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Motherboards with AMD processors / Re: Aorus x670E Master and Bios Hell!
« Last post by Bobins on March 06, 2024, 08:48:45 pm »
At 6400 I've run memtest86 for 24hrs and the memory reports no errors so the issues with the bios doesn't seem to be memory related. I've tried running it without XMP and I still have problems.
I've narrowed the audio/video stuttering specifically to the use of the default "auto" setting in the fan type when a manual fan profile is used.
If I use a manual fan profile (controlling my pump speed and setting the fan speeds dependant on water temperature) with the fan type set to "auto" i get the audio buzz and video stutter. If I set the fan type to the exact fan type (PWM or Vol) the the problem goes away.
This bios is unstable though. The motherboard doesn't always sleep or shutdown properly needing a complete power down to recover. I can tell when this state is present because the onboard LEDs stay illuminated when the system is off despite the bios setting in bios for LEDs Off when powered down.
Sometimes on boot the network isn't detected. This is only solved if I go into bios and use F10 to exit without making any changes.
Sometimes the system won't boot with a windows BSOD reporting ACPI BIOS Error  :'(

Gigabyte say I can regress the bios back to an earlier version but I'm nervous about this because I've heard of others bricking their system trying it.
I'm beginning to wonder if the motherboard itself is suspect.

Motherboards with AMD processors / Re: Aorus x670E Master and Bios Hell!
« Last post by dmdilks on February 23, 2024, 01:31:18 pm »
My memory is Corsair Vengeance DDR5 7000. When I bought the memory, I knew I would not get a speed of 7000 using XMP as this was an AMD platform not Intel.

This means the bios versions after v13d have all reduce my system performance and caused system instability.

There is the problem memory. I have said this in past and saying it again. Faster memory doesn't really run any faster then the base speed of the memory. I buy the lowest speed memory if can with the lowest cache too. 

The only time you will really see any speed in memory is on a server. The normal person is not going see a difference between 4800 to 7000 memory. Just run your memory at base speed and see what happens. Turn off the XMP.

I have been dealing with memory for ever. My first memory was PC66. You know it might not be the Bios. It could be the memory. Plus on the GCC when I 1st install it before I update anything. I uncheck things like the Bios update. I only use it to install drivers. After that it is turn off. That way you don't run into any problems.

Any time I do any fan adjustment it is in the Bios. On fast boot I never use it. I really don't care if takes a few extra seconds to boot. So what I'm going to say start at the basic settings. You not going to see any system performance change.

One more thing the base speed is 4800. When you go in and change it to the XMP. You are now OC'ing the memory. What I would try is run 1 stick at a time to see if it is memory.     

Motherboards with AMD processors / Re: Aorus x670E Master and Bios Hell!
« Last post by Bobins on February 22, 2024, 10:05:04 am »
I didn't want to update my bios and GCC decided it was going to do it when GCC got updated.

After extensive testing I ended up in a situation where the motherboard would not even boot. This necessitated a complete CMOS reset.
I have discovered that the instability is related to memory and that if Fast Boot is selected and there is a memory issue, instead of the bios reporting the error, it hangs. The only way to get out of this situation is the CMOS reset.

My memory is Corsair Vengeance DDR5 7000. When I bought the memory, I knew I would not get a speed of 7000 using XMP as this was an AMD platform not Intel.
With bios v13d, a memory test would run 24hrs stable at 6800 (XMP) with memory voltage/timing settings on Auto.
With bios v13 the system seemed generally stable but with occasional BSODs.
With bios v21 the system was totally unstable and almost unbootable.
With bios v22b it boots but regularly BSODs. In all cases the BSOD error changed every time.

I have gone back to testing and discovered that the bios versions after 13d will not run my memory at 6800. Indeed, it won’t run at 6600 either. I’ve had to drop the speed to 6400 to get stability.
This means the bios versions after v13d have all reduce my system performance and caused system instability. ☹

Also, any setting of a manual fan profile in the bios or using GCC causes a buzzing noise and video stuttering at about 5 second intervals in playback of any video file. If the fan profile is set at default, this doesn’t happen.
If bios is set to a standard fan profile and GCC set to manual start, the buzzing doesn't occur but as soon as you start GCC and it loads the Performance file, buzzing problem occurs.

I need to use a manual fan profile to adjust my water pump speed by water temperature.

Gigabyte say I should be able to revert back to bios v13d but I'm nervous. Can't risk bricking the system. Has anyone here experience of reverting their bios?

Of course the store did not have another Sapphire RX 6700 Pulse to test and why should they. 6700 seems to be stopped producing as I found almost no stock in any shop.
But If they had it will work good probably. Do not forget that my initial card was a same model sapphire rx6700 pulse again and after using it for 1,5 year the fan got burned they replaced it with that buggy one.

Yesterday I went again to the store and returned the GPU with the excuse that it does not work specifically on any Gigabyte Aorus Elite V2 B550, hopefully to force them test on that motherboard. Before that I asked the guy to do a testing and put the card to a "recent" system. He had a system with an ASUS mobo and an Intel i5-115XX. The GPU booted flawlessly to this system (so another motherboard to count).
The check was to see in CPU-Z if the card is identified as x16 or x8 on a "working system". Of course the test passed successfully.

The card seems to work on any MB except that specific Gigabyte model. I didn't have any other Gigabyte MOBO to test if this is a generic problem with all Gigabytes.

I understand what your saying. Did the store try another sapphire card to see if it is the card. The same card as yours? RX-6700. If it isn't working on 3 different MB then the issue is the card. I think what you said the card work on they MB's but not yours or your friends.
Hi dmdilks and thanks for the answer.

1st let me update that today I got the mobo replacement. Now it's the same Aorus Elite V2 but rev1.2 (I had rev 1.1)
Plugged the card but...again 4 beeps. This is the 3rd Aorus Elite V2 that this GPU card doesn't like to cooperate.

I understand your story but in my case I had a Sapphire AMD Radeon RX6700 10GB Pulse on my Gigabyte Aorus Elite V2 from 1 and a half year now and working perfectly fine. Store exchanged it with a new one after the fan got burned it does not work....the same GPU card!
The thing is this is a user to user forum. This isn't official support forum. Yes it is a Gigabyte forum. But isn't support from Gigabyte. There are only few US that do check here and there to see if there is any new topics.

I had something like this just happen to me. I had Gigabyte RTX-2070 on a board a ASRock B550M Pro SE. I had a EVGA RTX-2070 card I took forum a working Intel board. I put it on the AsRock board. The computer won't boot to the Bios screen. I had change the memory from 16gb to 32gb at the same time. Play around with the memory. I went back to 16gb of memory. The computer booted fine into windows.

But the computer acting funny. Mouse was freezing up and things didn't seam right. I put back the Gigabyte card and everything was fine. Put the EVGA card back into the intel computer everything was fine. Swap around the cards again and the same thing happen. The board just doesn't like the EVGA card.

There are times things just don't match up.
1 more update. A friend of mine has exactly the same mobo Aorus Elite B550 V2.

And it's not working at his PC either! The monitor stays black with no signal output. This situation going to make me crazy. He has an RX6600 which works perfectly fine, but this specific RX 6700 seems that it doesn't work on Aorus Elite B550 V2 like it's blacklisted.
1st of all it's really fun that we are on official Gigabyte forums and all these days there is no official representative to suggest or help with the issue. This is really fun (NOT).

So I send the mobo as RMA to the store I bought it. The guy helped out and tested with 3 GPUs that he had available. The mobo works perfectly fine.

3 service centers, and they have tried 5 or 6 GPUs (2 service centers from the store I bought the GPU and 1 from where I bought the mobo). Some GPUs that have been tried are
nvidia 1080
nvidia 4070
nvidia 3060
AMD 6500...
I don't know their brands. All of them are working PERFECTLY fine with my mobo.

It's now obvious now that the mobo has NO HW issue BUT there is something that makes the current mobo with the replacement GPU Incompatible! Of course in such case you are the unlucky guy out of a 1.000.000 people and gigabyte won't even try to help. That is a lesson to be learned for my next mobo after 6-7 systems using gigabyte.

I am lucky because the service guy from the mobo store had just received an B550 Elite V2 as a replacement for another customer and he exchanged the 2 mobo. I am waiting for the "new one" (not really new) to check.
Motherboards with AMD processors / Re: Aorus x670E Master and Bios Hell!
« Last post by shadowsports on February 16, 2024, 11:57:40 pm »
Sorry to hear of your issues.  I'm not one to upgrade if I'm stable.  I use default fan control in BIOS.  Love how quiet my system is.  The fans on my GPU rev up a little when I'm rendering photos or video, but that's about it.  I have a small radiator and low RPM case fans that are very quiet. 

I don't think you can downgrade without risk of bricking.  Its not worth it.   Open a ticket with eSupport.  Hopefully the problems will get addressed.     
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