Official GIGABYTE Forum
Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: Budda_357 on April 05, 2012, 08:55:30 am
Hi, Guys
You would think that the tech support people would know their products
First response was could only locate version 1.30.
I had asked some information about the F5 bios update which is suppose to address the PCI-E 3.0 that version 1.30 of this MB does not have.
The question: A further answer required from Gigabyte for the MB's F5 Bios update. Revision 1.0 gets that dual PCI-E 3.0 support through a BIOS update. In addition, I am of the belief that this is not possible to implement the PCIE3.0 specs by BIOS/software updates alone. Does the GA-Z68XP-UD4 revision 1.0 motherboards have PCI-E 3.0 quick switch IC's already fitted.
If these motherboards have PCI-E 2.0 quick switch IC then bios updates are band-aid fixes giving 3.0 graphics cards support running at 2.0 speeds.
The Answer: Thank you for your kindly reply. About the PCIE3.0 issue you mentioned, this mail has been forward to relevant department, our person in charge from related department will confirm, and we will update this mail as soon as the result comes out.
However, if you do not receive any further information after a week, please kindly inform us again, sorry for the inconvenience.
Best Regards,
Is it nice to know this is a family company must be as every answer have received is from some guy called Gigabyte
Quote "our person in charge from related department will confirm"
Bet his name is Gigabyte too
Imagine a court case "calling Mr Gigabyte to the stand" 15,000 plus "I am here Sir"
We provide our name as reference (from now on my name I will be Mr Sum Gigabyte-Consumer) most responses from Tech Departs gives a responders name for reference purposes (well that's my bitch for today)
Does anybody know for sure if the revision 1.0 MB's do have PCI-E 3.0 quick switch IC's already fitted
Thanks in advance
This is only my thought on this subject as I am not 100% sure but I don't think that it has. If you check the motherboard here :
you will notice that on it is porinted in white lettering Dual PCI Express 2.0 and from what I remember of Gigabyte's first steps into this area they were quick enough to splash the PCI Express 3.0 over anything that was remotely concerned.
Hi, Dark Mantis
I also included that link to the V1.0 specs on one of my replies.
They seem to be double dealing putting their heads in the sand hoping it will go away see this link
To me and every other sane person it is saying that all the series 6 MB's have PCI-E 3.0 switch IC's fitted.
MSI appear to be refuting Gigabyte Claims
The ACCC has just won a case against Apple re 4G claims for the Australian Market . Apple are now giving refunds here.
I have already contacted my supplier and preparing an email which will send off tonight and they will forward to the Aussie distributor for Gigabyte In addition, I will cc (not the hidden bcc option) so they can see that also have sent a copy to the ACCC watch dog they have he power by federal legislation to impose (and love doing so) large penalties in Australia for miss leading advertising.
Published: September 9, 2011Posted in: PC News, Technology
MSI has done some digging around and finds an interesting discovery that may put Gigabyte in bit of trouble. Remember a few weeks ago (the Gigabyte PCI-E 3.0 series 6 motherboard support announcement) we learned that all of Gigabyte’s previous line of approximately 40 motherboards would have native PCI-e 3.0 support. Some speculated that they designed the physical layout of the board ahead of time, so that a simple BIOS update would unlock PCI-e 3.0 support.
However, it seems that MSI, using a Ivy Bridge 22nm sample, has discovered that not everything is as Gigabyte claims it to be.
MSI begins by explaining that PCIe support isn’t as easy as laying a wire between the CPU and the slot. It needs specifications-compliant lane switches and electrical components, and that you can’t count on certain Gigabytes for future-proofing.
MSI claims that apart from the G1.Sniper 2, none of Gigabyte’s so-called “Ready for Native PCIe Gen. 3″ motherboards are what the badge claims to be, and that the badge is extremely misleading to buyers.
So, there are “specifications-compliant” lane switches and electrical components that MSI claims are not in accordance to the PCI-e 3.0 specification. And, the only motherboard that has native PCI-e 3.0 support is the G1.Sniper 2. How will Gigabyte refute these claims with such substantial evidence? As puts it, “[it's] Time to refill the popcorn bowl.”
Some photos on what to look for on the Pericon chips
This has been going on for an awful long time now and whilst MSI's evidence seems to make sense I find it hard to believe that Gigabyte would make such an open and easy to prove mistake if it was a simple as that. It would be just courting trouble. Obviously this type of thing comes out sooner or later and all the bulls**t in the world wont help when it does.
Hi, Dark Mantis
I have just received my replacement Asus 560GTX Ti card that failed. It only lasted a number of days :o first problem with a Asus card other than their card utilities.
Over the Easter long weekend I will locate those chips (hope in similar position believe will be adjacent the first x16 slot or somewhere close) and if they are indeed the Pericom chips with a first digit after the E of 2xxx
Will take pictures of the chips & positions if they are 2.0 spec chips used for the Z68XP-UD4 MB then that would confirm what MSI are saying for the 6 series of Gigabyte MB claims.
If they are 2.0 spec IC's Gigabyte will not have a leg to stand on as here was the Pericom press release 9 Sept 2010 if you are interested as gives full part numbers (Chips were available from Dec 2010 so Gigabyte could have and should have used those chips during manufacture)
INTEL DEVELOPER FORUM (IDF), San Francisco, Calif., 2010-09-13 - Pericom Semiconductor Corporation (NASDAQ: PSEM), a leading supplier of high-speed connectivity, timing and signal-conditioning silicon and quartz solutions, today announced families of PCI Express® (PCIe®) 3.0 ReDriver™ signal conditioner, signal switch, clock generation and buffer products. Pericom will be demonstrating its latest PCIe 3.0 solutions at IDF this week, booth #520 in the Moscone Center West, San Francisco, Calif.
The upcoming PCIe 3.0 specification defines operating speeds up to 8Gbps, representing a 60% speed increase from the existing PCIe 2.0 clock speed of 5Gbs, and an almost 100% data speed increase, due to a more efficient encoding scheme. While many 5Gbs systems already required signal conditioning solutions to operate, the new 8Gbs speed will pose even more significant signal integrity issues for both PCB and cable media, which can impact system stability and performance in next generation designs.
To address this issue, Pericom is offering two ReDriver signal conditioners (PI2EQX8804 and PI2EQX8864) developed with PCIe 3.0 technology in mind that can restore signal integrity for system reliability, while also offering simplified design, lower power, reliable and repeatable EQ settings, and lower cost compared to other more complicated solutions. The PI2EQX8804 is pin compatible with its popular 5Gb counterpart (PI2EQX5804), offering further design flexibility and upgrade options for next generation system designers.
Hi Guys
I have been waiting for a response from Gigabyte tech support management on PCIE-3.0 switch IC’s that gigabyte advertise that all 6 series are compliant.
So I had to replace my card so I checked for myself
Now the definite sad news for all you Z68XP-UD4 Rev 1.0 MB's that thought they were they are not fully PCI-E 3.0 compliant as the BS GIGABYTE claim
In addition, If as in one thread Gigabyte management has said that the V1.3 MB's have identical components then these boards are also not compliant and I would say 99% of the series 6 MB’s are not
Here is a link to a post that have pictures for my Z68XP-UD4 for confirmation re MSI claims,8688.0.html (,8688.0.html)