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Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: gregoryh on October 01, 2011, 05:25:39 pm

Title: Normal post but pc turns off G41MT-S2P
Post by: gregoryh on October 01, 2011, 05:25:39 pm
My old gfx card blew and destroyed a capacitor on my old GA-P35-DS3R so I dumped the gpu and bought a new G41MT-S2P. I needed to back up my data and reinstall win 7 so i used ghost as a live cd and it got to the end of the setup and my pc shut down. I had previously repaired win 7 but the pc (not win 7) shuts down and reboots just before the log in screen. I backed up my data with a drive caddy just fine but win 7 setup got to about 80/90% and failed. I get a normal post. What could be doing this ?. My guess is the CPU and/or my cooler. I am using a new psu, hard disk and ram but the old CPU which previously had no obvious issues.
Title: Re: Normal post but pc turns off
Post by: Dark Mantis on October 01, 2011, 06:10:06 pm

I assume the motherboard was new when you bought it ?

Have you tried clearing the CMOS and then loading ptimised BIOS Defaults. Follow these instructions to do so:

Remove the power cable from the mains supply and then press the power switch on the case for a few seconds just to drain any residual energy in the PSU capacitors.

Once done remove the motherboard battery for at least one hour before replacing it.
Next plug back into the mains supply and boot.
You will now need to enter the BIOS by pressing DEL and load Optimised BIOS Defaults.

Make any other changes to the BIOS settings to suit your self like disabling the floppy drive, disabling the full screen logo and making the HDD the primary boot device and then press F10 to save and exit. 
Title: Re: Normal post but pc turns off
Post by: gregoryh on October 01, 2011, 06:20:47 pm
Thank you for helping me. The motherboard and ram is new. The rest (bar the CPU and cooler) is no more than two months old including a Corsair Builder Series 600 watt PSU. I cannot do the thing you suggested as I do not have access to my pc until next week. I have bought an arctic freezer 13 to replace the 3/4 year old stock cooler and a gentle typhoon fan just in case if it is a cooling issue.
Title: Re: Normal post but pc turns off
Post by: Dark Mantis on October 01, 2011, 06:32:42 pm
Well that all makes sense and certainly wont hurt anyway. Just post back once you have had a chance to try it out.  ;)
Title: Re: Normal post but pc turns off
Post by: gregoryh on October 01, 2011, 07:02:54 pm
Thanks, I sure will. If after trying to reset the CMOS and/or resetting the BIOS settings and replacing the cooler and case fan, it still has issues am I looking at a faulty CPU ? Will the BIOS shut down the pc and give a normal post if the CPU fails or isn't staying cool enough ? There doesn't seem to be enough information about this as CPU issues aren't covered by a beep code on that motherboard or maybe by any motherboard.
Title: Re: Normal post but pc turns off G41MT-S2P
Post by: Dark Mantis on October 01, 2011, 09:19:29 pm
Well it is a difficult thing to answer because obviously it can depend on what is faulty on the CPU. Most of the time if the CPU fails it just won't boot but I have seen plenty of exceptions where it just shows as memory problems, boot errors, the list is endless. Sometimes it will boot so far and then reboot. No set rules I'm afraid. :-\
Title: Re: Normal post but pc turns off G41MT-S2P
Post by: gregoryh on October 01, 2011, 11:40:24 pm
Thanks for the honest answer. Ghost caused a shut down at what seemed to be the same point each time and the failed windows repair seemed to reboot at what seemed to be the same point as well so would it be fair to count out the ram (data is allocated to ram at random points, right ?) as a possible cause ? A cooler and case fan is a cheaper option than a new CPU if it works. If it doesn't and it still freezes during windows setup then I guess I'll have to try a new CPU. I can't really try anything else like swapping components as I don't have a donor pc to use. I was hoping it was crashing when it tried to access or create the Intel chipset drivers but I can't see how I can check this. Does windows create any logs while it runs setup and if it does, how could I find them and would they help ?

Have a very good evening m8 and once again I thank you for the advice.
Title: Re: Normal post but pc turns off G41MT-S2P
Post by: Dark Mantis on October 02, 2011, 12:28:32 pm
Purely on the odds it is much less likely to be a faulty processor than some other component like the memory. Try checking the RAM with Memtest86+ to at least prove that one way or the other. It does take a long time but follow these instructions exactly:


Insert one stick of memory in slot 1 and run Memtest on it for at least 10 complete loops/cycles and if there are no errors then swap it over with the next one and continue untill you have checked all  modules.
If you have any errors the module is faulty.

If you have any faulty modules you will have to return the whole kit as they are matched.

Post back when you have done that with the results.
Title: Re: Normal post but pc turns off G41MT-S2P
Post by: gregoryh on October 02, 2011, 08:22:16 pm
Well, I have my PC back. My friend who runs an internet cafe and fixes computers and laptops for a living tells me he used some dodgy cooling paste when installing the CPU on my new motherboard. He has given me the computer back (with new paste applied) and windows 7 installed fine and seems to be running fine as well. The fan on the stock intel cooler is making a clicking noise so it sounds like it's shot. Unfortunately I have to rely on him to replace the cooler with my new one and he is busy. He told me to use windows for a week or three and if I have any more issues he will sort it out ASAP. Like you, he is helping me for free so I have to cut him some slack ;). I don't want to leave my pc unattended while I run Memtest86+ so I will make some time this week and let you know the results. I was gonna run Prime95 but after not having my computer for a while and it seeming to be stable ATM, I don't fancy it until the cooler is replaced. Thanks again for the help and your time.
Title: Re: Normal post but pc turns off G41MT-S2P
Post by: Dark Mantis on October 03, 2011, 11:20:30 am
Well it sounds like you are gradually winning now and with some decent TIM on your CPU the temperature should stay at a relatively lower level. Don't forget that most compoiunds take a while to cure, Arctic Silver 5 can take up to 200 hours to fully cure and get the optimum performance from it. Anyway keep in touch and let us know how you get on.
Title: Re: Normal post but pc turns off G41MT-S2P
Post by: Dark Mantis on October 05, 2011, 09:25:56 pm
If you are sure nthat you no longer require any use of it you can disable it in the BIOS and select the discrete graphics card as Primary Display. You could always disable the onboard graphics in Device manager too.
Title: Re: Normal post but pc turns off G41MT-S2P
Post by: gregoryh on October 05, 2011, 09:48:56 pm
I'm such a twerp sometimes :-[. I forgot I just have to uninstall the control panel via add/remove programs. To think i've been using computers for thirty years starting with a ZX-81. That's why I deleted my post when I realised my mistake but thanks for the reply anyway ;). I bought an MSI GTX 560ti Twin Frozr II and I can't wait to install it tomorrow.
Title: Re: Normal post but pc turns off G41MT-S2P
Post by: Dark Mantis on October 06, 2011, 07:54:03 am
I am the same but started on a Commodore VIC 20 back in the day! The thing is you can be caught out regardless of experience and I still make mistakes now. Only problem is the more experience you have the bigger the fool you look! Anyway main thing is you get there in the end. ;)
Title: Re: Normal post but pc turns off G41MT-S2P
Post by: gregoryh on October 07, 2011, 10:05:02 pm
Yeah m8, slowly though ;D. And they say life starts at forty.
Title: Re: Normal post but pc turns off G41MT-S2P
Post by: Dark Mantis on October 08, 2011, 10:28:28 am
Damn, I must have missed it before they designed computers then. You sure life doesn't begin at eighty ? It's an x2 now.