Hello everyone!
First, my english is a bit rusty, so pls bear with me.
Second, im kinda new in mounting new computers... ok lets go
The system is a H77-DS3H, with a i5 3470, and a pair of 4gb patriot PGD38G1600ELK, no speaker.
Ive assembled it, turned it on and no post, it was rebooting after 4 or so seconds, and nothing showed up in the screen, ive let it reboot a few times and nothing, so ive striped it of everything non critical, only the processor was left (yeah, no memory), the reboot continued, but now at about 10 seconds... ive tested the psu, and it was ok, i wasnt going to test another processor or the i5 cuz i didnt have extra thermal paste available (and thank goodnes i didnt test em, it would be a wasted work)... so ive sent it back to the retailer, and they tested it and sent them back to me, cuz it was a OK.
With the pieces back ive reassembled it and tested again, no luck, same problem, ive even tested the power switch, and the chassis for short circuit.
Ive researched a bit in the internet and found someone, jon doe (i dont remember his user name), with the exact same problem, but diferent equipment, he discovered that his issue were a bad memory, so far ive been testing my system without memory modules installed, yeah... i thought (and jon doe was with me) that even without a memory module present the system would stay turned on, which didnt happen... i grabed my nearest pc and used its memory for test, and it worked followed by a corrupted bios being auto-fixed...
1st question: is this, the constant system restart, a normal behaviour with no memory or faulty memory installed?
i definitely need a speaker...
I went into testing the patriot memory pair, the culprit, i tested it in another system, a Z77 mobo, and it worked

I went to patriots homepage to check for compatibility, and all it says is "tested on Z77 and PsomeNumber chipsets"...
2nd question: beyond checking for frequency, is it a normal requirement to check for chipset compatibility with memories?
I have realized (as i typed this topic) i may have not let the mobo restart "enough" times for compatibility with the patriot memory pair which brings me to my 3rd question...
3rd question: How many times should i let the mobo try for compatibility with memory and when do i know it was given enough tries?
I will be runing precisely two more tests (cant think of anymore possible tests which i havent done), for mobo and processor integrity, and maybe a third if i feel a bios update may be deemed necessary.
thanks and sory for the long post...