Official GIGABYTE Forum
Questions about GIGABYTE products => Motherboards with Intel processors => Topic started by: KRIZ on September 02, 2012, 01:10:29 am
Hey all I just purchased two x79-ud3 mb's with two new giga hd7870 oc cards (750w psu) and am not able to get any output from the grfx.I have installed my old gtx260 and out put is as normal. i have to 2 different giga 7870's and two mb's neither have any output through the cards off either mb's.
steps i have taken already
1 check output assignments in bios for pci slots it states pciex16 1 as the first output.
2 check bios version from setup says F11 but will confirm via windows
3 drivers were preinstalled from the disc with the cardbefore installing the card with no change.
Could i be unlucky enough to have recieved 2 dud cards or is it likely a setting that is not correct ?
any advice greatly appreciated.
I couldnt find an edit option but more to add, i have currently got my 260 running on the new board in pci slot161 but the 7870 wont, i just bread boarded enogh of my prior system to see if i can get basic grfx thru it and it works fine?? Is there any mb /bios setting that could be ignoring it ? I have had a smaller card running and scanned for new hardware with the 7870 installed and connected via a 2nd monitor and the system wouldnt recognize its existance. Frustrating :)
I have just gone through a similar pain barrier, with my GA-X79-UD3, it cost me £28 from the supplier to get the graphics card tested.
Anyhow my problem was created and solved by be.
After building a new PC I always test, run and build on the kitchen table so that I can see everything working and test for water leaks and bleed the CPU water cooling system.
I use an old CRT monitor for this, which of course in the past for lower spec MoBo’s with lower spec graphic cards has worked fine.
As you know the GA-X79-UD3 is a very high spec board demanding a high spec graphics card, all which must be matched to a pretty high spec LCD monitor.
So after my graphics card was returned having been checked out as all fine I hooked it all up to my dual high spec LCD monitors in the study and guess what….it all worked fine….silly me hey?
Best of luck
Memory Man
Im running a Samsung syncmaster sa350 it has hdmi inputs and i got no joy in using it, having said that the card is table mounted in my 4 y/o giga board outputing thu a dvi adapter and vga cable to the oldest monitor i have cicra 2005..... I am yet to testthe card by hooking the sung to the rig i have thrown together to see if has an output signal in that setup.
cheers for the info tho :)
Wow what a disaster as far as sytems go i have never seen two systems fail in the exact same way out of the box..........
I have been using gigabyte products mainly mother boards for the past 4 yrs building 15 or so systems for friends and family and never had such an anoying issue and so little feedback from a manufacturer. Why would an ati card be such a pig to get running on this board.
Surely someone out there in gigabyte land has a solution or is the support for the product just an illusion ? ???
Anybody got an idea????? :'(
Hi Kriz,
Firstly have you contacted GGTS with your problem ? I know yopu are moaning about no help so I guess that you have but in case you haven't here are the details:
Please expect several days for a reply.
Personally I would be looking at the power inputs. The main difference between the cards that you have tried is that the newer ones require a fair bit of juice to work properly. Check the power cables to the cards (I expect one 8 pin and one 6 pin) and make sure that they are both working ok. If your PSU is multi track for the 12v try using two different tracks to feed the card.
hey dark sorry for the sad face,
Ihave contacted the giga guys and yes I got a reply but it was fairly run of the mill feedback ,but that was np to me. I have been put in contact with a rep via email personally by the supplier I purchased the system from and forwarded a ton of info waiting for a reply to confirm card bios version is not an issue. The problem is a recognition issue between the mb ad card it seems , or a ram issue ,ihave only 2 sets of ram ( ddr 3) on hand both the same make speed but it tests out fine using memtest and running on various speeds. I have bios flashed the mb from f8 to f10 and back to f11 as delivered no change, Icant get the catalyst drivers to install with any success on these systems as well using all the known tricks??? It's kinda ballbreaking to go thru so much for what should be mostly P&P. A better understanding of what could be causing the lack of recog would maybe show up a simple fault been hoping some one with a similar issue would read this and save my sanity :).
Ill post what fixes it even if it proves a simple fix.
Hi again,
Well I would say just use any of your memory sticks in the first slot. Just one and see if that helps. If not try another one. Unlikely that none of your RAM sticks will work with the card/motherboard.
Clean the CMOS by removing the battery for a couple of hours after unplugging from the mains and discharging by pressing the on switch.
Load Optimised BIOS Defaults and any other settings that you want to change.
Make sure that you remove any vestiges of the graphics drivers and then instal the latest versions. Download them from AMD's website so you know they are clean.
Will try the battery removal for an hour all other options you listed have been covered once (or ten :) ) ,drive sweeper, cc files. tried 12.6, 12.8 , and the rc vers. from the giga site as well. tried removing the cc++ files and seeing if the suite would find it and update but no joy.
It seems that all my focus has been on software but the first hurdle is just to get the mb to output basic vga thru the card even without an OS from there i think it will be stock startup procedure. Gigabyte queried the bios version on the card and board if needed Iwill try a diff bios on the card but only at their request.
cheers for the response
I've got a similar issue with a different board, here:,9704.msg73684.html (,9704.msg73684.html)
I'll let you know if I am able to find a solution, I'd be greatful if you could do likewise! Good luck!!
tried battery removal to ensure good cmos reset ... no difference will contact supplier today and request return and replacement if it cant be resolved , this is the longest ive had to wait just to get a system running. Sullyies the name a bit but all business is built on backup of the product and it seems here in aus that it takes the same amount of time needed to make people switch brands. Great forum guys even though it hasnt been able to spawn an answer.
Either way i will post the outcome
once again cheers for the replies and input DarkMantis
Update the giga techs are establishing a bios for my systems not sure exactly of the fault but will see.
Awesome, do let us know if it fixes your problem. I can't seem to get anything back from Gigabyte yet and I contacted them 3 days ago. Did you just contact them through their support form on the website?
Giga have requested the return of the cards as a result of their tests with my system build yielding no faults.
I am hoping after spending so much time trying to resolve it they will just replace them so i can get on with enjoying the upgrade :)
Will post what I find out if anything .
Giga have requested the return of the cards as a result of their tests with my system build yielding no faults.
I hope it works out for you. My supplier did the same (replaced the card), but still didn't solve the problem. I've organised for my whole rig to go back for further testing. Will post the result.
Update.... Ive taken both systems to another tech centre ( competitors of mine) for evaluation .. no posts with the cards in either system , I jacked up at dismantling the systems and returning them to gigabyte for testing over exchanging the cards for 2 nvidia based cards which have been found to work fine on the boards during tests. I am a bit disapointed though as it looks like i will be stung a restocking fee and dragged through the returns process which is going to cost me money regardless. Its a shame that gigabyte havent been able to shed any light on the problem ,having said that They must have tried a few things with similar hardware but couldnt get a neg result. The rep i was put in contact with never answered any of my queries directly only through the supplier who im probly going to remove from my lists as a result of the run around they have put me through. I love the products and this is the first time ive had hardware issues that havent been esaily resolved by tweeks or fast replacement , I was hoping the guys would see the efforts i have made and just swap out the cards from ati to nvid so i could get on with it and get paid but as it is they are a flat line....
Im sure this doesnt help many here but the process has taught me heaps importantly its not what you buy but who you buy from. Compatibility can be an issue regardless of information at times !Time to wait and see if gigabyte will kick in and sort it.
Best of luck Kriz. Hope you get a positive outcome. I sent my whole rig away to the supplier and it turns out the problem was a SECOND faulty 7870. Very disappointing as now I have serious doubts about the quality of the card.
I have to say also that GB support did not help me AT ALL. Not even a response to my support tickets. Very poor show from them.
I guess I could fault gigabyte as the manufacturer but my pain comes from the supplier.I have requested 2 nvidia based cards to replace the ati's I had ,not that ati based cards are substandard but two cards of consecutive sno's with issues leaves a bad taste in your mouth. It appears to be compatibility thats caused my grief but that means nothing when the manufacturer says no its definitely compatible hardware. They offered to resolve it but it meant stripping out 2 complete systems and returning for the sake of just replacing the cards to have me sorted. Theyre returned for now with a request for credit and resupply of 2 660's which may fail as well but i doubt it. Ive read the board has a lot of good features but is in the lower end spec of the chipset range so its missing something, but when you look at the prices of the x79 boards it seems to be good value for features.
Here in Australia giga byte neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeds to set up a phone service for its products and issues would im sure be resolved so much faster.
This thread hasnt produced a lot of answers for myself but it may be a point of interest for others who have gigabytes ear so to speak :)
2 gigabyte gtx 660 ti oc cards installed and crackin not much else to add, the 7870's just didnt like the setup I guess.
Thanks for the advice from all who replied :)