Official GIGABYTE Forum
Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: yorkie on January 21, 2012, 11:20:57 pm
I'm new to the forums and unfortunately in need of help/advice.
I've just put together a new rig, however I am unable to install windows as my old usb dvd-rw isn't recognised in the bios.
I have tried it in both ide and achi mode.
If it helps spec is as follows;
Gigabyte Z68AP-D3
i5 2500k
Corsair force 3 120gb ssd
16gb Kingston hyper-x ddr3 ram
Antec true-power 650w psu
Hope somebody can help and is a simple fix, thanks!
Ok then make sure you have your SSD drive on sata-0 and your DVD RW on say sata-4, Then load optimised default, reboot into bios. Then set your bios to Achi mode, reboot and try load windows.
Hi thanks, my dvd-rw is an external one connected by usb not sata. It is an old IDE drive inside a usb 2.0 enclosure. I have tried booting using f12 to select usb cd-rom but it never detects it. It doesn't show up in the BIOS menu either.?
Connect your usb disk on the USB 2.0 ports (not the blue ones on the back panel).
Ensure that you have enabled "USB Legacy Function" in BIOS.
Thanks, just double checked your suggestions and re-booted, still nothing showing up in the BIOS and when I select boot from USB CD/ROM using F12 it says 'Boot from CD/DVD :' nothing happens the cursor just flashes?
I've just created a bootable zip drive and I get 'missing operating system' ???
Have you tried other options in F12 boot menu, except from USB-CDROM?
Another option to consider is to buy an internal SATA DVD-RW (I know, I don't say something that you don't know ;D ).
Thanks, my brothers having a look to see if his internal dvd-rw is sata rather than ide, if it is i'm going to give that a whirl! I'm just puzzled as to why it doesn't seem keen to read usb devices? Most problems I've had with new builds have been driver issues for things like raid. I've played around with all the settings I can think of, every now and then the dvd drive kicks in as though it is going to start reading the windows 7 disk, and once it did but then crashed, however on reboot nothing happened. >:(
Make sure that your USB external drive is connected up to the rear USB2.0 ports directly and not via a hub. Also make sure that your drive has a power connection.
Thanks, both were connected directly with the dvd-rw being powered by mains adapter. Decided to bite the bullet and went out and bought (got robbed) a sata dvd-rw from pc world. I installed this however then I couldn't get the display to come on. So I cleared CMOS rebooted and success I was able to get into the BIOS and could see the dvd-rw. Selected the boot order and started to load windows 7 got to the bit where it said choose your language and the screen went blank and my monitor switched off. Now I can't get the display to come on, it briefly comes on and says 'no signal' then goes into standby. I have tried clearing cmos and rebooting and changed the connection from the dedicated graphics to the on board hdmi connection, still no joy! This is turning out to be an awful install. Any ideas on why it won't display anything now?
- Corrupt media
- Configuration issue (BIOS, DMI)
- Hardware fault
Swapped gfx card back to my old 4850, now get a display (560ti will have to wait for later to solve), problem now is I can't get windows to install, get an error code saying missing files etc, tried 5x with windows 7 64 bit and 4 x with 32 bit, error code half way through installation each time. Now trying an install with only one stick of ram as reading around some motherboards are fussy, looks like this one is no exception. >:(
It sounds to me like a power problem. I know that you have an Antec True-power 650w but how old is it ?
PSU is one week old (everything internally is brand new)
Update and it gets weirder, I have now managed a complete install with one stick of ram and my old radeon 4850.
After the install I have placed all the sticks of ram back in and the computer continues to work fine (in so much as I have switched on and off numerous times with no issues).
If I swap the gfx card back to the 560ti the monitor comes on and says no signal then goes to standby, bizarrely my usb hdd and speakers which are both powered independently don't switch on???
I then removed the gfx card so none are installed and plugged my monitor into the motherboards hdmi slot (is it as simple as that to use the onboard 2500k gfx?) and the monitor doesn't even come on or go into standby. And for what it's worth my speakers and usb hdd remain off?
Here is the totally bizarre thing I plugged my 4850 back in and nothing, then stupidly realised that I'd not attached the DVI-D cable to the gfx, at this point my speakers and usb hdd were displaying as both switched off (no blue light on front of either), however upon inserting the DVI-D cable naturally the monitor came on, however both the speakers and the hdd powered up???
Going to continue to investigate but confused????
Hiya Yorkie .... been following the fun and games from afar ;) ..... What follows is purely advice ..... not guaranteeing a fix , but if you read on you might agree it's a good start.
You got yourself a Gigabyte Z68AP-D3
i5 2500k
Corsair force 3 120gb ssd
16gb Kingston hyper-x ddr3 ram
Antec true-power 650w psu ..........all pretty well the latest kit ..... then to complement it you have an old IDE read/write (Optical) in a USB2 external enclosure. :o
So the board boots up and amongst the first things it looks for is a SATA Optical drive connected to the board ..... and all it finds is an old IDE drive with a USB2 Enclosure acting as a translator to the not too distant past. ..... adding a current, internal SATA2 or 3 drive to your system will remove several possible faults in one fowl swoop.
And Yes! ...... this could be the root cause to the posted problem...... I have read many posts re X58 to Z68 platforms where IDE drives and opticials mix as well as oil and water ;)
Aussie Allan 8)
Cheers Allan
I tried to mix the oil and water but got nowhere, now I'm trying to mix oil with oil, ufortunately still getting nowhere.
The board never booted up and or found an IDE drive, or a usb drive or a usb zip
I already had a sata 3 drive connected and about 8 hours ago I purchased a sata dvd-rw, this was picked up straight away, my problems now are gfx and ram.
Keep watching sure there will be more fun and games!
Good to hear buddy !
Now you need to hit that little CMOS CLEAR button on the back and treat it like a new build with the right DVD player under the hood ...... seriously, once in , .... load optimized defaults , save and reboot (with one stick in of memory of course) may just fall off your chair :D
Aussie Allan .
I have to ask rather than assume, did you plug the PCIe power connector(s) into the 560 from the PSU?
The board never booted up and or found an IDE drive, or a usb drive or a usb zip
I already had a sata 3 drive connected and about 8 hours ago I purchased a sata dvd-rw, this was picked up straight away, my problems now are gfx and ram.
You didn't mention to start with that the system never booted. Just that the drive wasn't recognised. Make sure that you have the 8 pin 12v ATX plug inserted near the CPU on the mainboard as well as the 24 pin power plug.
Yes there are two 6 pin pci connectors that need plugging in for the 560 ti, just one for the 4850. (Still can' get the 560 ti to put out a signal)
For the onboard graphics should it just be the case of plugging in the monitor to the hdmi slot on the mobo? (I am using a dvi-d to hdmi converter but can't get that to put out a signal too)
Anyway with one stick of ram and using the 4850 I have installed windows, not had chance to play around with it but it looks like it is 'cold booting' if that's the correct term. I left it last night several times displaying the desktop but when I came up 30 minutes later each time it had rebooted itself back to the log in screen. I have put the other sticks of ram back in so may be worth taking them out again to see if they are causing the boot issue.
Next job is to update bios and drivers, ha had enough by last night and so had some beer, which was nice! At work now so will be this evening before I get chance to work on it.
Dark Mantis you are correct in that I didn't say it wouldn't boot originally, it was a typo by me last night, I meant I couldn't get it to load windows not boot, my bad.
OK I understand now re the booting issue.
With the use of the onboard graphics on some boards they will not let you use an adapter for the booting output so I would try to do it without to be safe. You also need to set the BIOS to use that display which is difficult if you can't get a display to work.
Best to go with straight DVI for on-board; HDMI seems hit-or-miss.
Do you have another PSU you could try/borrow? I'm really suspecting it. If you don't have any BSODs in the event log to go with those reboots, it's is almost certainly your PSU.
Best to go with straight DVI for on-board; HDMI seems hit-or-miss.
Problem is on this board there is only the HDMI option. A bit limiting really. :-\
Just updated bios to F6, no problems, started updating drivers all seemed to go smoothly, however then I got a message saying activate windows this isn't a genuine copy or words to those effects (it is a genuine retail copy), then out of blue BSOD, rebooted and BSOD, rebooted asked to activate windows then BSOD, tried this several times no luck! Then final time all fans spin up for a few seconds as well as dvd drive, monitor never switches on, then repeats over and over again without actually booting. >:( Cleared cmos no luck, so currently have power off and battery out, going to give it overnight probably and try again tomorrow. Have to say this mobo is certainly moody! My socket 775 Gigabyte rig that I have just replaced was so sweet and was a breeze to install, I mistakenly thought this one would be easier! ::)
Oh, its rebooting before POST is finished. How many times have you let it cycle before turning off?
The only issue I have with mine is after a BSOD, it will cold-boot during POST 4-6 times (and I have to restore my CMOS settings); perhaps yours is doing something similar and needs to "work it out...eventually".
Let it cold boot about 8 times.
Although it doesn't even post ???
Did you clear CMOS via the jumper?
Fiddlesticks, got the computer to boot up again but windows was corrupted and kept BSOD again, tried reinstalling but no joy keeps coming up with error code: 0x80070002 while installing, unplugged all usb devices other than keyboard and mouse. If I can't get it working by this pm, think I'm going to RMA it.
I believe that's file not found, which may imply bad media or your USB connection is flaky.
That sounds about right. Make sure you are using one of the rear USB 2.0 ports if you are trying to boot from a USB drive. Also make sure that you have all the correct files on the drive.
Just thought I'd do a quick update as I am grateful for all the help and suggestions. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get a stable install. I subsequently went and bought an alternate board in the same price range from Asus. I had a couple of issues with the alternate board whilst installing windows, however on my 2nd installation all went well and it's been up and running now, and has been stable for 36 hours. No matter how hard I try I can't get the 560 ti working on this board either. Don't think it's fried as it briefly put out a display for about 15 seconds on my last attempt at installing windows on the Gigabyte board. Not sure if it's my PSU, although looking at the power consumption of my old 4850 that works flawlessly and that of the 560 ti, there doesn't seem that much difference at idle and only a slight difference under load (not that I've got that far). I've put in a rma for both the mobo and gfx, will be interested as to what the retailer finds when they test. Anyway thanks again! ;)
Final update, the retailer has 'allegedly' tested both the mobo and gfx and agreed they are faulty, obviously I was very unlucky to get two faulty items in one new build! Cheers again ;)
Sounds like you have my bad luck!