Official GIGABYTE Forum

Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with AMD processors => Topic started by: bulek on February 18, 2012, 02:29:21 pm

Title: ga-870a-usb3:no boot with network card on either PCIE slot
Post by: bulek on February 18, 2012, 02:29:21 pm

I've purchased first motherboard 870a USB3l and appeared it was faulty - occasional freezes etc... Then I replaced it with USB3 (no L) mobo and it's more stable, but still have problems with booting and stability if I have network card in either of PCIE 1x slots.

In this case I mostly don't get first beep (both slots), if I do, then PC freezes after some time (on lower slot).. Also network card doesn't work when everything seems ok. I've taken it out and it works in another WinXP computer normally. When I put it back, problems appear. Same behaviour was also with previous motherboard regarding this matter. At that time I've tried another PS, another memory, nothing helped...

Now I see same problems on new motherboard. Card is PCIE Gigabit card from STLabs : (

- CPU II X2 260 BOX
- Kingston DDR3 4GB PC1333
- GEForce 210 on PCIE x16 slot
- PCIE 4x slot is free

Any advice what to do and what to try ?

Thanks in advance,


Title: Re: ga-870a-usb3:no boot with network card on either PCIE slot
Post by: autotech on February 19, 2012, 04:05:33 am
Seeing as how it does it on both motherboards with that card i would look at the card causing it more than the motherboards.
Title: Re: ga-870a-usb3:no boot with network card on either PCIE slot
Post by: bulek on February 20, 2012, 10:48:28 pm
Seeing as how it does it on both motherboards with that card i would look at the card causing it more than the motherboards.

thanks for response. I've tried the card in another winxp computer and it worked ok for two hours...

I know I should try another pcie card on this mobo, but have no spare to try..


Title: Re: ga-870a-usb3:no boot with network card on either PCIE slot
Post by: bulek on March 12, 2012, 12:59:09 am
Seeing as how it does it on both motherboards with that card i would look at the card causing it more than the motherboards.

thanks for response. I've tried the card in another winxp computer and it worked ok for two hours...

I know I should try another pcie card on this mobo, but have no spare to try..




update: I've found another pcie network card and quite similar problems remain. Although system seems more stable - it still doesn't reboot on cca 3 out of 5 times...

From this point I begin to suspect that there must be something wrong with this mobo...

