Official GIGABYTE Forum

Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: brennok on August 17, 2011, 08:36:06 pm

Title: GA-Z68X-UD3H-B3 loading operating system...reboot
Post by: brennok on August 17, 2011, 08:36:06 pm
Hey I am hoping someone can give me some clues on what might be wrong. I built a new PC last night and it seemed to be running fine. I let Media Center compile my libraries overnight and moved the PC this morning. Since I moved it to my desk, it reboots every time it goes to loading operating system. I am wondering if it is memory related because I used some older DDR3, G.Skill F3-12800CL9D-4GBNQ ( The board auto detects it at 1333 but even leaving it at that it won't boot. I also tried changing it to 1600 with no luck. I do have other memory on the way, but not sure how soon it will get here. I am also running pretty much a stock bios and no overclocking. I also updated the bios to F8, the latest bios last night, and had no issues on the reboot.

Seasonic 660
2x2gb DDR3 1600
Corsair 600T

Any suggestions on what might be causing it? Occasionally during the reboots and when entering the bios I do get the message that there were boot problems that may be related to overclocking, but I am not overclocking or changing any settings.

I did a fresh install of Win 7 though I could always try another install. I tried changing drivers to IDE rather than AHCI to make sure I didn't have the wrong setup when I installed Win 7 but no luck there either.
Title: Re: GA-Z68X-UD3H-B3 loading operating system...reboot
Post by: Aussie Allan on August 17, 2011, 08:55:52 pm

  brennok......Welcome buddy!

 if you loaded the OS while in IDE and change to ACHI and boot.........Blue screen!

  there are several other points but pointless at this stage until you establish the integrity of the "old" memory.....test modules, one at a time, ten passes each with Memtest........Sorry for the colorless reply, have said this sentence far too many times today.......Post back with your results.

  I actually think you have a duff module hiding in with the rest

 Aussie Allan
Title: Re: GA-Z68X-UD3H-B3 loading operating system...reboot
Post by: brennok on August 17, 2011, 09:28:45 pm
Unfortunately I can't even get it to boot from DVD to try. It loads the DVD drive and detects it, but still bypasses it even though it is the first device. It isn't giving me the prompt either to press any key to boot from CD or DVD.  I even tried with the Win 7 DVD, but same thing.

Title: Re: GA-Z68X-UD3H-B3 loading operating system...reboot
Post by: Aussie Allan on August 17, 2011, 09:37:27 pm

 So are you saying during boot, F10 does not allow you to get into....boot from whatever.......Also check the config of your BIOS especially boot order

  Do you know how to do a full BIOS reset.....if not just ask but you need to do this !

  If you have a spare machine.....load Memtest on USB drive.....F10 will be USB-HDD.

 Aussie Allan
Title: Re: GA-Z68X-UD3H-B3 loading operating system...reboot
Post by: brennok on August 17, 2011, 09:48:18 pm
I can get into the boot option menu via F12 I believe, but if I select CDROM, nothing happens and it goes straight to loading operating system.

I have never done a full BIOS reset since this is the first time I have run into any problems with a build.

I should have a USB drive around here so if I find it I will give it a try.
Title: Re: GA-Z68X-UD3H-B3 loading operating system...reboot
Post by: Aussie Allan on August 17, 2011, 10:03:00 pm
I can get into the boot option menu via F12 I believe, but if I select CDROM, nothing happens and it goes straight to loading operating system.

I have never done a full BIOS reset since this is the first time I have run into any problems with a build.

I should have a USB drive around here so if I find it I will give it a try.

  Sorry,your right, F12 which was meant :D

  Full bios reset.......these next word are taken from the mystro himself, "Dark Mantis" (Moderator) with due credits....

  follow these instructions exactly.

Remove the power cable from the mains supply and then press the power switch on the case for a few seconds just to drain any residual energy in the PSU capacitors.

Once done remove the motherboard battery for at least one hour before replacing it.
Next plug back into the mains supply and boot.
You will now need to enter the BIOS by pressing DEL and load Optimised BIOS Defaults.

Make any other changes to the BIOS settings to suit your self like disabling the floppy drive, disabling the full screen logo and making the HDD the primary boot device and then press F10 to save and exit.

  Back again! back if you have a win........if not you may have a crook .........something.

 Aussie Allan
Title: Re: GA-Z68X-UD3H-B3 loading operating system...reboot
Post by: brennok on August 17, 2011, 11:03:50 pm
I think I am just about to give up and put it on hold till this weekend. I cleared the CMOS and reset the BIOS. Verified all settings and also my new memory came so I installed it.

I figured I would do a fresh install of Windows since I wasn't sure if it installed in IDE or AHCI mode. Well I boot from the DVD and it shows the loading bars as Windows installs files. Then it hangs at Starting Windows. I can't even get past this screen to access the repair menu or install menu.

Everything is set up exactly how it was last night, but I can't get it to install.
Title: Re: GA-Z68X-UD3H-B3 loading operating system...reboot
Post by: Aussie Allan on August 17, 2011, 11:36:38 pm
I think I am just about to give up and put it on hold till this weekend. I cleared the CMOS and reset the BIOS. Verified all settings and also my new memory came so I installed it.

I figured I would do a fresh install of Windows since I wasn't sure if it installed in IDE or AHCI mode. Well I boot from the DVD and it shows the loading bars as Windows installs files. Then it hangs at Starting Windows. I can't even get past this screen to access the repair menu or install menu.

Everything is set up exactly how it was last night, but I can't get it to install.

  Hit it over the weekend with a clear mind......install in ACHI.......And keep in touch........realistically , thing generally go smoothly unless you're doing something wrong or have crook bits which can bit I can give you is sit down with the manual and a beer and read it like a novel for an hour.....especially the initial config and the first OS install section.........See you over the weekend.........Maybe! ;)

  Aussie Allan
Title: Re: GA-Z68X-UD3H-B3 loading operating system...reboot
Post by: brennok on August 18, 2011, 01:27:21 am
Well I got it working. I just let the Starting Windows screen sit for a long time and when I came back it was on the next step.

Now I added the Ceton InfiniTV 4 PCI-E card to the PCI-E x1 slot and the PC reboots at the Loading Operating System.
Title: Re: GA-Z68X-UD3H-B3 loading operating system...reboot
Post by: brennok on August 19, 2011, 02:06:28 am
So anyone have any ideas why the Ceton InfiniTV4 would cause problems in the PCI-E slot? I tried all 3 x1 slots with the same result.

When I tried adding it to the x16 slot, I got a corrupt BIOS message and the BIOS reverted back to F3. I did a complete reinstall of Windows and updated all the drivers again. I tried one last time and no luck.

I put the InfiniTV4 back in my other PC, GA-P55-UD4P and booted with no problems. It is running fine so I know it isn't the Ceton card.

Just looking for advice before I just return everything.
Title: Re: GA-Z68X-UD3H-B3 loading operating system...reboot
Post by: Aussie Allan on August 19, 2011, 07:52:44 am
So anyone have any ideas why the Ceton InfiniTV4 would cause problems in the PCI-E slot? I tried all 3 x1 slots with the same result.

When I tried adding it to the x16 slot, I got a corrupt BIOS message and the BIOS reverted back to F3. I did a complete reinstall of Windows and updated all the drivers again. I tried one last time and no luck.

I put the InfiniTV4 back in my other PC, GA-P55-UD4P and booted with no problems. It is running fine so I know it isn't the Ceton card.

Just looking for advice before I just return everything.
At the very least Ceton would be a good port of call......besides possibly helping you to get it to install, they would want to know of the issues you had

  Aussie Allan