Official GIGABYTE Forum

Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: warmz on July 21, 2011, 03:32:59 pm

Title: Gigabyte P67-DS3-B3
Post by: warmz on July 21, 2011, 03:32:59 pm
Hello guys...
I recenlty bought a Sandy setup , and i have some problems...
Since im new to OC and im willing to OC my 2500K i was looking for guides.But i noticed that my mobo which is p67 does not have vcore voltage seting..
This is the link to the mobo
And this how does my bios looks :
In Cpu Voltage area there arent Vcore seting..
I conntacted Gigabyte and told the seting is dynamic vcore.. Maybe anyone has any suggestions how to oveclock with dynamic vcore?
And why threres still no bios uptate for the board?
Title: Re: Gigabyte P67-DS3-B3
Post by: Dark Mantis on July 22, 2011, 10:31:59 am
Hi and welcome to the Gigabyte Forum.

I am no overclocking guru myself but as I understand it using Dynamic Vcore is just left to auto and will automatically adjust the Vcore as it is required to keep everything stable.

It is very easy to overclock these chips/boards without playing around with the finer settings anyway unless you want a massive OC just by upping the multiplier.
Title: Re: Gigabyte P67-DS3-B3
Post by: snadge on July 22, 2011, 12:18:02 pm
it was nice of GB to get back to you... completely ignoring me
Title: Re: Gigabyte P67-DS3-B3
Post by: on February 17, 2012, 06:20:02 pm

I have the same motherboard, and I tried overclock,but nothing....PC shutdown and restart with default settings and massage:

"The sistem has experienced boot failures because of overclocking or changes of voltages.."

Then I change only value (auto) of "sistem memory multiplier" on 13.33,but again PC shotdown,restart and appear message like before >:(

I see that I'm not the only, Thanks :)

Anyone help me?


MB GA P67-DS3-B3
CPU i3 2100 @3.1GHz
DIMM 2 x 4GB DDR3 Exceleram /1333MHz
Title: Re: Gigabyte P67-DS3-B3
Post by: Lsdmeasap on February 17, 2012, 08:08:41 pm
Are you using the latest BIOS?   If not please update via Qflash or DOS, and then also flash the backup BIOS to match the main BIOS as shown here
Title: Re: Gigabyte P67-DS3-B3
Post by: on February 17, 2012, 08:24:36 pm
Yes,new bios from GIGABYTE(f4a)
Title: Re: Gigabyte P67-DS3-B3
Post by: Lsdmeasap on February 21, 2012, 06:30:21 pm
Did you set the memory voltage to spec?

Have you tested each memory module one by one?  If not, please do using this latest version of Memtest86+

Test each module one at a time for at least 5-10 passes, or overnight.  And also flash the backup BIOS as I mentioned above, you may need to use a PS/2 keyboard or USB to PS/2 adapter if your USB KB doesn't work and you only get the boot menu instead of backup BIOS flashing.
Title: Re: Gigabyte P67-DS3-B3
Post by: on February 22, 2012, 11:13:23 am
Tested memory ...No problems.
All settings in BIOS default.
And with other bios, all the same...Memory speed can`t be changed ...I don`t understand >:(
Title: Re: Gigabyte P67-DS3-B3
Post by: Lsdmeasap on February 22, 2012, 11:37:12 am
What memory are you using, maybe it's not fully compatible?

You may have to set the memory voltage to spec if you want to run it faster than stock defaults the BIOS sets.
Title: Re: Gigabyte P67-DS3-B3
Post by: on February 22, 2012, 11:45:41 am
DIMM DDR3 2 x 4GB  Exceleram /1333MHz 1.5V.

The same voltage is in the BIOS under auto.

I tried different(1.5V) voltage....unsuccessfully.
Title: Re: Gigabyte P67-DS3-B3
Post by: Lsdmeasap on February 22, 2012, 11:49:03 am
Have you tried using the other memory slots?   Like use 2+4 instead of 1+3, or 1+3 if you are currently using 2+4, sometimes this helps.

Can you borrow different 2x4GB for testing?  Or maybe buy another brand, as DDR3 is very cheap these days, this way you can rule out incompatible memory.
Title: Re: Gigabyte P67-DS3-B3
Post by: on February 22, 2012, 12:21:24 pm
No,not tried other slots.4GB DDR3 Exceleram @1333MHz here only 15 E....:),Anyway,Thanks for the help.

I do not understand ,what it means that the i3 2100 supports memory up to 1333MHz?
Maybe it the problem
Title: Re: Gigabyte P67-DS3-B3
Post by: on February 22, 2012, 01:23:35 pm
From Official Intel & GA site
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What mean "downgrade toDDR3 1333MHz"????
Title: Re: Gigabyte P67-DS3-B3
Post by: Lsdmeasap on February 27, 2012, 10:57:03 am
Please test the other memory slots, if you are using 1+3 now, try 2+4 instead.

Downgrade 2000Mhz to 1333Mhz means that memory will show up as 1333 in the BIOS, until the user sets it to another speed as 2000Mhz is not a speed option in P67/Z68

CPU or motherboard memory support only goes by official specifications from Intel, meaning defaults, you can always overclock the memory and CPU if your BIOS has the options.  Intel's $1000 CPU's only say 1333Mhz memory support too, it's just the official specification, but it can mean your CPU is limited by a max memory multi to 1333Mhz at default Bclk if you only have certain memory mulitpliers, then you'd have to raise the Bclk.  But your board has higher memory options so that is not something you have to worry about.
Title: Re: Gigabyte P67-DS3-B3
Post by: on February 27, 2012, 11:46:24 am
I'll try ..Then I'll post here.

Title: Re: Gigabyte P67-DS3-B3
Post by: on March 12, 2012, 07:09:44 pm

Problem is now a little clearer:
 With both modules N1 & N2 on the plate I raised the default value(9,9,9,24/1333MHz) to 10,10,10,26 and 1600MHz.
 I saved the settings in the BIOS and Windows normally appear.
 But only a few minutes and then the GPU drivers stopped working, that after freezing the image appeared BSD.
 I tried several times but without success.
 I then took out one memory module (N2) and repeated the whole procedure:
 Windows normally occurred without problems.
 I turned off the PC and put the other memory module N2 and Windows started to appear and halfway BSD appeared with the message:

 *** stop: 0x0000003B (value1, value2, value3 ...)
 *** win32k.sys - value ....

 Can you according to the pictures to tell me where I was wrong?
 Why is Windows normally occurs with RAM N1?
 Does this mean that the memory N2 defective RAM?

 The system is regularly updated:
 OS: Windows 7 SP1 64x
 ATI GPU drivers are ver: 12.2 ....
 When the default value of memory in the BIOS image does not freeze and no termination of the GPU driver.

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Title: Re: Gigabyte P67-DS3-B3
Post by: Lsdmeasap on March 13, 2012, 07:08:38 am
I'm not sure if anything can be concluded from your testing.

Please test each module again, at stock specified speeds and voltages, then if one causes errors and the other does not you'll know one is faulty.

0x3b error is most often Vcore set too low, so nothing to do with memory usually.
Title: Re: Gigabyte P67-DS3-B3
Post by: on March 13, 2012, 09:26:12 am
I have tested both modules.No errors:

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Title: Re: Gigabyte P67-DS3-B3
Post by: Lsdmeasap on March 13, 2012, 09:34:05 am
Was that recently?   I ask because your BIOS settings above show memory at 1600, and that test shows 1333, so just want to verify if you've tested them lately or not.

Try setting Vcore to 1.20 manually and see if that helps
Title: Re: Gigabyte P67-DS3-B3
Post by: on March 13, 2012, 10:10:42 am
I dont understand you..
Memory is the default 1333 MHz,But I tried at 1600MHz
Tested on real value(1333MHz)
How safe to raise the voltage on the processor?
Title: Re: Gigabyte P67-DS3-B3
Post by: Dark Mantis on March 13, 2012, 10:36:21 am
I think what Lsdmeasap means is that you have tested them at one speed and then showing them at another.  If you want to run them at 1600 then you need to test them at 1600 too.

It is perfectly safe to raise the vcore as Lsdmeasap advises and he wouldn't tell you to do anything that wasn't safe.
Title: Re: Gigabyte P67-DS3-B3
Post by: on March 13, 2012, 10:58:24 am
I understand now ....
 I'll try to change the voltage
 But I do not understand the relation between the memory frequency and voltage processors?
Title: Re: Gigabyte P67-DS3-B3
Post by: Lsdmeasap on March 13, 2012, 01:00:31 pm
I asked about your memory speed and memory testing, because the images you showed had different speeds.  And I just wanted to know if you had tested the memory recently or not, like maybe that image for the memory test was old, so I was just asking.

Vcore I suggested based on your BSOD, as that's a common cause of that particular BSOD.   It has nothing to do with the memory discussion, sorry for the confusion! :D
Title: Re: Gigabyte P67-DS3-B3
Post by: on March 13, 2012, 01:40:42 pm
No,images arranged chronologically
I am trying to understand everything that we advise
 I find it difficult to understand all stuff  :-\
And then I ask for some words in the Google
Title: Re: Gigabyte P67-DS3-B3
Post by: Lsdmeasap on March 14, 2012, 04:31:33 am
Did you raise the Vcore yet?   If not please do, and see if that helps with your BSOD's
Title: Re: Gigabyte P67-DS3-B3
Post by: on March 14, 2012, 06:39:14 pm
Did you raise the Vcore yet?   If not please do, and see if that helps with your BSOD's

No, I quit.
 Today I raised the memory at 1600MHz and VCore (~ 1.25V) and again all the same:Blue Screen of Death  >:(.

 I have another PC with a LGA775 and I know him.
 On it I have a CPU with I play from 2.4GHz up to 3.3GHz without raising the voltage
 DDR2 800 MHz memory up to 1000 + MHz without raising voltage, latency settings, etc..
 And all I can do this with my eyes closed, with a few clicks.

 Socket 1155, DDR3 .... Etc. obviously I do not understand.

 Thank you guys for help ...
Title: Re: Gigabyte P67-DS3-B3
Post by: Lsdmeasap on March 16, 2012, 08:24:02 am
It might not be compatible memory, or the CPU could be partially faulty.

Sorry we couldn't help more!