Official GIGABYTE Forum

Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: decor on February 09, 2012, 07:43:50 pm

Title: GA-G41MT-S2P rev 1.3 Not detecting/recognizing PCIE Graphics Card
Post by: decor on February 09, 2012, 07:43:50 pm
Hey guys.

As the title says: Not detecting/recognizing PCIE Graphics Card. The monitor just stays black when using the slotted card and the motherboard will not recognize it when using the onboard graphics. I have tried 3 different pcie graphics cards but the one I am trying to use is the NVIDIA GTX 560 Ti. I cant even install the drivers for the cards. I have also checked to see if the 560 Ti would actually work and someone has a similiar build to that.

Intel Core 2 Quad 2.66GHz
GA-G41MT-S2P Rev 1.3
2x4GB (8GB) Corsair 1333Mhz 9-9-9-24 Ram
500w PSU Non Modular
MicroATX HP Case

Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks.
Title: Re: GA-G41MT-S2P rev 1.3 Not detecting/recognizing PCIE Graphics Card
Post by: Rolo42 on February 10, 2012, 05:20:19 pm
What make/model PSU?

How many disk drives are installed?

Do you have the two 6-pin power connectors plugged into the 560?
Title: Re: GA-G41MT-S2P rev 1.3 Not detecting/recognizing PCIE Graphics Card
Post by: decor on February 10, 2012, 07:59:50 pm
What make/model PSU?

How many disk drives are installed?

Do you have the two 6-pin power connectors plugged into the 560?

CiT 500w PSU (yes its not a well known brand but had a low budget)

1 Disk drive is installed

Yes of course :)

I think this problem is sorted now, I have reset the CMOS and cards are recognized. I have ordered a new PSU and case for tommorow.
Title: Re: GA-G41MT-S2P rev 1.3 Not detecting/recognizing PCIE Graphics Card
Post by: Lsdmeasap on February 13, 2012, 08:09:37 am
Great to hear you were able to get the cards recognized by clearing the CMOS, that's always an easy fix!!
Title: Re: GA-G41MT-S2P rev 1.3 Not detecting/recognizing PCIE Graphics Card
Post by: wallet72 on March 08, 2012, 12:37:20 am

    is this a common problem? I had an Radeon 4000 series card working fine with this motherboard, but I've just tried to install a Radeon HD6870 and the motherboard won't detect it at all. I've wiped the CMOS, reset the BIOS and still no luck.

    Any ideas?

Title: Re: GA-G41MT-S2P rev 1.3 Not detecting/recognizing PCIE Graphics Card
Post by: Lsdmeasap on March 08, 2012, 08:06:07 am
Are you using the latest BIOS?  If not please update using Qflash or DOS.  Then once you've updated enter the BIOS and load optimized defaults, then save/apply/reboot BACK to the BIOS.   Once in the BIOS again set your SATA settings, memory voltage, and anything else you need to set, then save/apply/reboot and try to load windows.

If you can't even boot with that card, you may need to do that with an older card, then shut down and install the new card and try again
Title: Re: GA-G41MT-S2P rev 1.3 Not detecting/recognizing PCIE Graphics Card
Post by: wallet72 on March 08, 2012, 10:16:34 am
thanks for the advice.

I've done all that, I've even tried booting with no drives to see if it was a power issue.

Even with the new card installed, the motherboard does not detect it and uses the onboard video.

Got me stumped why the card powers but nothing get detected.

Title: Re: GA-G41MT-S2P rev 1.3 Not detecting/recognizing PCIE Graphics Card
Post by: Lsdmeasap on March 08, 2012, 10:26:07 am
Sorry I didn't mention this before, I wasn't sure if you could even boot and see the BIOS.

Go into the BIOS and then into Advanced Chipset Features BIOS page and set the following

Onboard VGA ..................  Enabled if No PEG
Init First Display ................  PEG

Also, be sure you have the monitor set to how you are connecting VGA, DVI, HDMI, ect.
Title: Re: GA-G41MT-S2P rev 1.3 Not detecting/recognizing PCIE Graphics Card
Post by: wallet72 on March 08, 2012, 10:32:51 am
thanks again,

    got all that done.

    I'm pretty sure I've exhausted all options, so I'm almost sure the card may be faulty - which is a pain because the shop is about 2 hours away :)

Title: Re: GA-G41MT-S2P rev 1.3 Not detecting/recognizing PCIE Graphics Card
Post by: Lsdmeasap on March 08, 2012, 10:45:26 am
Ahh, yes, that should be tested before any further headaches are caused by fighting with it.

You can't test at your work, neighbors, friends, family members, another PC in your house?  Surely you can find somewhere close to test without having to drive 2 hours?!?!