Official GIGABYTE Forum

Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: Rooky on May 05, 2012, 06:40:12 pm

Title: Touch Bios Hybrid Problem
Post by: Rooky on May 05, 2012, 06:40:12 pm
I would be grateful for any help regarding a self imposed problem!
I have a new build which, after some pci problems, has worked well until I tried to install a second HD  (WD 2GB). When I booted after the install I got the message “BTRMGR is missing” I tried to run Windows Recovery Environment but as I have a self installed OEM W7 I can’t find a way of doing this as it did not come with a recovery disk.
I then, recklessly, went into the BIOS settings. One article I read suggested that if there was an option to “set safe defaults” I should choose it. The GA-Z68 PUD3 BIOS has a similar option (can’t remember the exact phrase but it is in the advanced options.)
I selected this and now I can’t get past a Logo which says” Touch Bios Hybrid EFI Technology “ I can’t get into the BIOS or Windows Safe mode and the logo sits there indefinitely.
I know this is a lesson on how NOT to go about solving issues but I would be very grateful if anyone can offer any help.

GA-768 P-UD3 MB
Intel i5 overclocked 2500
OCZ 750 power supply
Intel 240GB SSD
W7 64bit OEM
The drive I was trying to install is WD 2TB SATA 6GBS
Title: Re: Touch Bios Hybrid Problem
Post by: Gloup_Gloup on May 06, 2012, 07:13:32 am
Hi Rooky,

Have you a motherboard : GA-Z68XP-UD3?
If yes, for Bios, read your manual at this link :

Where your OS system is installed? At the first Hard Disk... or on  the second Hard Disk (2Tb)... ?

About  BTrMGR is missing...
Run Repair tools include in dvd Windows install.

Title: Re: Touch Bios Hybrid Problem
Post by: Rooky on May 07, 2012, 06:45:18 pm
Many thanks for your reply. My main problem at the moment is I can't get as far as the bios settings. When the board tries to boot it only gets as far as a full screen Logo which says: " Touch Bios Hybrid EFI Technology" If I press any keys coured vertical bars appear at the top of the screen but nothing else happens.  I wonder if the bios is waiting for a touch screen response (which I don't have)? It is impossible to complete the boot, go into the bios or safe mode.
Until I solve this problem I can't really make any progress. Any thoughts?


Title: Re: Touch Bios Hybrid Problem
Post by: Dark Mantis on May 07, 2012, 08:26:11 pm

A bit of a mess at the moment.

Try using a PS2 keyboard if you possibly can. If not use a USB keyboard on one of the rear USB2.0 ports.

All you needed to do was to go into the BIOS and select your old hard drive as the boot drive as it was trying to boot from the new drive  expect.