011, 02:29:23 pm
Hi Snadge,

For flashing BIOS using QFlash you might want to look through this FAQ:,2441.msg13929.html#msg13929 which hopefully will answer any questions you have regarding that.

If you look through this thread:,5704.msg45814.html#msg45814 at pictures 12 & 13  I have posted screen shots of how to check your 2 BIOS Chips and what versions of BIOS they are holding. Just double check that you are following the correct procedures to get to this screen.
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 21, 2011, 02:33:08 pm
thanks for the link ABSIC


like i said earlier, i DID get to the F9 screen and it DIDNT have two bios's listed... only MAIN - it seems like Iam being mis-understood or no one believes me when I tell them I have followed instructions, flashed the BIOS using F12+ALT and it reports only one main bios in F9... no backup bios like in your picture..  i dunno how many times i will have to repeat myself before it sinks in like.. no offence im jst annoyed that ive said it FOUR TIMES that ive done this?
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 21, 2011, 02:38:42 pm
...continuing from my previous reply above... some of the pictures on your link are removed..
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: absic on July 21, 2011, 02:43:27 pm
Hi again,

 I understand your frustration and I am at a loss to explain why it isn't showing correctly on your motherboard and I just wanted to double check that you weren't missing something, as it took me a while to finally discover this feature and how to use it. As Dark Mantis has already stated, it could be that when you re-flash or update the BIOS, things will return to normal and you will be able to see the 2 BIOS Chip versions.

Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 21, 2011, 03:07:13 pm
ok, ive updated the bios via qflash and USB stick with F4d - now after doing this I got OPERATING SYSTEM MISSING error, i realised it was cos usb stick was inserted - so i set the SSD drive (which has my os on) as primary drive in the list and rebooted and I still got this error? does this mean now if any USB drives are inserted its not going to boot?

ive pressed F9 while in BIOS and there is STILL no MAIN/BACKUP - only the Bios version on it say F4c  (not F4d).. BIOS Version Number: F4c
thats it... no MAIN.. no BACKUP.. just one version number

these boards are new i believe. do these boards show both BIOS's on that F9 screen? have you actually seen this model do so? one shouldnt assume it does because other boards do... ive emailed Gigabyte but they havent got back to me...

when I got into windows it installed PCI-to-PCI Bridge Controller (which Im sure was already installed)

im at a loss with this board, i cant change Vcore directly - thats been removed on these boards by looks of it as it manages voltages automatically on overclocking , ive searched online and other users have same problem, even with different boards like Z68 and P67-UD3 ,  at the moment my main concern is the LAN messing up... it does this randomly about twice per day and I have to reinstall the driver fresh (uninstall/reboot/reinstall) for it too start working again - what happens is it takes approx 64 secs to connect to router "...identifying".. im sitting with superfast computer that takes 15 seconds too boot but have to wait a minute for the LAN to connect... when i re-install driver and its working fine it only takes 1-2 secs to connect once windows is loaded.

CPU-z or HWMonitor does not report the core voltage either.. it reports something else as it

this PC is not mine, ive built it for my dad, it cost £650... he lives 35 0miles away and im taking it up on monday morning, i MUST be sorted by then as he is incapable of changing boards and flashing BIOS's etc

what should I do?
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: ex58 on July 21, 2011, 04:30:43 pm
BIOS F4d already listed on Official GB web page today!

He is right,pressing F9 in BIOS,only Main BIOS is listed.
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 21, 2011, 04:34:45 pm
BIOS F4d already listed on Official GB web page today!

after I installed it it says F4c in my bios? i got in from your earlier link
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: ex58 on July 21, 2011, 04:40:46 pm
Wait for the moment,uploading all new BIOS's for P67a and Z68 ,released today on GB web page.
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 21, 2011, 04:42:40 pm
why should I wait? its already on?
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: ex58 on July 21, 2011, 04:53:35 pm
10 minutes time.
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 21, 2011, 04:58:11 pm

ive installed F4D (which says F4C in bios) and the LAN is still playing up!!!!

sick as a chip

i just rebooted the computer to look in BIOS and when got into windows it was doing its thing..takign 64 secs approx to identofy the network
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: Brains11 on July 21, 2011, 11:36:47 pm
I've got the LAN problem aswell as Snadge described. I am booting lightning fast into Windows 7 with my Vertex 3 SSD only to wait for the next full minute when the LAN is finally ready. Makes no sense, does it? Btw Snadge, I am with you man...pressing F9 only shows our main BIOS.
My board is the GA-Z68X-UD4-B3 flashed with F8f (BOTH main and backup)
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: Brains11 on July 21, 2011, 11:49:17 pm
I see F8 is now up for my board so flashing in a minute.......


Flashed F8, no difference. I uninstalled the drivers and installed them again. No luck, I still think it's a driver issue.
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 21, 2011, 11:53:32 pm
@ Brains - hmmm yours is totally diff board too... open network connections and click on the LAN and watch the up-time.. for me its when it hits dead on 1.03 - 1.04 (63-64 seconds) that it connects... aprrox every time - if i Uninstall, reboot, reinstall it works...but only for few reboots/hours then happens again and for every boot after that until I reinstall the driver

I cant wait to get sorted cos its not mine and im taking 250 miles to its owner on monday,....if not fixed in next 24 hours i may have to send back for the MSI board instead that I chose Gigabyte over as I thought they were reliable???
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: Brains11 on July 22, 2011, 12:47:03 am
Uninstalled and reinstalled the thing again. Downloaded the latest Realtek drivers v7.046. Instantly online now.:o Booted about 10 times now and no problems. Too early to draw conclusions yet though. I'll keep you posted...

Mmm...I see we don't have the same Realtek LAN chip though..
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: Brains11 on July 22, 2011, 10:44:47 am

Ok, this morning it took 64 seconds before LAN was ready. :-\
So, although having different boards/LAN chips we have the exact same problem. LAN will work as normal when you uninstall and then reinstall the drivers but after a few boots and/or power down your machine it will keep you waiting for at least a full minute when it's ready.
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 22, 2011, 11:41:07 am
yep same here - fine last night (same driver 7.046 shows as 7.46 in windows device manager) but this morning turn on and its same again... been reinstalling this driver 3 times per day - gigabyte have not returned my email i sent 2-3 days ago and nobody on here is helping us.. its like Gigabyte just DONT WANT TO KNOW... im not f***n happy about it as ive got too take this PC up to customer on monday 350 miles away and he cant swap boards in and out so must be sorted by then... one thing is for sure... I will NEVER buy another gigabyte board simply for the way its been handled

it seems to be a time issue too me.. after X amount of hours

if you get a fix please let me know, Iam asking on few forums for help

start your own thread too so they know its widespread... pass me the link, just being ignored here
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 22, 2011, 12:50:20 pm
...continued from previous message above (please read)

I have ran the realtek diagnostic tests which failed on last TWO  IRQ and whatever last one was, cant see it now cos since running that test the LAN isnt working at all - driver reinstalled or not, seems like a PCI-e conflict, i can tell when its not working as boot takes that little bit longer on windows loading screen

windows says no ethernet is connected & the light on LAN isnt on at back, etherbet IS connected and working just fine
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: Brains11 on July 22, 2011, 01:08:18 pm
LOL  :D That's exactly what I was doing at the same time haha, two minds, same thoughts. Test IRQ and test FIFO failed. For a moment I thought my ethernet adapter was dead. It was completely vanished after a reboot and smartlan in BIOS didn't see it at all. After disconnecting the power cable and a cold boot it was there again working fine, don't know if it will stay this way though.
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 22, 2011, 01:12:59 pm
LOL  :D That's exactly what I was doing at the same time haha, two minds, same thoughts. Test IRQ and test FIFO failed. For a moment I thought my ethernet adapter was dead. It was completely vanished after a reboot and smartlan in BIOS didn't see it at all. After disconnecting the power cable and a cold boot it was there again working fine, don't know if it will stay this way though.

WOW - thats what I done too..cold boot LOL...

no you can be gauranteed it will fail... just give it 3 hours or so... its been doing it too me since sunday when I installed it ...
Iam going to look elsehwere for fixes.. this forum is useless, ive also downgraded firnware to F3 as F4d (F4c) slows yer memory down to 1333mhz once in windows... it was no help to me at all so reverted back to F3

im shocked at GB handling of this and i have contacted SCAN computers where I purchased the board.  ive put out a request on OCuk for other GB P67/Z68 users to come forward if there LAN does this - I can tell when its doing it during boot as the windows loading screen takes a little bit longer than normal.. i think its PCI-e conflict

what GFX u got installed? what AntiVirus do you use?
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: Brains11 on July 22, 2011, 01:52:49 pm
My specs are :

Intel Core i7 2600K
8GB Corsair Vengeance CL8
Vertex 3 240GB

Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit
Norton Internet Security 2011
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 22, 2011, 01:54:24 pm
start your own thread to make them more aware of problem... give me link to it when done.. im sick... no response from GB or forum, scan computers say send board back for testing...but what will happen is it will test OK cos there not gunna sit and use it for 3-4 hours to see if it does it..cos thats what it takes
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: Brains11 on July 22, 2011, 07:13:10 pm
So far so good since my last post. Fingers crossed.....
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 22, 2011, 09:38:30 pm
nahh not for me... just rebooted after leaving it idle for few hours and it was back to normal

what is your router? its not a Netgear DG834GT is it?
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: Brains11 on July 22, 2011, 09:55:17 pm
My router is a Netgear WNDR3700
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 22, 2011, 10:10:49 pm
i wonder if thats why... they dont like Netgear routers... my dads is a netgear anyway same as mine so has to work... im arranging to send the board back to get it changed for MSI one or ASrock - well that is if its not fixed soon
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 22, 2011, 10:50:04 pm
early days BUT think ive found a fix until GB sort it - this is manual workaround until Gigabyte release update

ts the auto negotiation of IP address between Netgear Router and LAN chip that seems to be the issue, after a set period of time it starts to have problems with negotiation - Gigabyte must release an update to address this

so, heres what I done and I done it while it was broken (well, only connecting after 64 seconds)

I manually entered the network and computer IP address and subnet mask (I also added Open DNS as DNS server until I use DNS Benchmark to see which is best later)
netgear router ip is and every computer connected after that the 1 is a 2 then 3 then 4 etc etc (PC1 = 192.168.02 , PC2 = etc etc)

if you run into problems again do this: (assuming your netgear default gateway is like most netgears)
you can find out by opening RUN (Windows key + R) and typing CMD and press enter, then in cmd window type IPCONFIG /ALL (note there is a space between the IPCONFIG and /ALL) - this will display your network settings, SCROLL UP and look for default gateway under 'Ethernet Adapter Local Area Connection' (not Tunnel adapter lan) it will show all the other settings you will need to copy into below (in red) if its different to mine, but should be the same) edit: get your ISPs DNS servers IP addresses too from the ipconfig list under 'dns servers' in case you run into same problem of being only able to change both IP & DNS or nothing at all as thats whats happening to me.

right-click on Network icon in tray and choose "OPEN NETWORK & SHARING CENTER"
click on the LOCAL AREA CONNECTION link
click the PROPERTIES button
check 'use the following IP address' and enter the following (no other PC's should be on network when you do this)
SUBNET MASK:  (this will probably fill itself)

Enter your ISP's DNS values into these boxes:
DNS SERVER 1:  (enter your ISP's DNS server 1 values here or use open DNS:
DNS SERVER 2:  (enter your ISP's DNS server 2 values here or use open DNS:
press OK, OK, CLOSE and it will re-connect... then reboot and see if it works... for me the shutdown hung, soon as i removed ethernet cable it shutdown...but shutdowns after that have been fine

here is a pic of what mine looks like with my personalized DNS Servers: (use your own or open dns as these are best for me only)

edit: I also changed the settings in advanced section of adapter properties 'speed & duplex' to 100Mbps (from AUTO) so it doesnt have to negotiate for that either

try that and see if it stays fixed, this is actually better and quicker as it doesnt have to negotiate with the router, but none-the-less there is a problem and Gigabyte need to address that.

My dad still wants me to send Board back.
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: F5BJR on July 23, 2011, 12:47:26 am
For the DNS a long time that i use the router IP adress without problem after the router route automaticly to the internet provider

ex : if your IP router is --> DNS =


Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 23, 2011, 01:09:50 am
For the DNS a long time that i use the router IP adress without problem after the router route automaticly to the internet provider

ex : if your IP router is --> DNS =


maybe you can enter your router's IP address but your just adding delay to the whole process (even if it is milliseconds) as it asks the router which tells it to get from ISP (or DNS servers set in router) - where as set in windows your doing it directly and cutting out that process, windows communicates with the DNS server directly without having to negotiate the DNS server from the router, this cuts time from the process and makes webpages load slightly faster - so does using DNS Benchmark to determine the closest and fastest dns servers to use
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: F5BJR on July 23, 2011, 02:04:40 am
sorry but i have tested just at this time ping --> my provider

and ... i have exactly the same values ( some 48ms )


Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 23, 2011, 02:46:16 am
did you flush your DNS cache before each test? if not then you would get same result anyway,
Anyway I think Vista and Windows 7 train the DNS settings (under your config) from the router when Vista/Win7 boot up or on first request of DNS, then they save it in the IP Stack for the rest of that windows session... windows XP on the other hand I think requests the router each time for the DNS server's IP Address

either way it still best to do it properly and cut out the 3rd party request

your method:
windows has to ask the router for DNS IP address, router tells windows its X.X.X.X, windows sends request to X.X.X.X

setting DNS manually:
windows sends request to X.X.X.X

anyway its not important... i just hope my problem is solved with this fix
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: F5BJR on July 23, 2011, 03:16:06 am
Sorry , i  use not VISA or Windows 7 but Windows XP !!


Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: Dark Mantis on July 23, 2011, 03:30:27 am
Basically what you are saying is that you have issued your computer with a fixed IP address rather than letting the router dynamically assign one. I always used to do this anyway as it speeded up the login process.
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 23, 2011, 12:42:04 pm
Basically what you are saying is that you have issued your computer with a fixed IP address rather than letting the router dynamically assign one. I always used to do this anyway as it speeded up the login process.

Yeah, turned on PC this morning and its fine, so its looking good as it would normally be broken again taking approx 64 secs to connect. theres definitley a driver problem or IRQ conflict as Realtek Diagnostic Utility says so as IRQ and FIFO tests fails, but at least it can be fixed until there is a driver update.
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: F5BJR on July 23, 2011, 04:46:39 pm
You can find a Realtek LAN drivers collection to this  page

Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 23, 2011, 05:54:10 pm
thanks Pierre,  im sure that driver version is slightly different, one on gigabyte has newer date but only 2 weeks newer.. im sure the one on that website is higher number

7.046.0621.2011 = date: 21.06.11

mine installed from gigabyte website = 7.46.531.2011
on driver page in device manager it says date: 31.05.11 but on gigabyte website it says date 08.07.11

hmmm im gunna try the driver from that page as it is obviously a little bit newer. thanks for that Pierre
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 23, 2011, 06:11:21 pm
...well ive installed it and everything is on Automatic (negotiate its own Ip address etc)

if it doesnt mess up by tomorrow morning then its fine... and Gigabyte would need to change the driver on their website with the newer one
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 23, 2011, 08:42:25 pm
didnt work... still same problem after first reboot 4 hours later - im keeping the driver though but going back to manual setup
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: Dark Mantis on July 23, 2011, 10:07:46 pm
I do think that is the most sensible plan. As I said it is something many of us have done in the past anyway just to speed things along. ;)
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 24, 2011, 11:55:19 am
true, but it doesnt take from the fact there is still a driver conflict issue, I wonder how the other lad is getting on with his
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: Brains11 on July 24, 2011, 01:16:45 pm
 :( Nope no go, this morning back to 64 seconds delay again. Switched to static IP.
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: F5BJR on July 24, 2011, 01:52:56 pm
test with a Gigabit HUB :

Computer <--> HUB <--> Router

If you have the same problem send your motherboard for repair / exchange

Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: Dark Mantis on July 24, 2011, 02:01:27 pm
If you need to return it for repair/replacement as F5BJR suggests then contact your retailer or local Gigabyte centre.     RMA section UK
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 27, 2011, 07:39:35 pm
fixed with new F4 official release BIOS

its not BETA is official F4 thats not on website yet
Title: Re: Problems with LAN slow to connect on P67A-D3-B3
Post by: Dark Mantis on July 27, 2011, 07:41:48 pm
Oh, that is great news then! 8)