Official GIGABYTE Forum

Computer with no video output

Computer with no video output
« on: January 29, 2013, 03:45:13 pm »
Hi guys.

I recently bought a desktop computer used form a friend of mine, supposedly in working condition. When I plugged in the PSU, connected the HDD, switches, etc, and inserted the graphics cards, though, I had no video output from the machine. My monitor didn't receive a signal.

The motherboard is a Gigabyte EX58-UD3R rev. 1.6, and it uses two ATI Hydravision 4650 Graphics cards.

The first thing I thought of was a bad power supply, but I tested it with a DMM and all the outputs were good. However, in case it was a problem with fluctuations, I tried a known-working PSU from another computer and it still did not work. I've tried resetting the CMOS, removed the CMOS battery to make sure it wasn't dead, I've tried every orientation of the two graphics cards (one, then the other, then both, swapped between each slot) with no success. I also cleaned the pins on the cards, and did my best to clean the connectors on the board, but again, to no avail. I don't have a PCI card, so I can't test it that way, at least at this point. I'm keeping my eyes open, but I figured I'd ask you guys to see if you have any ideas. I've tested the graphics cards to make sure they still work (put them in a different computer and it worked fine), and I've talked to a couple of the computer nuts here at the university where I work. They're all stumped by the problem.

When the computer starts up, all the lights come on, the fans start up, you can hear the HD spinning, and it gives one short beep signaling that everything else is ok. It sounds like it POSTs just fine, but there is no video out from the graphics cards.

Any thoughts on this?

Thanks for the help!