Official GIGABYTE Forum

Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: problemobo on October 04, 2011, 05:15:43 pm

Title: GA H55M USB3 problems booting
Post by: problemobo on October 04, 2011, 05:15:43 pm
Hope someone can help.
What are the reasons why a MOBO reboots itself.
I have been having these problems with my computer lately. Every day. I have to open up the PC and reset the CMOS, and sometimes take out and re-insert the graphics card / ram before the PC will start up with out rebooting it self.

I actually think that my house is being broken into and the computer is being tampered with.
As, I am a meticulous IT technician who triple checks everything.
And I have opened up the PC on several occasions now, after using the PC the night before for several hours,
only to discover certain leads being unplugged / or trapping a fan in the PSU or only part of the PSU power supply being plugged into the MOBO Etc.
Small things like these, which, if done to someone who isn't a tech head, would make people go nuts and give up.

I am presently thinking of fitting my front door with a Jimmy proof guard around the gap between the door and the frame. As think that this is how the people are getting into the flat (jimmying the door open, easily done as old type of door).

I am also thinking of getting a more secure locking chassis that is tamper proof. In order to minimalize error.
It is that or fitting the chassis that I have with an arduino tazer shock that is triggered when someone opens it without permission.

Anyone can point me in the right direction to ascertain the cause of the constant rebooting.
Also. Is there any other way of resetting the bios? Does this MOBO have a CMOS battery?
Would be grateful for any help/

Title: Re: GA H55M USB3 problems booting
Post by: Dark Mantis on October 05, 2011, 01:33:04 pm
Hi and welcome.

You are a "meticulous IT Technician" but you are having to ask me if the motherboard has a battery. ::)
Well it does it is a CR2032 and is a disc type.

Maybe you should just leave the computer turned on and connect up a webcam to use as a security device and see who is doing the evil deed!

I think it is far more likely that you are not fitting the wiring properly etc and that is why it is coming off.
Title: Re: GA H55M USB3 problems booting
Post by: Aussie Allan on October 05, 2011, 02:58:33 pm

I actually think that my house is being broken into and the computer is being tampered with.

      Mmmmmmmmmmmm! If you have ever typed into "Goggle" Nuclear , bomb, or Bin-Laden ..... there's a good chance the Anti-Terrorist Group has paid you a visit.

  Put flour on the floor at nights to see there footprints, This will confirm your suspicions.

  Short range data recording bugs can be disguised as CMOS Battery's .....Throw yours out and replace it...... they would have to unplug the power supply to install it  ... use "Super Glue" ..... this will stop them unplugging the leads ... don't worry about the door ,.... if you add security at the door, they'll just come in another way.

  Better collect DNA for proof, .... Thumb tacks on the seat is effective 8)

  Aussie Allan

Title: Re: GA H55M USB3 problems booting
Post by: problemobo on October 05, 2011, 03:48:57 pm
Hi and welcome.

You are a "meticulous IT Technician" but you are having to ask me if the motherboard has a battery. ::)
Well it does it is a CR2032 and is a disc type.

I am a technician not a mobo designer. Also, as you know, with the speed that technology adapts and changes. I believe that it is possible for innovations to be implemented. Cant always keep up with every new implemented innovation.

Incidentally. i dont think that the problem is to do with the cmos. when the pc boots up, it does seem to hold the right date / time.
the leads all look ok. i think that the graphics card may be the problem, as it doesn't seem to hold the electrical charge needed to boot up the crt monitor attached.

I have another graphics card, but cant get it working at mo with the hackintosh.
also. hackingtosh doesnt work with the built in graphic chip on the mobo for some reason. too techincal for me at mo. and dont really want to learn to be an os programmer. as want to make music instead. more fun. hell. if i didnt use macs to make music with, i probably not use them at all apart from for email. :-)
Title: Re: GA H55M USB3 problems booting
Post by: pewusoft on October 05, 2011, 04:11:14 pm
First, what kind of technician are you, if you don't know that mainboards has batteries since... well, ever. Something has to provide the voltage to memory.

Also, I don't know what attitude to piracy this forum has, but you definitely shouldn't brag about hackintosh.

Back to your problem. I had similar problem twice, first time it was PSU that broke and was unable to provide correct voltage, another time the mobo itself broken. Check your set on another PSU (eg. borrowed), if you can.
Title: Re: GA H55M USB3 problems booting
Post by: problemobo on October 05, 2011, 07:30:59 pm
I actually think that my house is being broken into and the computer is being tampered with.

      Mmmmmmmmmmmm! If you have ever typed into "Goggle" Nuclear , bomb, or Bin-Laden ..... there's a good chance the Anti-Terrorist Group has   Aussie Allan
Now "Aussie Allan".
Let me explain some basic info. With out being nasty or rude. When you do not know the person who you are posting about (or even worse, you are one of those cyber stalking twats). Please do not post offensive bs accusing someone of being a terrorist. Perhaps this is your sense of humor. Hopefully not. as its not funny. If you are serious. I also think that you need to get your head sorted out.
If you knew me. You would realise that I am likely the last person to be a terrorist. And actually more likely fit the pscyhological profile of an anti-terrorist.

You would also know that someone like myself who has spent the last 20 years making music is someone who will likely have creative or interlectual works that are worth stealiing.
Title: Re: GA H55M USB3 problems booting
Post by: problemobo on October 05, 2011, 07:32:41 pm
First, what kind of technician are you, if you don't know that mainboards has batteries since... well, ever. Something has to provide the voltage to memory.

Also, I don't know what attitude to piracy this forum has, but you definitely shouldn't brag about hackintosh.

Back to your problem. I had similar problem twice, first time it was PSU that broke and was unable to provide correct voltage, another time the mobo itself broken. Check your set on another PSU (eg. borrowed), if you can.
i am not bragging about hackintosh. (i did not say, hey everyone, look at me, i am so clever i made a hackintosh)
I am stating the facts. Thanks. Please mind your own business.
Title: Re: GA H55M USB3 problems booting
Post by: problemobo on October 05, 2011, 07:37:24 pm
I actually think that my house is being broken into and the computer is being tampered with.

      Mmmmmmmmmmmm! If you have ever typed into "Goggle" Nuclear , bomb, or Bin-Laden ..... there's a good chance the Anti-Terrorist Group has paid you a visit.
  Put flour on the floor at nights to see there footprints, This will confirm your suspicions.
  Short range data recording bugs can be disguised as CMOS Battery's .....Throw yours out and replace it...... they would have to unplug the power supply to install it  ... use "Super Glue" ..... this will stop them unplugging the leads ... don't worry about the door ,.... if you add security at the door, they'll just come in another way.
  Better collect DNA for proof, .... Thumb tacks on the seat is effective 8)
  Aussie Allan

Actually. Perhaps I can trace your location via your IP address. Having a Degree in Sound Technology and knowing how to program embedded mcu's probably puts me in a fairly good place for making bugs / bombs / etc. before telling a funny, perhaps you should go and find an ametuer comedian forum. ideally ozzy one. Where they may actually find your sense of humor funny. (perhaps someone one will. i dont)
Title: Re: GA H55M USB3 problems booting
Post by: problemobo on October 05, 2011, 07:40:10 pm
I have discovered the cause of the problem. The cheap graphics card that I was using is on the way out.
So. i guess i will buy a new replacement. Or swap to windows and use the XFX 5750 that I have spare.
Thanks to Dark Mantis again. Perhaps the only person that I have met on a forum who isnt a smart ass nasty a hole.
Title: Re: GA H55M USB3 problems booting
Post by: Aussie Allan on October 05, 2011, 07:51:16 pm

  Glad to here you got it sorted and your PHD in Musicology and trascoding helped you work out it was a crook GPU (That means "Graphics Processing Unit")  

 :D :D :D :D  Fair enough, Bloody good luck finding me through my IP though ..... if you get within 60miles using an IP with my setup .....Your a GURU!

  Most of the dummies just look at my Profile  ;)  :D :D :D

  Do you really think the conspiracy theory you posted was not just as funny and begging for a sap like me to respond!

  Aussie Allan .....aka ass nasty a hole.
Title: Re: GA H55M USB3 problems booting
Post by: problemobo on October 05, 2011, 08:58:35 pm
I dont neen a phd in musicology. No one does. They just need to know the secrets that I already know.  :) Which are inside my head.
As for your conspiracy theory. I dont know why you are so interested in my private life. However, some peoples houses do get broken into.
When people have malicious ex-wives. Malicious junkies living next door. or even spiritually dead hackers. (not to mention malicious bent cops or nasty sadistic policemen or entertainment industry rivals) then sure, houses do get broken into and bad things do happen to some people.
Although perhaps this doesnt happen to everyone. But it does happen to some. Other wise there would be no such thing as murder. theft. malicious damage. slander. or any other type of crime. But crime does exist and so do psychotic malicious ex-wives. Which ofen only remain psychotic until they murder their ex-husbands or until they them selves get murdered. but there you go. sometimes thats the only way to stop a psycho of this type of nature. but i guess will have to cross that bridge when we get to it. alas likely alone.
Title: Re: GA H55M USB3 problems booting
Post by: problemobo on October 05, 2011, 09:00:27 pm
Incidentally, the reason why I was confused about the cmos battery, was because it was hidden by my zalman fanless radiator heat sink (which is quiet bulky).

as it turns out. i dont think that this is the problem. Just a cheap graphics card which should be able to get replaced due to warranty.
Title: Re: GA H55M USB3 problems booting
Post by: Dark Mantis on October 05, 2011, 09:05:48 pm

As you officially reported Aussie Allan for calling you an "Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorist" I thought that I should look into it. I can find nowhere that he actually called you anything but he did make some inferrence. I don't think it was over the top and considering the content of your initial post I don't feel that any condemnation can be brought to bare.

Aussie Allan

Please be more careful with your sense of humour. I know that it was all meant in fun but obviously some people don't always understand that.
Title: Re: GA H55M USB3 problems booting
Post by: Aussie Allan on October 05, 2011, 09:26:35 pm

  Sorry Dad! .... I'll stay in my room for a week with no puter rights :'(

  AA ;)
Title: Re: GA H55M USB3 problems booting
Post by: Dark Mantis on October 05, 2011, 09:28:43 pm
Damn, if only they hadn't outlawed corporal punishment. All the fun gone now! ;D
Title: Re: GA H55M USB3 problems booting
Post by: problemobo on October 05, 2011, 09:35:18 pm

I actually think that my house is being broken into and the computer is being tampered with.

      Mmmmmmmmmmmm! If you have ever typed into "Goggle" Nuclear , bomb, or Bin-Laden ..... there's a good chance the Anti-Terrorist Group has paid you a visit.
  Aussie Allan


All that stuff there is scare monger and offensive. I know a fair bit about secret service including the anti terrorist units. I think that if Aussie Allan isnt accusing me of anything, then he most certainly seems to be trying to scare the s***s out of me. Thankfully. these days, I dont even smoke pot.
So I am not scared. But if I was on drugs I may have crapped my pants.
Title: Re: GA H55M USB3 problems booting
Post by: problemobo on October 05, 2011, 09:39:28 pm

As you officially reported Aussie Allan for calling you an "Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorist" I thought that I should look into it. I can find nowhere that he actually called you anything but he did make some inferrence. I don't think it was over the top and considering the content of your initial post I don't feel that any condemnation can be brought to bare.

Aussie Allan

Please be more careful with your sense of humour. I know that it was all meant in fun but obviously some people don't always understand that.
not being funny bro. I have a really good sense of humor, but terrorism from both sides aint funny. People often resort to acts of war or terrorism due to years of abuse. Very sad subject that I personally find very upsetting for all parties involved. As no one likes seeing their loved ones die. Not extreme capitalists, communists, religious fanatics or even drug barons. Death sucks.
But anyway. Lucky I am not in the Al Quaeda, As I may have really taken offence. I beleive one or two of their members have less of a sense of humor than I and some are even less tollerant.
Title: Re: GA H55M USB3 problems booting
Post by: problemobo on October 05, 2011, 09:46:23 pm
Also. incidentally. with regards to tracking people via IP address. A skilled hacker can do a lot more than most people realise.
I am not a hacker but recently picked up a couple of books on ETHICAL hacking and how to track hackers as I was for a time targetted by some black hat  hackers.

Perhaps would be worth for every forum member reading up on, as it may make them realise what danger there in.

One book I picked up: HoneyPots > tracking hackers by Lance Spitzner.
Live Hacking by Ali Jahangiri

There are also several courses that can be taken on Ethical Hacking. Perhaps worth considering when considering that we have entered a new era of cyber crime that will need ETHICAL HACKERS to police the net (as soon as the police have woken up to the fact that cyber crime is really messing peoples lives up).
Title: Re: GA H55M USB3 problems booting
Post by: Dark Mantis on October 06, 2011, 07:40:16 am
To be honest the police don't have the will or the resources to make a dent in cyber crime. I don't want to actually post here their working practices with regard to computer fraud and related crime but needless to say unless it runs into the thousands of pounds worth they don't even want it reported. With this type of attitude towards the lawbreakers it is no wonder that it is a growing trend. Who said crime doesn't pay?