Official GIGABYTE Forum

Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: mikbolo on October 01, 2011, 08:22:12 am

Title: ga x 58 ud 5 rev.2 unable to boot in ahci mode with revodrive 3 x2
Post by: mikbolo on October 01, 2011, 08:22:12 am
im trying to install win 7 64 on my ssd revodrive 3x2 but ive problem,if i set the intel controller on  IDE everything it's ok but if i change the controller bios setting on AHCI,as it should be,the bios post froze and i can only clear the CMOS....
anyone else has this problem?
Title: Re: ga x 58 ud 5 rev.2 unable to boot in ahci mode with revodrive 3 x2
Post by: Aussie Allan on October 01, 2011, 09:23:17 am

   Welcome mikbolo

  Install in IDE is actually correct ..... Read here...... if you have any problems.....strip /disconnect all other drives so Revo is alone


  Let us know how you get on..... might have to upgrade myself if there's a large performance boost.

  Aussie Allan
Title: Re: ga x 58 ud 5 rev.2 unable to boot in ahci mode with revodrive 3 x2
Post by: mikbolo on October 01, 2011, 12:52:51 pm
no this way doesnt works...the problem is that i can "reach"  the mobo bios,probably the revo bios initializes before and and at some point freeze so i can not even do the cd boot of win and even entter in the mobo bios...i can only clear the cmos....reset IHC controller on IDE and go...but if i try to set it on AHCI everything froze....moderator of ocz forum told me to ask at gigabyte to do a bios for fix it... :'(
Title: Re: ga x 58 ud 5 rev.2 unable to boot in ahci mode with revodrive 3 x2
Post by: Aussie Allan on October 01, 2011, 01:47:11 pm

  OK.... then leave in Raid/XHD..... the raid drivers have there own ACHI of sorts..... if you notice any drive speed hit I will be surprised

  Did you read ALL of the link I sent..... and have you had a good hunt through the OCZ forum...... not very well indexed but it has oodles in there if your persistent!

  Aussie Allan
Title: Re: ga x 58 ud 5 rev.2 unable to boot in ahci mode with revodrive 3 x2
Post by: mikbolo on October 01, 2011, 05:19:15 pm
ive tried ...neither in raid/xhd works...ive the identical problem...this is the answer of ocz staff:
"Ask the motherboard manufacturer if they can do a BIOS update. Sounds like a problem with the way the board is handling shadow memory. "
There is a remote possibility to forward my problem to the  gigabyte'sdevelopers?
in anycasethx for the help
Title: Re: ga x 58 ud 5 rev.2 unable to boot in ahci mode with revodrive 3 x2
Post by: Aussie Allan on October 01, 2011, 05:46:11 pm
  mikbolo ... Don't give up so easily..... I suspect you may have something a bit mixed up and all it needs is clarification to get you going.

    I have a Revo myself ... admittedly an x2 .... and the same board as you ..... I find it a little strange OCZ would change things that much between x2 and x3.......what Bios version are you running

  You also stated in your first post you actually had it loaded under IDE .... is this correct ? ... and it will run under this correct ?

  Aussie Allan
Title: Re: ga x 58 ud 5 rev.2 unable to boot in ahci mode with revodrive 3 x2
Post by: Kenshy on October 01, 2011, 06:28:12 pm
Hi from spain (sorry my english is bad)..

I installed my Revodrive 3 X2 yesterday and i get the same problems (GA-X58A-UD5 v2 with last bios Ff1). I had installed 2 hd in raid 1 and 2 hd in raid 0 (using channels SATA2_0/1/2/3 South Bridge (ICH10)) and Raid/XHD active on Bios but the booting hang on with this setting. I unplugged SATA cable and changed Raid/XHD to IDE and i could boot and install W7 64 without problems on Revo, but now if i try activate Raid/XHD boot hang on and i need clear cmos.

Pci are inserted as follows:

PCIe x1_1 -> Sound Blaster Titanium HD
PCIe x16_1 -> Ati 5850 OC
PCIe X8_2 -> Revodrive 3 X2
Title: Re: ga x 58 ud 5 rev.2 unable to boot in ahci mode with revodrive 3 x2
Post by: Aussie Allan on October 01, 2011, 07:15:57 pm

 I'll try and keep my English as standard as possible

  RevoDrives are a bit of a system hog and can make funny changes even between boots when being configured with new gear being installed for the first time and a few boots after.

  when installing mine i came to know a few things it liked to do for no apparent reason it would change the boot sequence with no help from all of a sudden it would hang on boot often......instead of hitting BIOS reset......reboot and hit the delete key and check what you are booting off constantly

  Another thing I learn't about them is they don't like everything connected up in one hit and then you try and configure them

  I would  strip the system down to :

 RevoDrive (in the bottom 8x slot, this slot has been proven to give the least issues)

 1 stick of memory

 GPU (and no sound card) set display in BIOS to PCI-E-1

  Now you have a good chance to install under ACHI or you could try the reg hack to load ACHI first under the present install..... there's several ways to do this ....if you need links just ask!

  If you get this far... now load the first raid set, not both (all 4 drives)....start with say your 2 disc set for raid0 and have another go at getting them installed and configured, ....remember to constantly check what your booting off every time you visit will catch it playing naughty at some time........unfortunately this is what you will have to do  during the entire install of all your bits and pieces.

    ??? You said you are trying to  installing a 2 disc raid1......... and a 2 disc raid0........Why are you doing this ? ???

  Aussie Allan

Title: Re: ga x 58 ud 5 rev.2 unable to boot in ahci mode with revodrive 3 x2
Post by: mikbolo on October 01, 2011, 07:38:01 pm
yes luckly,under IDE, everything run smooth,but you should know informatic enthusiast's delirium, ocz site and a lot of forum said that this drive has to go AHCI ive to do it
ive the FF3 bios
the revo drive in the bottom 8x slot
GPU ) set display in BIOS to PCI-E-1
just didnt try to remove pcie x2 sound card..ill try
i had the same stuff of the change of boot sequence but  the big problem that you have not had, is that my bios post froze and  so i cant neither hit delete key...the only way to exit is shut down the pc and clear the cmos but so im again at starting point
sorry too for my english...
Title: Re: ga x 58 ud 5 rev.2 unable to boot in ahci mode with revodrive 3 x2
Post by: Aussie Allan on October 01, 2011, 07:54:35 pm

  This was posted originally by Kmoore on another forum and has helped several people......

   "What you probably did was install windows on the revo while sata mode was set to ahci, or IDE,  then installed the Segates and changed it to raid, this changes a registry setting and prevents windows from booting your options, Remove all the drives, except the revo, go into BIOS and set sata mode to raid, load windows on the Revo, then power down, connect the seagates, boot and controll I, select just the segates, and config, exit and let it boot, then right click computer, select manage, storage, disk manager snap in, and assign, and allacate the raid, which will change it's color from black to blue. there is also a reg edit fix you can try. a Google search should find it."

  If you want to read the posts around it's the link... ....

  Kmoores post is about the 4th one down .... this does work!

  Aussie Allan .... ps.....Am I helping two different people as this is getting a little confusing between Italy and Spain :o
Title: Re: ga x 58 ud 5 rev.2 unable to boot in ahci mode with revodrive 3 x2
Post by: Dark Mantis on October 01, 2011, 09:10:08 pm

 RevoDrive (in the bottom 8x slot, this slot has been proven to give the least issues)

  Aussie Allan


I have noticed this too Allan. I can't see why it should be the case but it is definitely happier in the bottom x8 slot.
Title: Re: ga x 58 ud 5 rev.2 unable to boot in ahci mode with revodrive 3 x2
Post by: mikbolo on October 01, 2011, 09:50:38 pm
sorry Allan but cant understand the relationship between bios and any windows register changes...i dont wanna made a raid...ive only one ssd,
if i set the controller to IDE  i see the revo and cant install windows
if i set the controller to AHCI my bios froze and i cant reach the dvd boot of win and neither reset it with delete simply stuc...k no exit
i still didnt try to remove the creativie a bit tired..:-) and i wanna enjoy my new ssd...and besides this...there is some diferences between IDE or  AHCI settings or is only the usual computing masturbation?
Title: Re: ga x 58 ud 5 rev.2 unable to boot in ahci mode with revodrive 3 x2
Post by: Aussie Allan on October 01, 2011, 10:30:22 pm
  This was taken off OCZ website re compatibility list..........

  Gigabyte    GA-X58A-UD3R (2.0)    FG1    Use any available PCIe x16 slot. No issues will run............ installed and configured to there directions!

  Here is a link to the short and some tutorials......

sorry Allan but cant understand the relationship between bios and any windows register changes...i dont wanna made a raid...ive only one ssd,

  Do you understand that this PCI-E card is in fact 4 SSD drives in Raid 0 mounted on a double PCB and as such must be configured .... although this is done for you out of the box.....if you have inadvertently made changes to it...... it will have to be secure wiped and start again

  It frustrates the hell out of me as people ask for help and advise then refuse to take any action except there own or answer direct questions from someone that actually owns one and has a bit of a clue to installing one

  Problem analysis in PCs is a formula bordering on an art form .... if I have to qualify every statement I make .... we will never get anywhere in fixing your you want it fixed ..... stop thinking of it as a simple , single level drive .........Right rant over .... have a look at those links I supplied in the morning when your fresh ,. and have another go at it, ... you will get there! ;)

  There is several pieces on the OCZ website Forum as I stated earlier you need to hunt down and read .... I can't and won't do it for you

  Aussie Allan
Title: Re: ga x 58 ud 5 rev.2 unable to boot in ahci mode with revodrive 3 x2
Post by: Aussie Allan on October 01, 2011, 10:38:23 pm


  Yes I/we stated earlier that it performs better in the lower x8 slot! .... OCZ'ds new recommendation of using a x16 slot is news to me!

  I can only put it down to the extra bandwidth required from the newer 3 x2 over the x2 that i currently own and have installed

  Aussie Allan
Title: Re: ga x 58 ud 5 rev.2 unable to boot in ahci mode with revodrive 3 x2
Post by: Kenshy on October 02, 2011, 12:34:36 am

    ??? You said you are trying to  installing a 2 disc raid1......... and a 2 disc raid0........Why are you doing this ? ???

Sorry, I said it wrong, I had 2 Raptor Raid 0 for SO, 2HD Raid 0 for Downloads, Mp3s, Games, films, TV series, etc and 2HD Raid 1 for Documents, images, etc; BEFORE install Revodrive. I replaced the Raptors by Revodrive and now I have no access to HDs because I can´t turn on the motherboard raid. I can´t remove the HDs raids because it would lose all data on HDs.

I install SO on Revodrive without any HDs connected and Ide options in bios, now, when try set to Raid/XHD even without connecting the hard drives, system boot bios read Intel Raid iCH10r first fine and then Revo Raid bios crashes. Only way is reset system bios, to disable Raid.

I said Revo was on PCIe X8_2 (bottom) tomorrow will try another settings and I will tell you as it was.

Title: Re: ga x 58 ud 5 rev.2 unable to boot in ahci mode with revodrive 3 x2
Post by: Dark Mantis on October 02, 2011, 12:20:19 pm
 It frustrates the hell out of me as people ask for help and advise then refuse to take any action except there own or answer direct questions from someone that actually owns one and has a bit of a clue to installing one

  Problem analysis in PCs is a formula bordering on an art form .... if I have to qualify every statement I make .... we will never get anywhere in fixing your problem............   Aussie Allan

I would have to agree with you there Allan. It can be most frustrating when someone asks for help and then spends most of the time arguing over the advice given. Nobody forces anyone to ask for help if they don't want it so it is hard to understand why they are like it.
Title: Re: ga x 58 ud 5 rev.2 unable to boot in ahci mode with revodrive 3 x2
Post by: mikbolo on October 04, 2011, 04:34:28 pm

i wanna be helped, i simply was traying to explain that this is a bios problem not a windos problem

I attempted again a switch to ACHI by following the tutorial. After editing the registry, I reset, and switched the bios to AHCI.

The Revodrive would not initialize. It simply froze at that point. I was no longer able to enter the bios and had to clear it manually.

This is definitely a hardware problem...ocz staff forum said that is a gigabyte'bios fault, gigabyte (you) said that is a windows setting problem...

I do not care who's to blame I just want to solve the problem ,you could  advise me what is the most compatible bios with ssd pci-express? or if there is

 not ,to notify  the trouble  to engineers to search for a solution...ocz forum is full of gigabyte x58 owners with the same problem

thx in advice

Title: Re: ga x 58 ud 5 rev.2 unable to boot in ahci mode with revodrive 3 x2
Post by: Dark Mantis on October 04, 2011, 05:11:13 pm
We are not officially anything to do with Gigabyte. We are just volunteers trying to help each other out.

I don't know if you've tried contacting GGTS yet for advice but here are the details:

Just enter your email address and click on the language of choice.

Please expect several days for a reply.

Title: Re: ga x 58 ud 5 rev.2 unable to boot in ahci mode with revodrive 3 x2
Post by: mikbolo on October 04, 2011, 08:08:29 pm
ive tried 4 days ago,and this is the answer:

Dear michele,

Thank you for supporting GIGABYTE products and contacting GBT Tech Support. As to the problem you mentioned, because there are so many products available in the market, we can hardly test all of them with our products. To prevent hardware compatibility issue, we will suggest you to test before purchasing. If that is not possible, please then find a local store you can trust where can provide good after sale service to make sure you can get full support in the future. Sorry for the inconvenience. u can see not pretty usefull....
Title: Re: ga x 58 ud 5 rev.2 unable to boot in ahci mode with revodrive 3 x2
Post by: Dark Mantis on October 05, 2011, 01:19:49 pm
I know it doesn't help you much but it is fair and good advice. I always try and dig around and do a lot of investigation before purchasing anything to go with my system as I know how awkward these things can be. I am afraid though that even with plenty of checking sometimes we all get caught out. If you can't get anywhere with Gigabyte how about the other manufacturer?
Title: Re: ga x 58 ud 5 rev.2 unable to boot in ahci mode with revodrive 3 x2
Post by: Aussie Allan on October 05, 2011, 01:41:11 pm

  I don't not believe you  re compatibility and the advice OCZ gave you that it's Gigabytes BIOS causing the problem ...... then why as I posted a few days ago does OCZ include your board in it's compatibility tables

                                                 Posted again for your convenience

   This was taken off OCZ website re compatibility list..........

     QUOTE:   Gigabyte    GA-X58A-UD3R (2.0)    FG1    Use any available PCIe x16 slot. No issues found  : END QUOTE

  Here's the compatibility tables .....

                                                          Note to every one with RevoDrive 3 x2 issues......

   it is not imperative to have these revodrives in ACHI ... IDE is fine .... would you rather have it running at 5% under the MAX in IDE or not at all in ACHI ....... Wake up! ..............1000Mb/s or Zero!

  Aussie Allan