Official GIGABYTE Forum

Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: latwelve on August 29, 2012, 04:00:59 pm

Title: Z77 DS3H - won't boot - struggles to get to bios - help me troubleshoot.
Post by: latwelve on August 29, 2012, 04:00:59 pm
Hi, I need some help...

I've had a

Z77 DS3H, 2x8gb of Ram and a 3570k i5 Ivy running stable for around 3 weeks on a 128gb SSD.

Not overclocked - Latest firmware before install... nothing out the usual.

This morning I went to power up and the computer just kept restarting every 5/10 seconds and looping like this until I turned it off. I dont have a case speaker so cant hear the beeps.

I unplugged everything and just left the bare essentials in. Turns out with 1 piece of RAM installed it works fine... if I have 2 in it will do the same thing again.

I memtested both bits of ram separately in slot 1 and they gave no errors.... where do I go from here and why is it doing this!! super random.

Sounds like this post but no outcome?,9217.0.html
Title: Re: Z77 DS3H - won't boot - struggles to get to bios - help me troubleshoot.
Post by: ysw521 on August 30, 2012, 03:31:39 am
you have updated to F8 bios?
you can try to clear CMOS and then load optiomized default to check it agin?
where did you plug your memory modues? in white color slots?
Title: Re: Z77 DS3H - won't boot - struggles to get to bios - help me troubleshoot.
Post by: latwelve on August 30, 2012, 02:16:21 pm
white first yes then tried blue... theres no reason for them not to work as they were working for a few weeks before this random error and the system isn't oc'd and stable with just the 1 stick now - ive checked in the bios and the memory is running at correct mhz and volts.

im also on f8 now and reset the bios with no joy.
Title: Re: Z77 DS3H - won't boot - struggles to get to bios - help me troubleshoot.
Post by: ysw521 on August 31, 2012, 03:17:11 am
what's your memory speed? if it is 1600 or higher, the bios default may be 1333. if you set it to run as 1600 or the speed that marked in your memory module, it means you oc the memory.
you may try to load optimzed default to check.
Title: Re: Z77 DS3H - won't boot - struggles to get to bios - help me troubleshoot.
Post by: Wentworth on September 08, 2012, 10:08:37 pm
Do not ungrade BIOS if the original works fine.  Most problem comes with over ungrading the BIOS which are set for more performant MTB's with different specs.  If you have a MTB with maximum 16GB RAM and upgrade to a BIOS that has a maximum 32GB initialization it will create problems.  The RAMS need to be the very same model.  Please avoid the "Value RAM" type and try to stick to what the Gigabyte site has tested.  RAM's have sometime little difference in latency caused by amperage and voltage.  System RAM's are becoming very specific to each MTB and CPU.  So you check first which are approved by the MTB then you check which one from that list is approved by Intel.  It seems that you have a problem with the slot inself, it might not retain a stable voltage.  It is the very same with power supplies.  Cheers