Official GIGABYTE Forum

Off-Topic => General discussions => Topic started by: HiVizMan on December 22, 2011, 11:38:34 am

Title: Dec 28th - 29th LN2 Overclocking event UK
Post by: HiVizMan on December 22, 2011, 11:38:34 am
Calling all UK Overclockers

UK Christmas LN2 Event

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Where - Buxtons
When - 28th & 29th December 2011
Venue - Buxtons Railway Hotel
Cost - £60* LN2 event participants.
Visitors - Free Entrance

22 Bridge Street, Derbyshire, Buxton SK17 6BS01298 71435

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There is accommodation available -  @ £35 per night B&B at a local venue.
There is ample accommodation available  (sharing) for example a  triple (3 people sharing) tariff including  Breakfast @£85 - :thumb:

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1000l LN2 for the 2 days
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Want to see the top UK Overclockers in action? Or just want to see what LN2 benching is all about? This is the perfect opportunity to do both. Visitors are welecome to drop by and see what all we get up to. There will be 2 livestream feeds and motherboard give-aways during the event.

The event is suitable for first timers and experts alike
Any questions and suggestions please post them here.
Title: Re: Dec 28th - 29th LN2 Overclocking event UK
Post by: Dark Mantis on December 22, 2011, 12:19:42 pm
Sounds interesting I just wish it was closer.  I would certainly go if it was local.  8)
Title: Re: Dec 28th - 29th LN2 Overclocking event UK
Post by: MiiCK on December 27, 2011, 08:34:27 pm
Wish it was nearer too!
Title: Re: Dec 28th - 29th LN2 Overclocking event UK
Post by: HiVizMan on January 02, 2012, 10:55:47 am
We had participants from from many different benching forums and teams both global and local,,

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Our very own Daulist a little stir crazy after having spent 12 hours in a van, the last 7.5 hours just to travel 167 miles. :)  Big thanks to you mate for coming and picking me up even though you were not going to be benching with us. :thumb:

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The lads starting getting together at the venue from 5.30pm onwards. We all gathered in the public bar and had a few pints.
L to R  K404 (not impressed with the fact there was no Deep Fried Mars bar on the menu) Borandi, Than55, Blindfitter

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By 9 o'clock not only had a few more joined us but some of the younger members of the OCN team needed a nap...or was it simply to many beers?
Our very own Gappo and Beks with LN2 slave. And of course K404 still not impressed that they would not deep fry any confectionery for him.

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Thanks to Gigabyte for the goodies and the motherboards that they provided for us to play with greatly appreciated all the support you guys provide for Team Great Britain and the enthusiast community in the UK. 

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The tall lad with the grey top is Adrian (don't call me AD) Arandomowl he arrived in the morning.
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Here is Than having a good laugh when Ollie told him he benches AMD.
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Our very own PCmark05 guru Dave (Blindfitter) hard at work testing Acards vs Irams for you guessed it PCMart05.  Thanks for the master-class mate and look after my graphics card. :D

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And the man who made it all possible. Steve from Mansfield Cryogenics the LN2 man who left his van with 1000l and foolishly gave me the key.  Cheers mate and thank you for your help.

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Ian is a non-LN2 bencher but an outstanding team man who paid up without a moan and never used a single drop of LN2. Yet he set more PB's and accrued more points during the event than any one else on our team.   :p       Er LN2 rules...right?    NOT ?  :D

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The learning curve goes on. Here we have the dragon doing her first burn and man was that a fun experience - there was once cladding around the LN2 pot. No honestly there was.   :).

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Ah my favourite moment at the event.   Kenny having a look at the CPU collection and calmly pronouncing that they were all cr@p before one had even been put into a board.   Just goes to show experience counts for everything.   Suspect he is right too.  Kenny spent most of his time soldering away modding cards for others. Huge respect mate for doing that and boy oh boy did we have a gas drinking the odd Jack and Coke while enjoying the yellow stockings view.

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What do you mean I am meant to be benching?????

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Finally on the second day K404 gets some benching in and takes a few golds inthe 8800GTX SLi class. Easy peasey mates if you were the right kit. Black beanie is a must it seems.

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One watches TopGear while benching and the other pints, Guess which of the two submits the most results to HWBOT in the next few days. :o

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Talk about coincidence the only bencher at the meet who loves AMD wins the Gigabyte 990FXA-UD9 provided by Gigabyte UK. El Gappo possibly the best AMD bencher in the world right now.

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Adrian on the second day finding out that there is more to benching than 8600 and a REX. :p  How many months has it been now mate that you are playing with that chip?

Quite a bit of the good stuff that happened has nothing to do with the benching session but that is normal I guess. Ian Kenny and I sampled the local night life and had a good giggle as well as a fair number of pints and Jack and Coke.

Cheers to all and looking forward to March in Cambridge where the next event will be held.

In closing a big thank you to Ashley who drove up from Brighton to fetch me and take me back home with all that kit. You rock dude.
Title: Re: Dec 28th - 29th LN2 Overclocking event UK
Post by: teknology9 on January 02, 2012, 11:12:15 am
Good stuff.....I think it would be a good idea if Gigabyte UK had more of these events in different towns and cities in the UK there sure to be popular. Then the moderators and members like absic, Dark Mantis and Aussie Allan could be on hand to help the good folks who have brought Gigabyte products. It's events like these that help to generate sales revenue for little outlay it would appear.

Well done to all you guys who attended.....for what its worth. :)

Title: Re: Dec 28th - 29th LN2 Overclocking event UK
Post by: Dark Mantis on January 02, 2012, 11:43:27 am
Nice little record of the event, thanks HiVizMan.  Were there any Gigabyte staff involved apart from in the background ?

I agree with teknology that it would be a good idea for Gigabyte to organise events like this all around the UK where more enthusiasts could actually get the chance to see proper benching and OCing in action especially if some of the bigger names could be encouraged to attend. It would be nice for everyone to meet each other and chat face to face rather than only on the forum. 8)
Title: Re: Dec 28th - 29th LN2 Overclocking event UK
Post by: HiVizMan on January 02, 2012, 12:58:38 pm
The Gigabyte UK staff were very supportive of me in this event. And you could say I was their representative as they were on some well earned leave.

The next couple of these events will be slightly different in that a clinic will be offered for guys who are interested in getting the most out of their systems and therefore not just for the pro type bencher but open to all who want to attend. The clinic side of things will not have any cost or entry fee attached of course.

We set 4 or 5 world records during the meet by the way. :D

Title: Re: Dec 28th - 29th LN2 Overclocking event UK
Post by: teknology9 on January 02, 2012, 01:29:10 pm
Hi HiVizMan,

Will these new events be at the same venue?

Title: Re: Dec 28th - 29th LN2 Overclocking event UK
Post by: HiVizMan on January 03, 2012, 03:01:10 pm
The next event is planned for March in Cambridge.

Once we have sorted the venue and dates out I will post here.  ;)

Will we be having another meet in Buxtons?  Not sure about that, the plan is to role out a couple of meets each quarter and have them at different locations each time. Bristol, Glasgow, Brighton and London are on the cards after the Cambridge meet.

However I will be bringing a display team to most University venues -  a road show of sorts, and they will be a combination of extreme  LAN and overclocking show. Just imagine five people lanning away on super overclocked systems while my guys are feeding LN2 to hungry graphic cards and CPU's should be a blast.

Title: Re: Dec 28th - 29th LN2 Overclocking event UK
Post by: teknology9 on January 03, 2012, 04:41:36 pm
Hi HiVizMan

Any dates likely to be in the West Midlands area......Birmingham perhaps?

Title: Re: Dec 28th - 29th LN2 Overclocking event UK
Post by: runn3R on January 03, 2012, 04:55:11 pm
Big thanks to HiVizMan for organizing this

I can't wait for next event... :)
Title: Re: Dec 28th - 29th LN2 Overclocking event UK
Post by: teknology9 on January 03, 2012, 05:49:36 pm
Will you be there at the next one then runn3R?
Title: Re: Dec 28th - 29th LN2 Overclocking event UK
Post by: Dark Mantis on January 03, 2012, 09:04:03 pm
Please make sure that you give them plenty of advertising so that we can try and make the nearer meets. ;)
Title: Re: Dec 28th - 29th LN2 Overclocking event UK
Post by: HiVizMan on January 04, 2012, 10:55:34 am
The second city is most certainly on our list and we are looking at being in Birmingham August this year. So looking forward to seeing some of the forum user names in the flesh.

And yes I will most certainly post dates and venues well in advance.

Title: Re: Dec 28th - 29th LN2 Overclocking event UK
Post by: teknology9 on January 04, 2012, 01:23:07 pm
Hi HiVizMan,

Birmingham is a good location.....very central....good road, rail and airport links.......who knows some members from overseas might turn up.

Title: Re: Dec 28th - 29th LN2 Overclocking event UK
Post by: runn3R on January 04, 2012, 05:29:08 pm
Will you be there at the next one then runn3R?

I will do my best to be there
Title: Re: Dec 28th - 29th LN2 Overclocking event UK
Post by: HiVizMan on January 04, 2012, 05:37:15 pm
We are getting some members from the US at the Cambridge event by the way. Very happy about that.

And I can not wait to see runn3R with the LN2 again. You lads should have seen the LN2 Meister at the LITS show - oh man was he having fun playing with the stuff.

But this time you are going to do some extreme benching with me :D
Title: Re: Dec 28th - 29th LN2 Overclocking event UK
Post by: teknology9 on January 04, 2012, 06:23:22 pm
Hi HiVizMan,

I can see these events growing in popularity as the year goes on...good stuff HizVizMan.

Title: Re: Dec 28th - 29th LN2 Overclocking event UK
Post by: HiVizMan on January 05, 2012, 06:54:19 pm
Good news is that I have secured sponsorship from a international forum for these events that will significantly reduce the costs. will provide $500 per event. Now all I need to do is get a main stream vendor in the UK to buy into the idea of a rolling road show that will promote their product at 6 locations this year and I am good to go. Have the venues lined up just need the right kind of partners. Hint hint Gigabyte :) 
Title: Re: Dec 28th - 29th LN2 Overclocking event UK
Post by: teknology9 on January 05, 2012, 07:27:24 pm
Hi and thats good news HiVizMan.

Here's a you all know the Olympics is taking place in the UK this year, now think how many tourists there are likely to be and how many of them will PC enthusiasts and / or be interested in such events. I would have thought Gigabyte could take advantage of this and promote overclocking events etc on its main website and managed through Gigabyte UK......excellent opportunity to promote the company and its products. There will be world records broken at the Olympics so why not promote events so overclocking records can be made also.......with Gigabyte products.

Title: Re: Dec 28th - 29th LN2 Overclocking event UK
Post by: HiVizMan on January 05, 2012, 07:56:48 pm
I think you and I need to have a little talk mate. You think along the same lines as I do.
Title: Re: Dec 28th - 29th LN2 Overclocking event UK
Post by: teknology9 on January 05, 2012, 08:29:24 pm
Hi HiVizMan, problem...I'll send you a PM.

Title: Re: Dec 28th - 29th LN2 Overclocking event UK
Post by: HiVizMan on January 08, 2012, 07:35:47 pm

ARIA computers are going to be getting involved for the Cambridge event.

Looking good. I will give you a call teknology9 tomorrow when I get back.
Title: Re: Dec 28th - 29th LN2 Overclocking event UK
Post by: teknology9 on January 08, 2012, 07:45:49 pm
Hi HiVizMan,

Yes...ok, no problem.


Title: Re: Dec 28th - 29th LN2 Overclocking event UK
Post by: Dark Mantis on January 08, 2012, 08:08:08 pm
Sounds interesting and it should have some legs! There are plenty of manufacturers who would be interested.
Title: Re: Dec 28th - 29th LN2 Overclocking event UK
Post by: HiVizMan on January 08, 2012, 08:51:15 pm
Here is the programme schedule as it now stands.

There are two streams novice and old hands

Novice and First Timers

Day One
9am - 12am

Introduction to LN2Best Practice Workshop - AKA Benching LN2 (101)

Session Contents
LN2 Health & Safety
Basic Thermodynamics
Motherboard preparation and set up.
CPU cooling Intel
CPU cooling AMD
Benching 2D cold
Practical Assessment

Certificate issued on successful completion of the Introductory workshop.

12am - 1PM

1PM till Close
Guided LN2 Benching

Day Two
9am - 11.30am
Optional - Benching LN2 (201) GPU
Graphic Card preparation
Motherboard preparation
Do's and Don'ts
3D Benching cold
Practical Assessment

Certificate issued on successful completion of the GPU workshop.

10.30 - 12am
Guided benching session

12am - 1pm

1PM till Close

Open free LN2 benching

Experienced and Pro-Benchers

Day One

9am - 9.15am
Sign in and welcome

9.15am - 12am
Open LN2 benching
12am - 1pm

1PM till Close
Open LN2 Benching

Day Two

9am - 12am
Vantage 11 Competition - 3 Hour timed event


Open LN2 benching

12am - 1pm

1PM till 5pm

Open free LN2 benching

5pm - Close
Award ceremony and close.
Title: Re: Dec 28th - 29th LN2 Overclocking event UK
Post by: Dark Mantis on January 09, 2012, 07:06:59 am
I take it that this itinery is for the Cambridge Event only ?
Title: Re: Dec 28th - 29th LN2 Overclocking event UK
Post by: teknology9 on January 09, 2012, 08:03:26 am
There are plenty of manufacturers who would be interested even if Gigabyte isn't.

Exactly DM, if Aria are getting involved they can see the value of such an event.

The programme looks very good.

Title: Re: Dec 28th - 29th LN2 Overclocking event UK
Post by: topdog on January 16, 2012, 06:02:12 pm
Thanks for the pictures HiVizMan, looks like you all had a great time

I attended the previous meet last summer and enjoyed it thoroughly, I'll try my best to get to one again this year

Good news about providing support for these events, I'm sure these meets will be very popular
Title: Re: Dec 28th - 29th LN2 Overclocking event UK
Post by: runn3R on January 18, 2012, 09:39:07 am
(...) I would have thought Gigabyte could take advantage of this and promote overclocking events etc on its main website and managed through Gigabyte UK(...)

We will definitely