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Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: chapel85 on July 24, 2011, 07:25:18 pm

Title: GA-Z68X-UD3-B3 Boot Problem
Post by: chapel85 on July 24, 2011, 07:25:18 pm
I recently purchased some new parts and am now experiencing some issues getting the computer to boot up past the POST/BIOS screens.

Here is my current setup:
Mobo: Gigabyte GA-Z68X-UD3-B3
Proc: Intel i5-2400 (Sandy Bridge)
Video: Geforce 9800 GT
RAM: 8GB Corsair Vengeance 1600
1x 1TB Segate 7200RPM Hdd
1x Lite-On 24x DVD Burner
650W CoolerMaster PS

I received the parts the other day and the original system build went flawlessly. I had no issues with the initial boots/configuration. Windows 7 installed w/o issues. The computer was running fine for about 2 days and I shut it off one afternoon (after about 16hours of up-time). When i went to turn the machine back on a few hours later it started recycling itself about every 10 seconds, it would 1st turn on for about 2 seconds then shut off, then restart itself and stay on for about 10 seconds; usually i would be able to see the POST screen for a second, the RAM would be detected, and the LAN port. After that then it would shut off and repeat the process with a 2 second boot, and then another 10 second boot. The USB Keyboard/Mouse never gained power during this process.

I've noticed a few things:
At one point (maybe the 2nd time the computer recycled itself) i noticed the BIOS had reverted some settings. Originally the board clocked my RAM at 1333, so I had adjusted the setting to 1600; this didn't cause any performance issues but I noticed that it went back to the default of 1333 at some point.

Now after doing some testing I've totally lost video as well and haven't seen anything on the screen for the last few attempts.

This is what I've tried:
-I've disconnected all peripherals(even the keyboard a few times) and the computer still recycles itself at the same 2 points.
-I've disconnected all the front end peripherals and even the power/reset switches to ensure that the switch wasn't faulty and the computer still recycles -itself at the same 2 points.
-I've disconnected all the extra drives from the PS and the motherboard and the computer still recycles itself at the same 2 points.
-I've removed the memory and the computer still recycles itself at the same 2 points.
-I've performed an extended CMOS clear by removing the battery overnight and clearing the capacitors and the computer still recycles itself at the same 2 points. I performed a 1 hour clear and an 8 hour clear.
-I've removed the board from the case to eliminate the possibility of shorting and the computer still recycles itself at the same 2 points.

In reading some other users posts, this issue seems fairly common, maybe a corrupt bios....?
What's odd is that the hardware was working fine, I'm not a heavy user; but during the little benchmarking and game playing I did the computer never went over 40c and in fact dropped temps as time went on. I haven't ruled out the PS either but it doesn't seem likely; the failures are too consistent on boot.

Does anyone know of anything else to try, or does it seem a replacement is my only option?
Title: Re: GA-Z68X-UD3-B3 Boot Problem
Post by: Aussie Allan on July 24, 2011, 08:22:50 pm

 PSU should not be ruled out as a "slim chance of problem" Ive said this a couple of times today, ... 650 to 700watts is considered marginal now, especially if it's not new......age does kanacker them......even though your not going to town with current draw,  and what you tried to date.

 theres only a couple of things left , ... and these are the things I'd be doing to narrow things down even this order if you can!

 1) Can you get your hands on another (working) PSU 550W and up!....if you can....R&R PSU

 2) Put in only one stick of Memory in slot one and boot.......Fail!........swap to the other stick and try again

  Post back with your findings

 Aussie Allan

Title: Re: GA-Z68X-UD3-B3 Boot Problem
Post by: Dark Mantis on July 25, 2011, 08:36:22 am
If you can get it to boot it would be worth updating the BIOS and then synchronising the two BIOS chips so they match versions. If not try removing everything that really isn't necesssary for it to boot and then try again.
Title: Re: GA-Z68X-UD3-B3 Boot Problem
Post by: Axion on October 03, 2011, 11:04:23 pm
This is exactly the same issue that I am having.

Mobo: Gigabyte GA-Z68X-UD3-B3
CPU: I7 2600K
Video: Onboard
RAM: 8GB Mushkin Radioactive 1600mhz
1x Mushkin SSD
Corsair VX450 watt
Win 7 64bit

Build went great except for memory running at 1333mhz.
I activated XMP profile 1 and memory was running 1600mhz which is its native speed. No other overclocking at all in the BIOS.
System was running perfect for over a week. Turned it off one night and the next morning stuck in an infinite loop as you have described.
Boot 1 second OFF boot 10 secs brief view of post screen shows mem has gone back to 1333mhz then OFF boot 1 sec repeats forever.

I have tried everything to get this back out of the boot loop but to no avail. Reset CMOS, Left battery out for HOURS and no change.

Am I looking at an RMA here? I seriously cannot even get it to boot once.

Loads of people having similar issues but they seem to be able to recover by clearing CMOS and other little techniques.
Did you manage to fix yours?

Help please!! :(
Title: Re: GA-Z68X-UD3-B3 Boot Problem
Post by: Dark Mantis on October 04, 2011, 10:45:25 am

Usually it is a BIOS issue. I would suggest getting the machine to boot from the Backup BIOS and then see if everything is working from there. Try this although it might take a few goes to get right.

You can kick in the backup BIOS by shutting down the PSU from the wall, then hold down your case power button in and then turn on the power supply button, a few seconds later the board will start, shut off the power supply then.   Then you can turn on the power supply again and power up the board normally and DualBIOS will kick in.
Title: Re: GA-Z68X-UD3-B3 Boot Problem
Post by: Axion on October 04, 2011, 01:30:26 pm
Thanks for the suggestion but unfortunately it didn't work.

Still in the same position.

Looks like I have no option but to RMA the whole board.
It goes without saying that I am seriously unhappy with this and might have to consider moving to Asus or EVGA for the next board.
Title: Re: GA-Z68X-UD3-B3 Boot Problem
Post by: Dark Mantis on October 04, 2011, 01:38:16 pm
When you say it didn't work do you mean that you couldn't get the Backup BIOS to kick in or that it kicked in but still has no effect ?

What BIOS version are you running now ?

If you can get into the BIOS disable all the power saving settings and sleep settings.
Title: Re: GA-Z68X-UD3-B3 Boot Problem
Post by: Axion on October 04, 2011, 07:02:17 pm
I couldn't get the backup BIOS to kick in at all.

I was running BIOS version F9

I cannot get into the BIOS at all to make any changes.

I have tried all of the steps taken by the original poster and I still have the the exact same power cycling pattern as he had.
Title: Re: GA-Z68X-UD3-B3 Boot Problem
Post by: Dark Mantis on October 05, 2011, 01:22:49 pm
In that case I can only suggest either RMA the board or try removing it from the case and doing a rebuild outside on the worktop.

Make sure that you observe anti-static precautions.

Lay some cardboard or use the motherboard box that is non-conductive on the worktop and remove the motherboard/CPU/heatsink/fan/buzzer/one stick of memory and PSU from the case and put it on the cardboard. Add the keyboard and now I know you haven't got any graphics but try and boot. The system should try and then fail emitting a series of beeps. Please post what sounds it makes.
Title: Re: GA-Z68X-UD3-B3 Boot Problem
Post by: jpeckinp on October 06, 2011, 04:04:04 am
It was for this very reason I gave up on my z68x-ud5-b3. I've had it since July and I've had enough.

I could run Prime95 for 24 hours and Intel Burn Test at extreme and it would still do the reboot after coming out of sleep mode. I know the system was stable, I've tried all 3 BIOS and still get this problem.
Title: Re: GA-Z68X-UD3-B3 Boot Problem
Post by: Beekeeper on October 11, 2011, 03:40:25 pm
It was for this very reason I gave up on my z68x-ud5-b3. I've had it since July and I've had enough.

I could run Prime95 for 24 hours and Intel Burn Test at extreme and it would still do the reboot after coming out of sleep mode. I know the system was stable, I've tried all 3 BIOS and still get this problem.

do you still have this mobo? if yes which bios version do you use?
Title: Re: GA-Z68X-UD3-B3 Boot Problem
Post by: Dark Mantis on October 11, 2011, 05:10:49 pm
Once you get into the BIOS disable the USB3 and ESATA along with disabling all the power saving options and sleep options in the BIOS and then try enabling them one at a time until you can find the one that gives the trouble.