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Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: colinsw on December 01, 2011, 10:37:16 pm

Title: Blue Screen Boot Error GA-EP45-UD3P
Post by: colinsw on December 01, 2011, 10:37:16 pm
Howdy Everyone,

here are my specs:
Mainboard :   Gigabyte GA-EP45-UD3P LGA 775
Chipset :   Intel P45 ATX
Processor :   Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 3.0 GHz
Physical Memory :   4096 MB of GSkill DDR2
Video Card :   NVidia Geforce 9800GT
PSU:  BFG 550 Watt
Operating System :   Windows XP SP2 (X64)

 Every time I turn on my computer I get a blue screen just as windows starts to load. It says it has stopped to prevent damage and to check my hard drive for viruses and errors. I have tried booting with 2 different Hard drives, both of which are known to work. I'm currently using one to type this message. One is Windows XP SP2 the other is Windows 7. When I boot with the Windows 7 HDD it seems to get a little further in the boot process. The windows logo appears for a second before the blue screen appears. With the Windows XP HDD it goes straight to blue screen just as the windows loading process should begin.

Any help/answers would be appreciated!

Title: Re: Blue Screen Boot Error GA-EP45-UD3P
Post by: Dark Mantis on December 02, 2011, 06:21:44 am
Hi and welcome.

I don't suppose that you have swapped access modes from IDE to AHCI mode for the hard drives have you ?

If not is this a new build or one that has been running for a length of time before the problem ?
Title: Re: Blue Screen Boot Error GA-EP45-UD3P
Post by: colinsw on December 02, 2011, 08:21:15 am

Nope, haven't swapped access modes. The computer was running fine for about 1.5 yrs previously. My roommate pulled his HDD out of it when he got a new computer. Then it sat undisturbed for approximately 1 month. This is when I decided to use it and discovered the problem.
Title: Re: Blue Screen Boot Error GA-EP45-UD3P
Post by: Gloup_Gloup on December 02, 2011, 11:52:15 am
Hi colinsw, ;)

It is maybe stupid from me, but .. have you check a battery on the motherboard?

If a battery is not powerfull, the bios not keep a change (parameters, etc)....

Just a idea, why not?

Title: Re: Blue Screen Boot Error GA-EP45-UD3P
Post by: colinsw on December 02, 2011, 03:55:55 pm
Thanks Gloup_Gloup!
It seems to be maintaining any changes that I make, but I will go ahead and grab a new battery while i'm out today. It can't hurt to rule that out for good.
Title: Re: Blue Screen Boot Error GA-EP45-UD3P
Post by: Dark Mantis on December 02, 2011, 04:45:01 pm
I may be missing something here but have you replaced the hard drive that you friend removed with another one and re-installed Windows on it ?
Title: Re: Blue Screen Boot Error GA-EP45-UD3P
Post by: colinsw on December 02, 2011, 05:06:24 pm
Yes, after my roommate removed his hard drive I pulled the hard drive out of the computer i'm using now and hooked it up. So, I haven't tried re-installing windows using that computer.
Should I try installing windows on a clean hard drive? I didn't think it mattered, but i'm no computer whiz.
Title: Re: Blue Screen Boot Error GA-EP45-UD3P
Post by: Gloup_Gloup on December 02, 2011, 07:09:29 pm
Hi colinsw,  ;)

Excuse my English communication... normaly I speak and write French.  :D

If you have a data (document, picture, download, muscic files, etc) ... save it on other hard drive or USB Key... or on the same hard drive, but in other partition than OS System.

Yes if you have a time and patience, this is a good idea cleaning Hard drive (but not partition with DATA....)

The clean is simple : When you install Windows Seven, by exemple, you have a Button ''Options''  in blue characters.  Click on. And normaly, you view all partitions and all hard drive, IDE, SSD, SATA....

So Just make attention do not Erase a partition or Hard Drive with a DATA.

So When you choose a partition or Hard Disk for install OS system, you have a possibility to Format a partition before. Or Resize the partition or Delete the partition...

One idea, If suppose you have installed two or more Hard Drive on system.  If you have Saved Data to HD No 2, by exemple.
When you are ready to install Windows on Hard Disk 1... Before you have a possibility to unPlug, remove a electrical cable connected on pins Hard Drive 2. So This hard drive is protect againt ''Operation install Windows''.

After finish install Windows on Hard Drive 1, RePlug a electrical cable on Hard Drive 2.

Important : When you remove or plug a electrical cable on system.... Turn off the computer,  Unplug a main cable power from wall. You have a possibility to switch off the PSU with button in back.

If is not clear ,Take a time, return here with comments.
