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Questions about GIGABYTE products => All other GIGABYTE products => Topic started by: Wilf55 on March 17, 2012, 11:42:47 pm

Title: K8100 Macro Problem
Post by: Wilf55 on March 17, 2012, 11:42:47 pm
I've just started to create macros with my K8100 and the supplied Macro editor, although I've come across a weird issue.

I've created an auto-walk macro for ARMAII that will hold down Shift and W in a loop. The only issue seems to be that the ALT key is also registering as being pressed (This is bound to freelook in the game, so it's not too much of a hassle). When the macro is ended the ALT key does not seem to register as stopping, and continues to loop. This leads to unusual behaviour in other games and Windows.

The most unusual is when in a Windows Explorer window. The behaviour seen is the underline under menu items (That happens when pressing the ALT key) flashes, indicating that the ALT keypress is being registered and cycled multiple times.

Can anyone help with this ? I'll include a listing of the INI file that is created when I export the Macro that I've used.

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