Official GIGABYTE Forum

Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: vulture_g7 on September 14, 2011, 07:23:19 pm

Title: GA-Z68A-D3H-B3 (rev. 1.0) : problem with usb keyboard in post
Post by: vulture_g7 on September 14, 2011, 07:23:19 pm
I've already tried to get support through the site, but the answer wasn't very satisfactory. Here's my original question with my specs pasted:

I have the following problem: After (usually a warm) reset, my usb keyboard (Microsoft sidewinder x6) is not recognized during post and I can't get to the bios or the boot select menu (etc) unless I have a ps/2 keyboard to use. I've tried all available usb sockets, no external hubs etc, but made no difference. I've enabled everything usb-related in bios as well (ie legacy support), but still no difference. Any ideas please? It's very annoying to have a second keyboard just to enter the bios.

Model Name : GA-Z68A-D3H-B3(rev. 1.0)
M/B Rev : 1.0
BIOS Ver : F11c
Serial No. :
Purchase Dealer :
VGA Brand : Sapphire      Model : HD 6950 2gb
CPU Brand : Intel      Model : i7 2600k      Speed : 3.4ghz
Operation System : Win 7 32-bit      SP :
Memory Brand : Kingston      Type :
Memory Size : 4gb      Speed : 1600
Power Supply : 650 W

And here's the answer I got:

Thank you for your kindly mail and inquiry. About the issue you mentioned, since the USB driver is bundled with OS, please update your OS to the latest service pack, and if possible, please try to test with another USB keyboard.

However, if the problem still occurs, a further testing or examination might be required. Since we are not possible to get your product, we suggest you to contact your supplier (where you purchased your product) and see if they can test your system directly.

Now, I can't understand how the OS and the keyboard driver are relevant at all as (I believe) I clearly said that my problem is during post. I also can't imagine how could Microsoft help me with this if I report it to them. For example, I've never had said problem with my previous Asus p5k motherboard, how is it Microsoft's fault it's not initialized more quickly on my current board? I also don't think anyone from the shop I bought my keyboard a year ago will come here and test it and be able to find a solution. I obviously do not expect the gigabyte staff to have all the keyboards produced handy to try them, but  - and correct me if I'm wrong - this is a case of delayed usb keyboard initialization that many other boards had in the past. If anyone has an idea how to fix this, plz let me know. Otherwise, shouldn't a bios fix/workaround be considered? Thank you all in advance!

Kind Regards

Vas. Kostopoulos
Title: Re: GA-Z68A-D3H-B3 (rev. 1.0) : problem with usb keyboard in post
Post by: Dark Mantis on September 14, 2011, 08:16:52 pm
Hi and welcome.

The first thing I would suggest is to try and update the BIOS for the motherboard if there is one available. If not it could just be an issue with the Microsoft Sidewinder hardware as this isn't the first problem by far that has cropped up on the forum with this device. If it only happens on a warm reset try not using the reset at all and only use a full reboot.
Title: Re: GA-Z68A-D3H-B3 (rev. 1.0) : problem with usb keyboard in post
Post by: vulture_g7 on September 14, 2011, 08:37:03 pm
Thx for your quick reply!

I have the latest BIOS installed. I understand that others may have problems with this keyboard, but I just tried it on two other, rather old mobbos a  nforce2 and a nforce4  based one and it works fine there too as well as on my asus p5k I already mentioned. I can follow your suggestion and cold reset everytime I suppose. But is there any way to request a proper fix though? Some different way of initialization perhaps? I mean, I've tried it on 3 other (and older) mobbos without trouble, so, maybe, there's a chanace that it could be fixed somehow? Do you think it might be possible to file it as a request for the next BIOS release?

Again thx :)
Title: Re: GA-Z68A-D3H-B3 (rev. 1.0) : problem with usb keyboard in post
Post by: Dark Mantis on September 15, 2011, 07:42:40 am
Yes it is always worth asking for it to be looked at in the BIOS depatment for inclusion in the next update. You can contact them through GGTS here:

Just enter your email address and click on the language of choice.

Please expect several days for a reply.

I don't think there is anything wrong with either the keyboard or motherboard it is just an incompatibility.
Title: Re: GA-Z68A-D3H-B3 (rev. 1.0) : problem with usb keyboard in post
Post by: TigetLi on September 15, 2011, 08:47:53 am
Hello Vulture,

Do you have any other USB devices ot hubs attached to your computer?  If so disconnect all of them and try a soft reset. (This includes any PC case USB connections for the front and/or top Panels) Pay particular attention to USB card readers Some PC case have them and many printers do to. See if that fixes your soft reset snag.

If you still have the keyboard initialisation problem then try this. Leave all USB devices uplugged exceprt for a self powered USB HUB and your Keyboard. Plug the keyboard to USB HUB and HUB to PC USB connector. Make sure that the power adaqpter is connected to your USB HUB and a power source. Boot computer and attempt soft reset.

Good luck,
Title: Re: GA-Z68A-D3H-B3 (rev. 1.0) : problem with usb keyboard in post
Post by: vulture_g7 on September 15, 2011, 12:18:48 pm
Thank you both guys!

I'll try what you suggested and report back. :)